2017 casino

2017 casino


Used to be Ruedastandard figures

CommandActionWhenReasonel ceroChangedThe version previously called el cero is now called cero con giro &#; because we learned that another version of cerois more common among the Cubans, and we now use this new version for cero.croqueta y aspirinaRenamedThis figures may be called using other commands (enchufla y sacala > siguelo). It also turned out to be a rather home made name, and conflicting with a more common croqueta figure.vacílala completaRemovedNot very much in use, and does not appear to be a very standard combinationamistad complícateRemovedNot very much in use, and does not appear to be a very standard combinationpaseala por BayamoRemovedNot very much in use, and does not appear to be a very standard combinationconsorteRemovedNot very much in use, and does not appear to be a very standard figureseis y nueveRemovedNot very much in usela prima cruzadaRemovedCasino figure, not very much in use, and does not appear to be a very standard figurecangrejoRemovedCasino figure, not very much in use, and does not appear to be a very standard figureBayamo por MatanzaRemovedCasino figure, not very much in use, and does not appear to be a very standard figurequédatelaRemovedCasino figure, not very much in use, and does not appear to be a very standard figureenróscateRemovedCasino figure, not very much in use, and does not appear to be a very standard figuretienda de sombrerosRemovedHome made combination, difficult to remember and not very much in useel ochoRemovedNot much in use, and different ways of dancing the figure… con sonRemovedThe figure was difficult to implement the way it was planned… con puenteMoved to vocabularyNot much in use as a specific command. (Not to be confused with el puente and puente doble)la madreRemovedSimilar to foto which is closer to the Cuban tradition, no need for two almost identical commandsla prima semi tia tres, cincoRemovedMay be called with combining commands: &#;la hermana y cadeneta > quédate&#; or &#;familia y cadeneta > quédate&#;arcoirisRemovedNot much in use, quite difficult and not too typically cuban styleel platoRemovedNot much in use, and very similar to the figure pelotala rueda!Moved to vocabularyNot a typical command, more a way of telling people that a rueda is startingtobilloMoved to vocabularyMore an improvised touch of the partners ancle, similar to other words in the vocabularyvamos abajoChangedThe command was replaced by to two other commands, to avoid confusion.
  1. adentro y afuera (the lady going in and out of the circle while moving forward)
  2. abajo (tiempo España) (the lady going straight forward)
PaulitoRemovedThe figure was hardly in useenchufla con claveRemovedThe figure was difficult to fit with the clave in the musicaltérnateRemovedA bit difficult, after 10 years the women still didn&#;t remember this one..recoge el caboRemovedThe figure was hardly in usebiquini Moved to vocabularyNot a typical command, may be used instead of the number 2 in different settingsun giro Moved to vocabularyNot a typical command, more a general term for turningpaseala p&#;abajoRenamedRefers to figure in closed position (named adentro y afuera today). The command was replaced by vamos abajo due to confusion with the command paseala in open position. (Vamos abajo was changed again in )setenta y sieteRemovedThe figure was hardly in useEvelynRemovedThe figure was not much in usemanteca&#;o dobleDividedSplit: manteca&#;o (command) and doble (vocabulary, and later general command)tarro hasta la tuyaDivided / removedThe figure was not much in use, tarro (command) was kept, hasta la tuya was removedcastígalaRemovedThe figure was not much in use, and was danced in several different ways
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