Casino background

Casino background


Casino background checks that an applicant has to pass

Casino operators tend to place high demands on their dealers, pit managers and other personnel who work with visitors. Casino employees often have to work in stressful environment with pesky noise of slot machines, secondhand tobacco smoking and tipsy clients. When dealing cards at a blackjack table, a dealer must be competent in maths. When managing a roulette, a croupier must be physically fit because many casinos require croupiers to stand up; this sometimes makes them grumbling because standing for several hours is tiring.


Career history checks

Casino’s HR department makes routine checks of every aspiring dealer to ensure they have a required level of expertise and work background. The checks often include getting in touch with former colleagues and managers who are asked about dealer’s competencies, reliability and stress tolerance. Casinos often carry out checks to ensure a dealer really worked at a land-based facility he claimed to work at.

Education and experience

Education-related requirements differ across casinos but they normally expect applicants to have secondary, or even higher education. Applicants must have a set of skills determined by the nature of the gambling industry. These include customer communication skills, elementary math knowledge and ability to respond quickly to non-routine situations. Many casinos run special courses that last for several weeks and are designed to equip aspiring dealers with enhanced casino skills such as game rules, customer relations, do’s and don’ts and financial aspects.

Having track record in the field is not obligatory in many cases to qualify for a casino floor job because a typical casino has many positions other than croupiers, for example cashiers, housekeepers, dealer assistants and greeters. If the minimum threshold requirements are met, an applicant can start career from other jobs. Anyway, all background checks and national database inquiries are always performed.

Gaming license

When an individual applies for a job, he must have a valid gaming license that certifies his eligibility to work on the specific region or country. A casino department responsible for background checks normally search for information online to get accurate and full details about anyone. There are numerous professional databases that provide various types of reports within a few minutes. An OK candidate must have a valid license or be ready to receive it.

Other checks

There are no federal or local laws that would set forth a mandatory scope of checks to be applied to a casino dealer, therefore each casino can act differently in this regard. Some venues conduct hair drug tests and check for criminal history when looking into the applicant’s past. Other casinos may check family members for connections with organized crime. All of these is needed to deny job to applicants at risk because most openings at a casino including croupiers are associated with money stuff.

To summarize, casino managers want to make sure their employees meet the minimum standards imposed by the gambling industry in order to keep their visitors coming back consistently.

May 30,

Igor is the Head of Banking and Licensing Department at GamingLicensing who has over 15 years of experience in the industry. He is responsible for game and payment system integration, iGaming product licensing, and B2B certification. Igor is an expert in the gambling sector and game licensing. He keeps a close watch on industry trends and is always open to new ideas that can improve GamingLicensing’s services and help our clients.
