Casino application

Casino application


Casino Jobs &#; The Application

Whether it&#;s the online or paper version, casino applications can be lengthy. They may have several pages, asking you to give detailed information on your employers for the past ten years, your personal qualifications, skills, and training, a list of organizations you belong to, and even home addresses for several years back. You will also have to account for any period of time you were not gainfully employed, such as taking time off to raise a family, or for medical reasons, or because you were in school.

Casino Job Applications are Similar to Other Industry Applications

Chances are you will also be asked to consent to a drug test and, as with most jobs, to provide evidence that you have the legal right to work in the United States.

Most major casinos now screen all new hires for drug use. Casinos that have this policy in place notify applicants that they will be tested if offered a job and request their consent in writing. There will be a place on the application for you to sign agreeing to this procedure. All job offers are then contingent upon the applicant passing the drug test.

Proof of employment eligibility can include several pieces of documentation. You may use a combination of a valid driver&#;s license and your official birth certificate or official Social Security card, or simply your unexpired or expired passport. If you have questions regarding what type of documentation is necessary or anything at all on filling out the application, be sure to ask the human resources person who is in charge. Do not leave any items unanswered on the forms you are given. Your application will not be considered if it is incomplete.

Before you begin to fill out the application, you should review job openings posted on the website or HR office. Typically, the employer&#;s website will have a complete description of every available job, maybe some pay information, hours, and requirements.

Try to match your qualifications to positions currently available and indicate in your cover letter or application specifically what job you are applying for, if asked to do so. If there are no relevant job openings at the time you fill out the application and write in or type the position(s) you wish to work, such as surveillance officer, or change attendant, pit clerk, or something similar. If you have any questions, be sure to ask the person accepting applications (if applying in person) or send questions via email &#; or make a call. Because of the volume of applications received, some casinos will require very specific guidelines and procedures to be followed. Don&#;t count yourself out of the running by neglecting to comply with a casino&#;s set application policies.

Casino Employment &#; Background Checks (NEXT PAGE)
