Casino blackjack tips and tricks

Casino blackjack tips and tricks


Blackjack Tips: 71 Easy Tips For Playing Blackjack Like Pro

[no_toc] Blackjack is a popular casino game that you play against the dealer. The game is fun but not as simple as some of the other games you get at casinos, like slots for instance. It requires skill and at least some level of strategy. There are, however, simple as well as advanced tips that you can use to bring down the house edge further and improve your chances of scoring a win.

If you are looking to play blackjack for real money I’d first suggest looking through the tips below and, once you are ready, have a look at the real money blackjack online casinos I’d recommend on this page.

I&#;ve broken these 71 tips into the following sections &#; Click on the links below to jump to that section:

Image of Beginner Friendly Blackjack Tips

Beginner Blackjack Tips

#2 Tip &#; Never Play Blackjack Games

Never play a game that pays on blackjack. Always stick to games that pay the full An 8-deck game paying the full on blackjack is far better than a single deck blackjack game paying only

#3 Tip &#; Find the Best Table Rules

Try to find the best table rules you can. Ideally you want the dealer to stand on “Soft 17”. If you’re playing a 6-deck or 8-deck game, play where you can surrender.

#4 Tip &#; Low-Stakes Tables Doesn’t Mean You Lose Less

Playing at lower stakes doesn’t necessarily mean you will lose less over time. If you’re playing $20 per hand on a paying table, you may be at a large 2% disadvantage causing an expectation of a 40¢ loss per hand. If you’re playing a game like the high limit 6-deck at Aria Casino in Las Vegas, you’re only at a % disadvantage. That’s an expected loss of just 26¢ per $ bet. Notice that the $20 bet will lose more than the $ bet over time.

#5 Tip &#; Don’t Take Insurance

Don’t take insurance! It doesn’t matter how much you bet or what your hand is, insurance is a bad bet! Only 4 out of 13 possible cards will give the dealer a blackjack under the ace. That’s a % chance of blackjack. If you are only getting paid on an insurance bet, that’s a losing bet. If you’re an advanced player using a card counting system, then insurance is a great option in certain situations.

#6 Tip &#; Dealers With 5 or 6 Hand Are More Likely To Bust

A dealer showing a 5 or 6 is more likely to make a hand than bust. Don’t go crazy doubling your 7 or less just because the dealer’s showing a 5 or 6. You may get a small card and want to take another hit. Remember, the dealer will make a hand in this situation more times than not.

#7 Tip &#; Never Stand on Your “Soft 17”

Never stand on your “Soft 17”. This hand cannot bust by taking a hit and can only push against a dealer’s 17 if you stand. This is always either a hit or a double.

Image of Never Stand on Your Soft 17

#8 Tip &#; Sit at a Full Table if Playing for Comps

If you’re playing for comps, sit at a full table. This will slow the game down considerably and allow you to play longer without risking a lot.

#9 Tip &#; Don’t Overuse the Surrender Option

Don’t overuse the surrendering option. Only surrender a 16 versus a dealer’s 9, 10 or Ace, and a 15 versus a dealer’s This is assuming you’re playing a multi-deck game and not counting cards. If you are card counting, then hopefully you know all the correct surrender plays to maximize the potential of this great player option.

#10 Tip &#; Never Double 4,4

Never double 4,4. This is only a hit unless you’re facing a 5 or 6, then it’s a split. For some strange reason players that would never double a 3,5 or 2,6 suddenly want to double a 4,4. Don’t do it!
* The only exception to this rule is on a single deck game where you cannot double after splitting. Only then would you double 4,4 versus a dealer’s 5 or 6. Keep in mind, most of you will not be playing a game like this.

Image of Never Double 4,4

#11 Tip &#; The Current Table Win/Losses Don’t Mean Anything

Whether the table has been winning or losing doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not it will continue to win or lose.

#12 Tip &#; Never Go All-In

Never go all-in. Always leave yourself enough money to double or split your hand. There aren’t many scenarios more painful in blackjack than getting dealt two aces, not having enough money to split, then hitting for two facecards and busting. Ouch!

#13 Tip — Understand House Edge

For those among you who don’t know, the house edge stands for the percentage of all wagers the casino wins in the long run. The base blackjack house edge isn’t high — it sits at less than 1%. However, that number depends on several factors.

For instance, the blackjack house edge can increase to 2% if you lack experience or skill. Conversely, it can decrease to % if you use the basic blackjack strategy correctly. The house edge can also change depending on rule deviations and the number of decks in the game. You should have all of these factors in mind when choosing the version of blackjack and playing.

#14 Tip — Get Some Practice Before You Hit The Table

Although it may seem obvious, it’s worth noting that experience plays an important role in your ability to win big in blackjack. So, make sure you spend enough time practicing before you hit the real-money tables.

Take advantage of the fact that there are plenty of online casinos with blackjack games that offer free play. You can solidify your knowledge of the blackjack gameplay and rules, explore different variations, work on the basic strategy, try out different bets, and more — completely free of charge. This type of practice will help you learn the ropes and prepare you to face real blackjack players later on.

#15 Tip — Don’t Play High Stakes Games Right Away

Playing at high-stakes blackjack tables can be really appealing, especially when you consider the prizes you can win as a result. However, if you’re a beginner, joining them isn’t really a good idea. Namely, high-stakes tables are usually full of high rollers with plenty of experience, honed blackjack skills, and enough money to burn. They won’t be easy opponents for someone who’s only getting into blackjack and learning how to rely on strategy.

The risk is higher than simply losing a game — you can go through your entire bankroll in a blink of an eye if you’re not careful. So, it’s better to stick to low-stakes games for the start.

#16 Tip — Learn Blackjack Table Gestures

If you’re a fan of traditional casinos, learning basic blackjack table gestures is a must. These allow players to clearly communicate intended actions to the dealer in a noisy environment such as a land-based casino. They’re essentially a universal blackjack language that prevents confusion about players’ moves, allows the casino to record everything for future reference, and speeds up the game.

Basic blackjack table gestures aren’t complicated to learn. Players tap the table when they want to hit, wave over their cards to stand, place additional chips next to the betting box and point to double down, and make a V shape with their fingers to split. You can practice these gestures at home and make sure you have them memorized before heading to a casino.

Image of Blackjack Hand Gestures

#17 Tip — Never Play Side Bets 

One of the favorite aspects of blackjack is the sheer variety of side bets this casino classic offers. These can be fun to try out and may come in handy if you’re smart with your play. However, they’re not the most beneficial for beginners. Namely, side bets all have fairly high house edges and can make your winning odds much lower than they regularly are.

While there is a way to decrease the house edge slightly, it won&#;t be easy. You’d have to memorize and learn to use the counting systems specific to each side bet and then understand how to combine them with the basic blackjack strategy. Most new players find this task overwhelming, so avoiding side bets may be your best option.

Image of Advanced Blackjack Tips

Advanced Blackjack Tips

#18 Tip — Mitigate the House Advantage

We’ve touched upon the importance of house edge in blackjack earlier. Now let’s consider the best method by which you can lower it. Your first step should be playing blackjack games with player-friendly rules and a small number of decks. The base house advantage should already be pretty low in these types of games.

Once you do that, focus on learning how to use the basic blackjack strategy. This strategy is the foundation of every smart blackjack move — combine it with a proper card counting system, and your advantage over the house can go up by a few percent. It might not seem like much at first glance, but it can make a world of difference in the long run.

#19 Tip — Develop Your Betting Strategy

As we’ve mentioned, the basic blackjack strategy will allow you to establish a framework for a successful game. However, it might not be enough for you to win. Throughout your gambling career, you’ll play more than one blackjack variant, face different rules and house advantages, and compete with players with diverse blackjack experience and skills. So, you should be familiar with more than a single blackjack betting system.

The best blackjack players’ ultimate strategies comprise elements of many different systems. If you do extensive research, you can develop a strategy of your own in the same way. Read about as many blackjack strategies as you can find online, try them out, consider their pros and cons, and choose the best combination for you. It might take some time, but it’ll be worth it.

#20 Tip — Card Counting

Card counting requires a lot of dedication and time, but it can be very rewarding if you persist in mastering it. It is a system that can complete your betting strategy. Many players tend to shy away from it, thinking it’s too complicated. However, it involves only a few simple steps.

Namely, you need to assign a particular value to each card in a standard deck and memorize those values well. For instance, cards numbered 2–6 can have a +1 value, while those numbered 7–9 can have a 0 value.

Once the game starts, you’ll see what cards are dealt during each round. Use the assigned values to keep a running count of those cards. If you count carefully, you’ll know which ones are left in the deck and decide how to bet accordingly.

Image of Card Counting Values

#21 Tip — Memorize Strategy Charts

After all this talk about betting strategies and systems, you might be wondering about the best way to use them. The secret lies in blackjack strategy charts. Strategy charts are grids that show what bet you should choose in particular circumstances. These circumstances are created by the dealer’s up card and your hand. For instance, the chart will tell you whether you should hit, stand, split, or double down when the dealer has a 7 and you have a

Blackjack variants with particular rule deviations and side bets have charts of their own You should find and memorize all of them. The task may seem like mission impossible at first, but if you have the basic strategy chart down, you won’t struggle too much. These charts will be additions to the knowledge you already possess — just don’t forget to give yourself enough time to learn and practice.

Image of Deck Strategy Chart Dealer Hits on Soft 17

#22 Tip — Make Sure the Blackjack Variant Is Right for You

Blackjack is an extremely popular game, and the gambling market abounds with its variants. While trying them out can be fun, you should pay attention to the variant you’re choosing when you intend to play with real money.

Different blackjack variants offer varying house edges, depending on the number of decks and the rule deviations they feature. If you opt for a game that doesn’t suit you, you might struggle to understand the rules and win. So, it’s best to try different blackjack variants in free mode, find the one that matches your gameplay and strategy best, and stick with it when playing for real money.

#23 Tip — Learn When to Raise Your Bets

Once you get comfortable playing blackjack, you’ll need to learn how to raise your bets. It’ll make your experience more thrilling and give you an opportunity to win more. If you’re interested, you should think about two key points — you need to know when it is the right time to raise your bet and how much you should raise it.

Players who like to stay on the safe side prefer to flat-bet and never give themselves a chance at bigger prizes. On the other hand, adventurists go too far and lose all their money at once. This is where betting systems come in handy. The right one can help you manage your blackjack bankroll hassle-free.

Do some research, learn how these systems work, and pick the best one for your budget and preferences.

#24 Tip — Shuffle Tracking

Shuffle tracking is another concept you should pay attention to when working on your blackjack skills. It’s a technique some advantage players use to predict the cards the croupier will deal after a shuffle. It involves watching how the cards are placed in the discard tray and then shuffled for the next round. This might seem far-fetched at first, but it’s based on real calculations.

Namely, if you take a standard card deck, split it in half, and shuffle each half perfectly, you can determine the order of the cards. While real-life shuffles aren’t this perfect, this technique can still allow players to track groups of cards through the shuffle. So, even though it’s a hard skill to master, those who do it well can gain a significant advantage over the casino. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s worth it. You can read more about it online and make up your mind.

#25 Tip — Watch Out for Dealer Tells

Dealer tells are another way for blackjack players to gain an advantage over the dealer. Their primary purpose is to help you predict the dealer’s hole card. The strategy involves looking for signs in the dealer’s facial expressions and behavior. Players usually focus on how much time the dealer spends looking at their hole card and how much they have to lift the card to see its value.

For example, stiff cards (2–6) are easily mistaken for an Ace, so dealers typically spend more time looking at them to make sure they’ve seen the value right. In contrast, face cards are easy to differentiate, so dealers usually give them a quick glance.

Still, not all croupiers have dealer tells. Well-trained dealers rarely show these types of signs. So, you’ll have to look for tables with beginner dealers to use this technique successfully.

#26 Tip — Betting on Another Player’s Hand

There’s a way you can win some money at the blackjack table without playing the entire game — you just have to bet on another player’s hand. This betting method is also known as back-betting, betting behind, or playing the back line.

Back-bettors wait for the players seated at the table to make their move, and then they follow the action. The regular player’s bet will be placed at the front of the betting box they’ve chosen, and back-bettors’ wagers will be placed behind it. Each box can hold bets from up to three people. The sum of those bets cannot exceed the maximum bet limit in the game.

Back-betting also allows you some freedom when doubling and splitting are involved. In addition, back-bettors don’t have to follow the seated player’s actions if they think they are not wise. All in all, this type of betting can help you win some money, especially if you bet behind a skilled player and spot their mistakes. However, it’s not nearly as fun or advantageous as regular gameplay.

#27 Tip — Learn About Composition-Sensitive Hands

If you’re into blackjack strategy charts, you should learn about their different types. Most of them feature fields with numbers that only show the total value of your hand. They don’t take into account the fact that you can have the same hand total consisting of different cards. For instance, you’ll refer to the same field if you have a hand with a 6 and a 4-value card and a hand with a 7 and a 3-value card.

The composition-sensitive hand strategy does the opposite. It focuses on what cards make the total in your hand. As a result, it provides players with an easier way to track the cards left in the deck.

It is especially helpful in blackjack variants with a smaller number of decks. So, if these are the games you prefer to play, you should look into how it works.
Image of Single Deck Strategy Chart

#28 Tip — Keep an Eye on The Odds

Odds are one of the most important aspects of every blackjack game. They’ll tell you about the probability of you busting if you hit on a certain hand total, face a particular up card, and so on.

The base blackjack odds sit at around %. However, this number differs depending on the variant you’re playing and the rules that the game features. It’s paramount that you consider the odds before you commit to playing the game for real money.

You can learn about blackjack odds from odd charts. You should be able to find them online.

#29 Tip — Progressive Strategies Should Be Avoided

We’ve already mentioned betting systems in one of our tips. However, we haven’t indicated that some of them should be avoided. We’re referring to progressive betting strategies.

Progressive betting strategies are bankroll management systems that instruct players to gradually raise their bets as the game progresses. They differ from one another in terms of when you should raise your bet and how much you should raise it.

While there are situations where progressive betting strategies may work, it is usually best to avoid them. They can make you go through your entire backroll very quickly, they won’t work on tables with lower maximum betting limits, and they are ineffective in combination with splitting and doubling down bets.

#30 Tip — Never Use the Martingale Betting System

Never use the dangerous Martingale Betting System that requires you to double the size of your bet when you lose. Believe it or not, you can (and will) lose an incredible number of hands in a row at some point. You may survive for a while using the Martingale, but when that losing streak hits, you will lose everything you previously made and a lot more.

#31 Tip — If Your Hand Is an 11, Double Down

One of the most well-known blackjack strategies is that you should double down on 11. When you have a hand whose total value is 11, your distance from 21 is perfect. One more card that you will get when you double down might give you blackjack or get you closer to it. Plus, you might double your prize if you’re lucky.

The only time you should avoid this bet is when the dealer also has an ace. The reason is that they are also very likely to hit a blackjack — and if they do, you will lose twice as many chips.

#32 Tip — Never Stand on a 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16 if the Dealer Has a 7 or Higher

Another well-known strategy in the blackjack community refers to the hands whose sum is 12, 13, 14, 15, or They all require the use of the same strategy. All these hands put players in a very vulnerable position — one more card can make you bust.

To avoid this situation, you should only stand on these hands if the dealer’s up card’s value is between 2 and 6. If their card is 7 or higher, you must hit — no matter the blackjack variant, number of decks in the game, or other rules.

Image of Never Stand on 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 if Dealers Card Higher Then 7

Image of Hand-Related Blackjack Tips

Hand-Related Blackjack Tips

#33 Tip — Never Split a Hand of Two 10s

A hand where both cards have the value of 10 is a great hand to have because the total hand value is 20, the closest to When you have such a hand the dealer has no other option but to hit a 21 to be able to win. The chances of that happening each time are rare. Should you opt to split it, you still do not know what the second card of the split hand would be, and could potentially end up with 2 hands of lesser value than That is not a chance you should take, given the original hand itself has such great winning potential.

#34 Tip — Do not Split a Hand of Two 5s

A hand of two 5s has a total hand value of The best way to go forward is to double down. Splitting is not a great idea because it just doubles your chance of landing two hands both of which are valued at 10 each. Better have one average hand that you can do something about than two of them that you cannot do much about. This tip applies to a pair of 4s and 10s as well.

#35 Tip — Split a Hand of Two Aces

Always split a hand of two Aces. That increases your chances of landing a solid, if not winning, hand drastically.
Image of Splitting Aces

#36 Tip — Split a Hand of Two 6s

Make it a point to split a hand of two 6s if you see the dealer has a card value ranging from 3 to 6.

#37 Tip — Split a Hand of Two 7s

Always split a hand of two 7s if the dealer’s hand has a value of between 3 and 7.

#38 Tip — Split a hand of two 8s

Conventional wisdom is to split if you have a hand of two 8s. The total value of that hand is 16 and that is considered the worst blackjack hand. The chances of landing a low value card if you hit are minimal. When you split that hand you double your chances of landing a hand with at least one value card.
Image of Splitting 8s

#39 Tip — Split a Hand of Two 9s

You must split a hand of two 9s if the dealer’s hand has a hand value from 2 through to 6, 8, or even 9.

#40 Tip — Game Play for Soft Hands

The following tips work should you have a soft hand.

  • Hit on a soft A soft 17 is a hand that comprises an Ace and a 6. This hand you should always hit as it gives you a great shot at increasing your hand value.
  •  Hit if you have a soft hand of lower value than 17 as well. You stand a better chance of increasing the value of your hand; standing keeps you static and the dealer still has the option of hitting or standing to work out a better hand. 
  • If you have a soft 18 you can hit – the preferred way is to double down – if the dealer’s hand has 8, 9, or

#41 Tip — Game Play for Hard Hands

The following tips work for hard hands with a value over

  • If you have a hard hand valued at between 12 and 16 and the dealer has a hand valued at between 2 and 6 the automatic choice is to stand. The chances of the dealer beating you with a higher hand value when his original hand has such low value is not that great, though the possibility always remains.
  • If you have a hard hand valued at between 12 and 16 and the dealer’s hand is valued at 7 or higher the wise thing to do is hit. The dealer has a good chance of landing a hand that has a higher value than yours with the subsequent card(s); when you hit you ensure a shot at a higher hand value.
  • Stand on a hard If you have a hand value that is a hard 17 – or any higher value – the best option is to stand. 17 or greater is a good hand to have as it is relatively closer to

#42 Tip — Learn When To Double Down

Doubling down is another option that you can use very effectively when you play blackjack. However, the trick of mastering the art of doubling down is to know the best hands for which you can use this option. You can opt to double down when:

  • Your hand value is a soft 13 or 14 and the dealer has a 5 or 6.
  • Your hand value is a soft 15 or 16 and the dealer has a 4, 5, or 6.
  • Your hand value is a soft 17 or 18 and the dealer has a value of 3 to 6.
  • Your hand value is 9 and the dealer’s card value is between 2 and 8.
  • Your hand value is 10 and the dealer’s card value is 9 or lower.
  • Your hand value is 11 and the dealer has an Ace or a value card.

Image of Blackjack Double Down Strategy Chart

Image of Table Related Blackjack Tips

Blackjack Table Tips

#43 Tip — Choose over tables 

The disparity between and blackjack tables might seem small at first. After all, the former pay $3 for every $2 you’ve bet, while the latter pay $6 for every $5 you’ve bet. However, the main difference between these two blackjack table types lies in the house edge they feature.

Namely, the version increases the house edge by a whopping %, making it reach almost 2%. In contrast, the blackjack tables feature a % house edge with the basic blackjack strategy. If you consider these differences in the long run, you’ll see why avoiding tables is in your best interest.

#44 Tip — Learn Blackjack Table Rules and Bet Limits Before Playing 

Blackjack table rules can affect important aspects of this game. They can change the bet offer, winning odds, and house edge significantly. Therefore, it’s crucial that you evaluate how favorable they are for players before you choose whether to sit at a certain table.

Similarly, blackjack table limits will not suit every player. You should always think about your budget, calculate whether the limits would allow you to make the most of the game, and play only when that’s the case.

Image of Check Table Limit

#45 Tip — Avoid Tables With a Continuous Shuffler

Depending on the casino, blackjack tables use three types of shuffling techniques. They can feature a continuous shuffler (CSM) or mechanical shuffler, or they can have the dealer shuffle the cards manually.

CSMs shuffle cards after each round, which means more hands will be dealt per hour, and your bankroll will be more exposed. Mechanical shufflers and live dealers shuffle cards only after 50% or 75% of them have been played, so they give you a better chance of winning.

#46 Tip — Get Rated While You Play

Some casinos allow rated blackjack play. In case you’ve never heard about this term before, it involves the casino’s analysis of the players who’ve agreed to it. The casino looks at the number of bets per hand and hands per hour against your return to calculate your overall worth. In return, the rated players receive a variety of perks, from comps to luxury prizes.

Choosing to get rated might be smart, as it can reduce your betting costs and earn you different rewards.

#47 Tip — Keep the Drinks to a Minimum

Even though blackjack isn’t too complex, its gameplay still requires some mental effort. You’ll need to evaluate the situation at the table, track and count the cards, think about the best moves you can make, and more.

None of these actions will be possible if you’ve had one too many drinks. You need to think clearly if you want to make the most of the game, so try to limit your alcohol consumption.

#48 Tip — Check the Dealer’s Up Card

We’ve hinted at the importance of the dealer’s up card in blackjack a few times already, which is why we believe we should discuss it in more detail.

Blackjack is a game where you’re facing the dealer instead of other players. There are tons of strategies that can help you beat the dealer — we’ve explored a few of them above. Still, it’s important to note that their up card is the only reliable element that you can base your decisions on. It’s the factor that most betting systems depend on, including the basic blackjack strategy. You can&#;t be successful at this casino classic without considering the up card.
Image of Checking Dealers Up Card

#49 Tip — Skip the First Base Seat

Blackjack seating positions can make a world of difference in your play, even if it doesn’t seem so at first glance. To be more precise — you should try to avoid the first base seat.

The first base player is the one to bet first in every round. If the dealer is in a rush, the player may not have enough time to look at their hand and the dealer’s up card and make a sensible decision — not to mention strategizing and counting cards. So, it’s always better to sit closer to the other end of the table.

#50 Tip — Pick a Table That Offers the Double Down Option

Doubling down is one of the most popular moves in blackjack overall. If used correctly, it can be extremely advantageous for the player. That’s why you should always choose a blackjack table that offers this option.

However, don’t forget to pay attention to the additional rules these tables attach to their double-down feature, as some of them might be less than favorable.

#51 Tip — Choose the Perfect Dealer for You

Even though most players don’t give them much attention, dealers can be a deciding element in your play. Depending on the blackjack strategies you use and your goal in the game, you might find different types of dealers suitable.

Namely, a skilled, well-trained dealer will reveal little about their hole card, but they’ll speed up the pace of the gameplay and keep it exciting. Conversely, a beginner’s facial expressions or poor shuffling skills might reveal their hole card, so these dealers may suit the users of hole carding or shuffle tracking.

#52 Tip — Learn Basic Blackjack Etiquette

If you plan on playing live blackjack in a land-based casino, you’ll need to learn a couple of rules first. All blackjack players follow certain etiquette when at the table.

Basic blackjack etiquette consists of a couple of simple dos and don’ts. We’ve already discussed the betting signals in one of the sections above. Other than that, you should switch your phone off, stack your chips correctly, and tip the dealer. Moreover, you should never put your hands under the table, handle the cards with both hands, pick up face-up cards, or touch the chips after the dealer calls, “No more bets.”

#53 Tip — Buying Into a Blackjack Game

Buying into a blackjack game in a brick-and-mortar casino also comprises a standardized procedure. You need to find the table you wish to join, look for a free seat, sit down, and wait for the current round to finish. After that, place the money you’d like to bet in front of you on the table — do not give it to the dealer or put it inside the betting square. Once you say, “Change, please,” the dealer will collect the money and exchange it for chips. After all that, wait for a new hand to begin.

#54 Tip — Find the Minimum/Maximum Bet Limits

You should always consider betting limits before playing blackjack, regardless of the size of your bankroll. This way, you’ll save yourself the embarrassment of joining the table you cannot afford to play at. Plus, they’ll help you calculate how much money you can bet in this game overall and how you can manage your bankroll properly.

Minimum and maximum blackjack betting limits vary from one casino to another. They’re usually displayed on a small sign next to the table in land-based casinos.

#55 Tip — Less Decks Are Better 

Less decks is better than more decks. Just remember, this is only true if the rules are consistent over both games. Therefore if a casino’s double deck game has the exact same rules as their 6-deck game, the double deck game has better player odds.

#56 Tip — Check the Number of Players

The number of players is just as relevant as the betting limits. Most casinos feature blackjack tables that accommodate around 7 players. You can search for fuller or emptier blackjack tables depending on your priorities.

Joining a fuller table means you’ll be dealt fewer hands per game, which will reduce your bankroll’s exposure to the house edge. Fuller tables will also give you a better sense of the cards left in the deck because you’ll be able to track the ones dealt to other players.

On the other hand, tables with fewer players feature faster gameplay and allow you more chances to hit a natural blackjack.

Image of Blackjack Bankroll Management Tips

Blackjack Bankroll Management Tips

#57 Tip — “Comps” or Freebies Aren’t Always Worth It

Casinos typically provide rewards like comps, bonuses, freebies, and so on to rated players. They base these rewards on several factors — players’ bet sizes, hours spent playing, the house edge on games they’ve played, and the current status. 

However, table games like blackjack generally feature smaller rewards because of their lower house edge. You might play for hours on end and lose a lot of money hoping for a bonus deposit or a free night at a luxury hotel but end up with a cheap free meal instead. So, it’s best not to chase any rewards — instead, you should play as if you’re not being rated at all.

#58 Tip — Set a Limit to Your Bankroll and Stick To It

Setting a budget is the first rule of responsible gambling. Calculate how much money you can afford to lose and set it aside. You can think of it as an entertainment fee — a fixed sum you are allowed to gamble away. 

Don’t add more money to it regardless of whether you’re on a winning or losing streak — it won’t change your luck or the course of the night in any way. If you stick to your budget, you won’t run up a debt, and you’ll be able to return to the casino soon.

#59 Tip — Make the Right Play Regardless of Bet Size

Make the correct play regardless of your bet size. Just because your biggest bet of the day is on the table doesn’t mean you should suddenly stand on a 14 versus the dealer’s 10 to avoid busting. Play the hand, not the money.

#60 Tip — Calculate Your Bankroll: Betting Units or Risk of Ruin

There are two famous ways gamblers manage their bankrolls — the betting unit and the risk-of-ruin system. The former focuses on the size of your bet — the percentage of your bankroll that you choose to wager. Typically, a betting unit ranges from 1%–5% of the player’s entire bankroll, depending on their budget and risk tolerance. 

On the other hand, the risk-of-ruin system is based on the calculation of the probability you’ll lose your entire bankroll. For example, if your winning chances are 50%, your risk of ruin is 50%. Advantage gamblers typically use this calculation to determine how big their bankroll has to be for them to make solid profits without risking too much money

Players who prefer to play it safe stick to the first system, while risk-takers tend to choose the second. You can read more on each one to make your decision.

Image of Blackjack Risk of Ruin Bankroll Management Chart

#61 Tip — Spread Your Cash Out

Our final tip regarding bankroll management deals with how you should distribute your budget. Don’t spend your entire bankroll on one gambling session or night at a casino. Your fun will be short-lived, and you’ll be forced to go home too soon. 

To avoid this problem, spread your bankroll out before you head to a casino. Decide how much you’d like to spend per night, but don’t forget to count in your hotel and food expenses. All this planning might seem boring, but it’ll allow you to savor your time at the blackjack table.

Image of Tips To Keep Your Head in The Blackjack Game

Tips To Keep Your Head In The Game

#62 Tip — Play With a Clear Mind

Gambling is, by nature, an adrenaline-pumping activity. However, getting too excited or too nervous can cost you a lot. You need a clear mind to be able to think your decisions through and make the most of every game you join. So, try to enter every gambling session as calmly and coolly as you can and keep that attitude throughout your play.

Players use different techniques to reach this state of mind — from listening to music to meditation. Find what works best for you and practice it on a regular basis.

#63 Tip — Don’t Get Distracted

We all have a lot on our minds at all times, and we mostly learn to function and do our daily chores in spite of it. Nevertheless, sometimes our worries can take a toll on us, and if they’re too distracting during a gambling session, you may lose the count of cards, forget details of your strategy, disregard the reasoning behind your decisions, and more. 

So, it’s important that you try your best to leave your problems outside of the casino and be as present as possible during the play.

#64 Tip — Don’t Give Into Pressure

First and foremost, gambling should be looked at as a hobby — a fun way to spend your free time. As long as you’ve stuck to your bankroll, done your best to win, and had fun along the way, the outcome shouldn’t really matter. Only a small percentage of players leave the casino as winners anyway. So, look at winning as a bonus — if it happens, great, if it doesn’t you’ll be more motivated for the next session.

#65 Tip — Take Breaks Often

Taking regular breaks can help you stay on top of your game. For instance, walking away from the blackjack table once in a while will refresh your mind and help you clear your head. It will prevent you from getting too caught up in the game and losing track of your bankroll and actions. It’ll also give you a chance to think about how you want to spend the rest of your time at the casino and consider whether it’s time to head home.

#66 Tip — Ignore Players Around You

Blackjack isn’t a game where you face other players. It’s not a team sport either, so you’ll do yourself a huge favor if you ignore the rest of the players at your table. Their decisions, bet sizes, and strategies should not concern you, as they won’t affect your odds of winning in the long run. Therefore, instead of worrying about what your fellow players are doing, focus on your strategy and stick to it. You’ll learn more about your performance and skills and have better chances to progress as a player.

#67 Tip — Don’t Let Frustration Get the Better of You

The dealer doesn’t control whether you win or lose. Even if you’re frustrated with how things are going, don’t be rude! Believe it or not, the dealers actually want you to win so they can hopefully make some tips and avoid listening to players moan and groan.

#68 Tip — Don’t Let Your Emotions Rule Your Gameplay

Don’t make bets or playing decisions based on emotions or gut feelings. Know ahead of time what you will be betting and how you will play your hands.

#69 Tip — Learn to Walk Away

As we’ve mentioned earlier, gambling is an adrenaline-pumping hobby. You can get carried away even if you’re gambling online, let alone in a land-based casino. The atmosphere, the other players, a losing streak — numerous elements can keep you hooked. 

However, you must know when you should walk away from the blackjack table. Stick to your bankroll management strategy, respect your spending limits, and don’t get fooled by winning and losing streaks. There are no rules when it comes to luck.

#70 Tip — Ignore Gamblers’ Myths

Winning is the ultimate goal of the majority of gamblers, no matter which game they’re playing. So, it’s no wonder so many myths and legends have been developed around it. The more you research or play, the more of them you&#;ll find. However, that doesn’t mean you should pay any attention to them. Instead, we advise you to put your trust in your knowledge of blackjack and its rules, odds, and strategies.

#71 Tip — Don’t Rely on Lucky Charms

Besides myths and legends, many members of the gambling community believe in lucky charms, rituals, and superstitions. Some of the more common ones are the horseshoe and four-leaf clover amulets, blowing on dice, knocking on wood, and so forth. However, none of them can guarantee that fortune will be on your side. So, it’s best to stay away from these beliefs altogether and stick to what you know for sure.

Final Thoughts

blackjack tipsI created the above list with blackjack tips for average players in mind, however, players of all abilities will be able to find them useful as a refresher. If you do not wish to learn card count and prefer to play blackjack more casually these simple tips can increase your chances of winning at blackjack.

I must give fair warning that these tips will not swing the odds in your favor. That would require learning about card counting. However, these tips will increase your chances of hanging onto your money a little longer and maybe even catching a lucky run.

Please Note: These blackjack tips do not always apply to card counters. If you’re using good card counting strategies, then you should know the appropriate times to go against these tips.

Blackjack Tips FAQ

Small Things that You Should Know

There are a lot of simple things that all Blackjack players should be aware of if they want to increase their chances. Here are some intriguing questions.

I am on a Blackjack winning streak, should I increase my wager?

There is no such thing as a winning streak, always remember that. You just happened to win few hands in a row, you applied your strategy right and you had a bit of luck. There is absolutely no statistical or any other sort of a guarantee that you will keep on winning. Even if you manage to win several hands in a row, don’t increase your wager just because you’ve won.

Then, should I increase my wager when I am losing at Blackjack?

That’s not a good idea either. If you’ve lost more than a few hands in a row, there is still no guarantee that you’re going to win the next hand. Moreover, if you increase your wager and still lose, you’ll have to double your next wager and then do the same if the next hand is also a losing one. Soon enough you may end up losing your full bankroll. You should never chase losses and never try to make up what you’ve lost in a hand or two. It’s better to make a break and come back after minutes with a clear head.

A particular Blackjack table has a higher percentage of winners, should I join?

That is another Blackjack myth. There is no such thing as a ‘hot’ table, or a ‘hot’ dealer. What you’ve witnessed is just a coincidence. You may sit at that table that you think is hot, but you’ll soon realised that the outcome of your hands has nothing to do with the dealer or the table. All dealers are instructed to do the same things under the same circumstances and the decks of cards which are dealt at each table are consisted of the same cards. Similarly, there is no such thing as a ‘cold’ dealer or table either.

Is Blackjack a good option to end a fun night out?

Of course, it is always fun to play Blackjack and if you manage to win some extra cash, it would be a true crown of a really fun night out. But it is best to avoid the Blackjack table if you had too much to drink. Not only that you might forget the Blackjack basic strategy, but you will also feel bolder and you might start making rash decisions and wager too much money. By the time you sober up you might be fully bankrupt.

What is the best way to learn the Blackjack basic strategy?

In order to learn how to play Blackjack like a pro, you will have to memorize the Blackjack basic strategy. But staring a table and trying to memorize every information isn’t very fun. It is best to spend some time learning it and then test yourself practically. All you need is a deck, or a few decks of cards, and you can play Blackjack by yourself. Check and see how many times, out of you will make the decision as per the Strategy and how many times you’ll get it wrong. After that spend some more time studying the strategy and try again. When you get to out of , you’ll know you’re good.

I get very happy when I win at Blackjack and very aggravated when I lose, is that good?

Nobody likes losing and we all love winning, but generally speaking, emotions are not your friend. You should never get too emotional about Blackjack or any other game. When you get too emotional you can’t think clear, you may start doing wrong moves, you may start betting too much and that is definitely not what you’d want. Learn to control your emotions before you start playing Blackjack.

A casino is offering a new variant of Blackjack, should I give it a try?

There’s no harm in trying your luck on a new game, but you have to make sure that you understand the rules of that variant and how it differs from standard Blackjack and the variants you are familiar with. Start playing for real money only when you are fully aware of everything regarding the new game. Also, always check the house edge, if it is significantly higher than the usual house edge, you may play a hand or two, but there’s no point in playing that variant as your winning chances are decreased.

A 17 is a solid combination at Blackjack, should I stand on a soft 17?

That is one of the common misconceptions. You should never stand on a soft 17 (ace and 6), you should always hit. Statistically, your chances of winning are increased significantly if you hit on a soft The house edge is increased significantly if the dealer hits on 17, which means that it is in his/her favour to do it. If the dealer is prevented by the rules to hit on a soft 17, you are not and you should definitely do it.

Will I lose my focus if I make a break and come back to play Blackjack after a while?

Probably not. In fact, it is a good idea to make a break every now and then, take a short walk, have a meal or a snack, or simply just leave the table for a bit. It is more likely to start making mistakes if you’re at the table for too long, than if you take a break and come back.

Do I have to tip the dealer?

You don’t have to tip the dealer and you shouldn’t feel obliged to. Only do it if you’re winning and it is wise to do it before you leave, at the end of your playing session. It doesn’t make any sense to tip the dealer if you’ve actually lost money. Moreover, the dealer doesn’t have any influence on the outcome of the game, so a tip won’t make him/her act more favorably towards you.

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