Casino breskens

Casino breskens



Background informationFishing FleetVessel type 12 Fishing FleetVessel type 20 Fishing FleetVessel type 3Fishing FleetVessels total2 [2]LandingsTotal Landings (tonnes)Demersal (tonnes)LandingsTotal Landings (tonnes)Pelagic (tonnes) LandingsTotal Landings (tonnes)Shellfish (tonnes) LandingsTotal Landings (tonnes)Main species (tonnes) LandingsTotal Landings (tonnes)All species (tonnes) LandingsValuesDemersal LandingsValuesPelagic LandingsValuesShellfish LandingsValuesAll species € [3]LandingsNumber of fishermenNumber of fishermen (Regular) LandingsNumber of fishermenNumber of fishermen (Part-time) LandingsNumber of fishermenNumber of fishermen Total LandingsMajor fish speciesLandingsLanding pointsLandingsLocation of auctionsZealand fish auction Breskens NV Kaai 1, RC, Breskens Governance and organisationGovernanceGovernance and organisationFLAGZeeland Governance and organisationLocation of fishermen's organisationsBrandingBrand labelsFish as foodFish sellingFishmongers de Dukdalf, Kaai 2, RC Breskens Fish as foodFish processingFish as foodRestaurants/hotels't Vissershuis, Scheldekade 25 AW Breskens
*De Afslag, Kieweg 2, RP Breskens Tourism & EducationTourism & FishingSniff at sea
SealcruiseTourism & EducationFestivalsVisserijfeesten BreskensTourism & EducationFishing museumsVisserijmuseum BreskensTourism & EducationAquariumsTourism & EducationMonumentsMonument of fisheries Tourism&EducationFishing training School