Casino danganronpa v3

Casino danganronpa v3


Shiek_20026 years ago#1

I just unlocked the Casino and noticed that straight away I need over $100k to get one of every item that is available, and that lots of others aren't yet available.

The slot machine seems to pay off, but verrrry slooooowly. I only have "kind" mode on the salmon game, but that just doesn't pay out and takes a lot more effort than slots anyway.

A work buddy tells me that the $10,000 key I actually need to buy like 15 of, and after doing slots for 2 hours I only have $16k.

Is there a better way to go about this?

PSN - Homey_Christ

Shiek_2002(Topic Creator)6 years ago#2

Also are the skills you can buy in the casino exclusive to the casino, or are they just skills you would unlock on your own later and you are just buying them now as an early bonus?

PSN - Homey_Christ

Exo_Icarus6 years ago#3

The way I went about it is to not bother playing the casino games at all for casino coins until your progress far enough in the game to unlock the highest difficulty options for each game (mean difficulty).

I found it better to just exchange monocoins for casino coins straight up early on. Racking up monocoins is pretty easy. During free time sections go to various places in/around the school and knock objects around for coins. During each free time I always went to the Ultimate Inventor Lab, the Warehouse, the Dining Hall, the Ultimate Pianist Lab, and the 3 classrooms on the first floor and knocked out all of the objects in those places for coins. This nets you about 170 monocoins during every free time.

Once you have 10,000+ casino coins and are able to play the casino games on mean difficulty just play Outlaw Run on mean difficulty with a max bet (9999 coins). Outlaw Run is the easiest (and the most entertaining) game in the casino to S-rank and receive a big payout for your bet.

The skills in the casino exchange corner are exclusive to the casino and can't be obtained anywhere else.

" Imagination is the essence of discovery. "

Shiek_2002(Topic Creator)6 years ago#4

Exo_Icarus posted...

The way I went about it is to not bother playing the casino games at all for casino coins until your progress far enough in the game to unlock the highest difficulty options for each game (mean difficulty).

I found it better to just exchange monocoins for casino coins straight up early on. Racking up monocoins is pretty easy. During free time sections go to various places in/around the school and knock objects around for coins. During each free time I always went to the Ultimate Inventor Lab, the Warehouse, the Dining Hall, the Ultimate Pianist Lab, and the 3 classrooms on the first floor and knocked out all of the objects in those places for coins. This nets you about 170 monocoins during every free time.

Once you have 10,000+ casino coins and are able to play the casino games on mean difficulty just play Outlaw Run on mean difficulty with a max bet (9999 coins). Outlaw Run is the easiest (and the most entertaining) game in the casino to S-rank and receive a big payout for your bet.

The skills in the casino exchange corner are exclusive to the casino and can't be obtained anywhere else.

Okay, thanks. I have the Point Blank one unlocked already, I think from playing the demo. Just wanted to make sure.

Do I really need 15 of those stupid keys though? That's like $150K right there.

PSN - Homey_Christ

ccbroz6 years ago#5

15 keys to see the hotel event thing iirc. need to see it w/ everyone once to get the gallery item if you REALLY want to plat DRv3

3ds FC: 2148-9337-9799 | AC: Ducki from MooTown

AugustDreaming6 years ago#7

deafmidget69 posted...

Wait till Case 5, play the driving game, and you'll make 100,000 coins per game

This definitely. The course is always the same (besides the Monokubs) so once you know the layout it's super easy to get coins.

Sweet Dreams!

Gaia0936 years ago#8

Yeah, I'd recommend Outlaw Run on Mean difficulty as well. Bet 9,999 and aim for an S to get x10. AAA gives you x4, which is pretty good as well.

You could do the minimal 100 coin bet the first few times to get used to the course with no pressure, then bring on the big bets once you're confident enough.

Playing: L.A. Noire

Shiek_2002(Topic Creator)6 years ago#9

Okay, and waiting that long means you can still see all 15 scenes with the key?

PSN - Homey_Christ

Gaia0936 years ago#10

Shiek_2002 posted...

Okay, and waiting that long means you can still see all 15 scenes with the key?

You'll get a mode when you finish the game that is all about leveling up your bonds (Love Across the Universe - Salmon Team), and you can also use the keys there. In fact there's at least a couple Love Key scenes you can only get there due to story reasons.

I'd recommend you to leisurely finish the game and then do the Love Key thing there.

Playing: L.A. Noire
