Blackjack casino dealer rules

Blackjack casino dealer rules


Blackjack Rules

Blackjack RulesDo you know the blackjack rules for online blackjack and Las Vegas casino blackjack? Once you have read and understood our How To Play guide, you should be able to play confidently all blackjack card game variations. However, the blackjack rules may be different between the casinos, and what you have experienced at one blackjack game may not be the same for the next table you play at.

The differences may be minimal, but it is still important to know the differences in blackjack rules as they can change the way the game is played. This will help you avoid making small mistakes and losing money due to not understanding the rules of the games. These are some of the more important blackjack rules, with some common differences you may encounter.

Player Blackjacks


Regular Rule:

When a player has a blackjack, and automatically wins, the most common payout is 3/2. When the dealer has a blackjack, the bet is considered a push.

Alternate Rule:

Some casinos do not use the 3/2 odds, but rather use 6/5 odds.

Dealer Blackjacks

Regular Rule:

Once the dealer has dealt himself his two cards, if the card facing up is a value of Ten or an Ace, they will take a look at the cards to see if they have a blackjack. If they have an Ace showing, they will ask the players if they wish to use Insurance. If they do have a blackjack, the dealer will turn their cards over before the round has started.

Alternate Rule:

At some casinos, you may find that the dealer will still take a look at their cards, but they will not turn their cards over until it is their turn to play at the end of the round. This will have players make decisions on their hands, without knowing if there is a blackjack or not.

Dealer Playing

Regular Rule:

Most dealers will stand when they have a 17 or higher, and will hit on hands with 16 or less.

Alternate Rule:

At other casinos, the dealer will also hit on a Soft 17; which will change the strategy players will use, and favors the house slightly.

Splitting Hands

Regular Rule:

Players can split any two cards of the same value. This will allow them to play two separate hands, where each will be dealt an additional card. Players can continue splitting their hands, as long as the same card is received. The exception is when splitting Aces, as most casinos will not allow you to play on your hands. You will simply receive an extra card and stand on each, regardless of what card you receive; this adds a level of difficulty when splitting aces.

Alternate Rule:

When splitting Aces, there are some casinos that will allow you to split again if you are dealt another Ace and even in some cases, will allow you to play on your split Aces. However, depending on the casino, they will limit the amount of times you can split hands.

Doubling Down

Regular Rule:

Players can double down on any two card hand. This option is forfeit once the player makes a different decision, so they will need to choose this option before any other. The player will receive only one additional card, where they will stand.

Alternate Rule:

Some casinos have limits on what hands a player can double down on. While it is sometimes allowed to double down after splitting cards, some casinos do not allow this. In other instances, players are only allowed to double down on hands that are 9, 10, or


Regular Rule:

Surrendering is not commonly used, but it is still available for players to use. It is when a player receives two cards that make it hard to win with, especially when the dealer is showing a good card. The player can surrender, giving up half of their bet in order to forfeit their hand. This is usually done during the players turn.

Alternate Rule:

In some casinos, surrendering is not given as an option. While in others, surrender rules can vary. They can use an early surrender, where the player can surrender before the dealer checks for a blackjack.
