Black widow casino

Black widow casino





Achievement / Trophy



Complete Ring-a-Ding-Ding!

Silver Silver25 Gamerscore

Ring-a-Ding-Ding! is a main quest in&#;Fallout: New Vegas.

Quick walkthrough[]

Main Quest: Ring-a-Ding-Ding!&#;
Speak to Swank at the reception desk when first entering The Tops Casino.&#;
Present a combination of 3 Speech checks(15/30/45)/pieces of evidence and Swank will distract Benny to let you search his room for evidence.&#;Confront Benny on the Casino floor.&#;
Search his room for evidence.&#;Kill Benny.&#;Use the Black Widow perk to spend the night alone with him.&#;Go to the presidential suite with or without Benny.&#;
Talk to Yes Man and learn about the platinum chip.&#;Kill Benny in his sleep or leave him alone.&#;Survive the ambush.&#;
Leave the Tops casino.&#;
Reward: XP, Achievement / Trophy&#;
Leads to: Things That Go Boom, Render Unto Caesar,
The House Always Wins II or Wild Card: Change in Management&#;

Detailed walkthrough[]

Reaching Benny[]

The quest begins immediately after locating Jessup in the Boulder City ruins and learning that Benny returned to the Tops casino in New Vegas with the platinum chip.

Reaching the gate into New Vegas through Freeside, entrance to the Strip can be achieved through three different ways:

Alternatively, by using a faction disguise or having a Liked or higher reputation with the New California Republic, the monorail between Camp McCarran and the Strip via the Las Vegas Boulevard Station can be used, bypassing Freeside entirely.

Upon first entering the Strip via any of the above methods, Victor appears again and advises that the player character go to see Mr. House before heading to the Tops, triggering the start of the The House Always Wins quest chain. If seen before confronting Benny, Mr. House will direct the Courier to speak with Swank for help against Benny.

Confronting Benny[]

Once at the Tops, the manner of dealing with Benny and the chip can happen in a few different ways:

  1. Speak with Swank at the reception desk and tell him about Benny's plans. Convincing him requires either a series of increasingly difficult Speech checks (15, 30, and 45) or showing one or more of 3 pieces of physical evidence that can be found during They Went That-a-Way: a distinctive cigarette butt from the Goodsprings Cemetery, a written note from Novac, and an engraved cigarette lighter acquired during Boulder City Showdown. Alternatively, one can also share knowledge of Yes Man if they went ahead and entered Benny's suite on the 13th floor of the Tops.
    • Passing the 3 checks or giving the 3 pieces of evidence will convince Swank that Benny needs to be taken care of, and if they did not find Yes Man before speaking to him, he sends the player to investigate Benny's suite. He will give the player character the key and return all of their weapons that were confiscated when entering the casino. After finding Yes Man and returning to Swank, depending on dialogue choices Swank can help the player to deal with Benny.
      • After speaking with Swank, Benny can be openly attacked while he is on the casino floor without turning the entire Tops hostile.
      • Swank can be asked to help the Courier to kill Benny. He will arrange for Benny to go back to his suite, allowing the Courier to confront him without any of his bodyguards present.
      • The Courier can also tell Swank that they're going to try and make a deal with Benny. The quest will direct them to speak with Benny on the casino floor, and after this point the quest is functionally the same as speaking with Benny without first helping Swank investigate him, however new dialogue will be available.
  2. Benny can be approached on the casino floor without first speaking to Swank. He will be surprised at the player's survival, asking them to not make a scene. Benny then gives the player the key to the Tops presidential suite as a comp, saying that he wants to discuss the platinum chip in private, asking the player to go into the suite first so it looks less suspicious. The player can go along with his plan, or by passing a Speech check of 60 convince Benny to go to the presidential suite with the player immediately, or by using a Black Widow dialogue option to go to his personal suite instead. There is also a Barter check of 35 that can be used to receive a cap bonus before heading to the suite.
    • If the player agrees to go to the presidential suite without passing the speech check for Benny to immediately join them, upon arrival, Benny will contact them over the intercom next to the elevator. He tells them that he has no intention of coming up to the suite. From here, a Speech check of 35 and another one of 50 can be used to convince Benny that the Courier will no longer pursue him or interfere with his plans, otherwise, Benny will send up his bodyguards to kill them.
    • If the Courier passes the Speech check of 60 to get Benny to accompany them up to the Tops presidential suite he will make an offer, and inform the player of his full plan. The player can kill him in the suite, which will not turn the casino hostile and means that they do not have to fight his bodyguards. However, if Benny is allowed to leave the suite peacefully, he will send his four bodyguards to the suite to try and kill the player. If the player kills Benny after choosing dialogue to let him leave peacefully, they will still be ambushed by his bodyguards.
      • Killing Benny after choosing to let him leave peacefully allows the player access to the Tops sub-basement, which is normally inaccessible to the player. The elevator in the maintenance corridor off of Benny's suite is scripted to unlock as he leaves the presidential suite, and if he is killed before leaving then the script to lock it again will not be used.
    • If the player character is female and has the Black Widow perk, it is possible to convince Benny to wait for them at his personal suite. Once there, he can either be killed immediately, slept with then killed in his sleep, or slept with and allowed to live. If the Courier sleeps with him and does not kill him, Benny will be gone in the morning and will have left a note.
  3. Physically confront Benny on the main casino floor. If Swank was not convinced of Benny's guilt, this option will turn the entire Tops hostile.
  4. If Benny is spoken with, and the Courier then leaves the Tops without completing any of the above options, he will flee the Strip.

If Benny is killed in the Tops, then the quest is completed when they retrieve the platinum chip from his body. If Benny survives his confrontation with the player, he will flee the Strip, and the player will be directed to speak with either Swank if they investigated Benny with him, or if they did not to search Benny's personal suite and speak to Yes Man. Both of these options will complete the quest.


  1. If Benny is killed, Swank becomes the new leader of the Chairmen, and the platinum chip is recovered.
  2. If Benny escapes with the chip, he will later be caught by the Legion and can be found at the Fort.

One will always get the Tops presidential suite key, either during the quest or by finding it on Benny's corpse. The presidential suite is considered player housing, and has safe storage containers, but has no crafting workbenches.

Speaking with Yes Man will trigger the start of the Wild Card quest chain.

Quest stages[]

5 Search The Strip for the man who shot you.
10 Confront Benny at The Tops casino.
20 Go to the presidential suite (or kill Benny).
30Quest finishedSurvive the ambush (or recover the platinum chip).
40Quest finishedSearch Benny's suite.


  • If the player did not retrieve their weapons before entering the presidential suite, there are weapons in the suite.
    • There is an average locked safe along the left most wall of the presidential suite bar that contains a 10mm submachine gun, a grenade rifle, and a power fist along with some ammunition. There is only a small amount of ammunition in the safe, so bringing additional ammunition is advised.
    • There are two pool cues in full condition on the billiard tables closest to the safe.
  • Using the dialogue option to forgive Benny or sleeping with Benny are the only ways to unlock access to the sub-basement level of The Tops, as the sub-basement elevator is automatically unlocked once Benny begins to leave the casino. After this happens Benny can be killed, if still present, without removing access to the sub-basement.
  • With a Lockpick skill of , it is possible to break inside the bank and retrieve the player's equipment from the weapons locker. This unlocks additional dialogue when first speaking to Benny on the casino floor.[1]
  • It is possible to skip this quest and continue with the main story line. This is done by siding with the NCR, since Ambassador Crocker's note can be received before completing Ring-a-ding-ding!
  • If the player has sex with Benny and then chooses the option to kill him in his sleep, this will not add to the 'people killed' statistic.
  • During this quest, it is possible to steal the gun Maria from Benny, and kill him with it. This will complete the two star Gun Runner's Arsenal challenge Talk About Owned.
  • If Swank is convinced to return the player's weapons to them, their weapons will never be confiscated when entering the Tops after completing the quest.
  • Before leaving the presidential suite after surviving the ambush, Benny can be spoken to over the intercom. Benny initially assumes that he is speaking to one of the bodyguards he sent to kill the player, giving them instructions to wait for the cleaners to arrive, and reacts in shock once he realises that the player survived.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The title of the quest is a reference to Frank Sinatra's song and album Ring-a-Ding-Ding.


  • PCPC If you talk with Swank, then confront Benny, and after lockpicking the presidential suite and knowing about Yes Man, you can convince Swank to send Benny to his room. There's a dialogue option with Benny in which he gives you Tops chips. This dialogue can be looped infinitely.[verified]
  • PCPC If you choose to wait for Benny in the presidential suite, nothing may happen after going up there. What should happen is a call from Benny at the intercom stating: "Baby, this meet and greet of ours? Chalk me up for a no show," followed by a short dialogue and an ambush by his four bodyguards. The conversation through the intercom can be initiated by approaching it.[verified]
  • PCPCPlaystation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3Xbox Xbox The ambush may never happen. Instead, walking towards the elevator triggers a message from Benny: "The cleaners will knock twice. Make sure they're thorough." This allows further dialogue, but the ambush may not happen.[verified]
  • PCPC Sometimes, when you tell Benny "You are stinking up my suite", he may stay on the stool, not leaving unless you wait, sleep, or kill him.[verified]
  • PCPC If you are planning on siding with the NCR, be sure to finish this quest before starting Things That Go Boom. Otherwise, your fame with the NCR will be reset and stuck at Neutral. The same problem may persist with the Legion with their quest, Render Unto Caesar.[verified]
  • PCPC After you sleep with Benny, and choose to sleep, you can get stuck in an endless black screen. (Needs verification for other platforms).[verified]
  • Xbox Xbox If you decide to kill all the Chairmen in the casino including Benny and Swank, when you try to go up to the Presidential Suite the game will go black forcing you to restart.[verified]
  • PCPCPlaystation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 If you convince Benny to come up to the suite with you he may stand still. The player can then talk to him and perform the same speech challenge granting unlimited XP.[verified]
  • PCPCPlaystation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3Xbox Xbox It is possible to get into Benny's suite and talk to Yes Man before advancing Ring-A-Ding-Ding to the correct stage, and question him about Benny's plans. Yes Man must be asked "What's Benny planning to do with the Chip?" in order for the objective "Search Benny's suite" to be completed, but if this question is asked before Swank enables this objective, it cannot be asked again and the objective cannot be completed, and Swank's assistance in the rest of the quest cannot be secured. However, the quest can still be completed.[verified]



  1. ↑The Courier: "Maybe that's why I broke into the weapons locker."
    Benny: "You're bluffing, baby Except maybe you're not. Sweet little caper, getting your weapons back. But let cooler heads prevail, hey? No need for violence."
    Benny's dialogue
  2. ↑Benny: "The cleaners will knock twice. Make sure they're thorough."
    The Courier: "Yeah, it's a real mess here - four bodies."
    Benny: "What the fuck?"
    Benny's dialogue


Quests in Fallout: New Vegas

Act 1Ain't That a Kick in the Head&#;·Back in the Saddle&#;·By a Campfire on the Trail&#;·They Went That-a-Way&#;·Ring-a-Ding-Ding!
Act 2Wild Card (Wild Card: Ace in the Hole, Change in Management, You and What Army?, Side Bets, Finishing Touches)&#;·The House Always Wins (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII)&#;·Render Unto Caesar&#;·Et Tumor, Brute?&#;·Things That Go Boom&#;·Kings' Gambit&#;·For the Republic, Part 2&#;·You'll Know It When It Happens/Arizona Killer
Act 3No Gods, No Masters&#;·All or Nothing&#;·Veni, Vidi, Vici&#;·Eureka!