Blood casino

Blood casino



"Deliciously dark, this story is so utterly original and engrossing it's impossible to stop reading. With compelling characters making it a one-sitting read and a mysterious plot, this is my new favorite book about vampires." --Michelle Lynn, USA Today Bestselling Author

"Sinful vampires and a tough-as-nails teen. Walker has woven a tale as addictive as the Blood Casino's vices. Five solid stars for this YA vampire fantasy!" --Krista Street, USA Today Bestselling Author

"High stakes adventure. Fledgling love triangle. New Orleans casinos. Need I say more to entice you to read Walker's delicious urban fantasy?" --Olivia Wildenstein, USA Today Bestselling Author

"Blood Casino is a delicious and bold new tale for every vampire fan to savor. Walker shines in this high stakes game of cat and mouse." -Casey L. Bond, Bestselling author of When Wishes Bleed and Things That Should Stay Buried

"Blood Casino is nothing like I've read before. Nina Walker takes vampires to a whole new level in this first installment of Vampires and Vices that will have you reading all the way through the book in one sitting! With intrigue, suspense, and sprinkles of romance, you can't go wrong with this series!" --Heather Renee, USA Today Bestselling Author

"Fans of TrueBlood rejoice, your new Eric Northman is here! Walker's intriguing new vampire novel takes a dark spin on the mythical creatures we know and love. In the words of the main character: there are no sparkly vampires here. And I'm all in for it." --G.K. DeRosa, USA Today Bestselling Author

From the Author


I wake up sputtering to icy water splashing my face. I blink and try to clear my head, but my thoughts are too heavy to catch and my eyes flutter closed again.
"Wake up," the voice is cruel. I know that voice . . .
More water.
I careen back and find my arms and legs tied to a chair. "What the hell?" I force my eyes to stay open this time and take in my surroundings despite the pulsing headache at the back of my skull.
I'm in a small room. I think it's in a basement because it's shadowy and cold and barren. The walls and floor are all concrete. A single light casts most of the small room in shadows. Thick and scratchy ropes bind my wrists. Standing above me is none other than Adrian Teresi. A sour look is plastered to his face as he stares down his nose.
"You kidnapped me?" It's not a question though. It's the cold, hard truth. Is he going to torture me before killing me? I shouldn't have tested my luck by coming to the casino because it's painfully obvious that it's run out, and nobody is coming to save me.
His fangs extend.
They're about half an inch longer than the rest of his teeth. He leans in and breaths in my scent. "Evangeline Blackwood, I can't decide if you're an angel or a devil." His lips brush against the delicate skin of my neck. I lean away, but that only exposes more of me.
"You're the devil."
He clicks his tongue. "Careful. Your blood smells hot and fresh. It's practically begging to be mine."
I jerk my head back. "Please . . ." I don't want to beg, but I find myself doing it anyway. "Please let me go or kill me now, but don't play with me."
"Where's the fun in that, huh? You must want to be played with considering you keep coming back to where you don't belong. The Alabaster Heart is a casino, after all. Does the little lamb want to play a game with the lion?"
He twists around until his face is inches from mine. Everything about him is dangerous and beautiful. Gooseflesh prickles all over my body.
"I can hear your heart beating." He possesses my gaze with his. I can't seem to look away. "It's the sound of an invitation. I could rip it from your chest right now."
This time, I don't beg. There's no point. But I won't go down without a fight. I thrust my head forward and crack my forehead into his nose.
He jumps back, growling. "You shouldn't have done that."
