Casino date

Casino date


In the Hollywood film Hitch, Will Smith’s character was an expert on dating and advised a series of men on how to get their dream girl.  As we all know, dating in real life is not the same as in the movies.

If you have a date with a girl, chances are you’ll suggest a trip to the cinema or a restaurant. You could be boring and go for those options. Or you could think outside the box and choose a destination that will wow your date.

That’s where the casino comes in. It’s the ultimate place to impress and get your James Bond on. James Bond, is usually seen in a casino sipping a Martini (shaken, not stirred) while impressing a glamorous femme fatale with his roulette, blackjack, or poker skills (just ask the 52 women he’s charmed in the history of Bond).

That’s the look you need to go for – and here we’ll show you how.

1. Learn how to win

Taking your date to a casino is a tricky business. You can’t go down to the casino and play a slot machine for four hours because your date will get bored. The best games to look for are ones that can be played quickly and will keep your date interested and engaged.

Roulette is the quintessential casino game. It’s one of the most exciting ones out there – as it can be won or lost on the spin of a wheel. Plus, it’s one of the easiest to play. Just bet a stake and choose a colour or a number and hope the ball ends up on it.

Sure, it’s a game of chance, but you can increase your chances of winning big by employing a basic roulette strategy, such as the Parlay system. It works like this:

  • Decide how much you want to win
  • Each time you win, bet your winnings and original stake on the next game
  • When you reach your desired total, stop playing

Try to harbour a sense of intrigue with your date, and most importantly have fun. If you walk out having lost £ then that’s not the end of the world, you’d likely have spent that much on a second-rate pizza anyway!

2. Dress to impress

Dates are all about showing your best self to your partner. Therefore you want to avoid letting your potential wife to know that you’re a football-loving, Xbox playing slob. You want them to think that you’re attractive, interesting, and mysterious.

The best thing you can do is to take your date to somewhere off the beaten track. You can show them that you’re different to the rest of the crowd. The casino is one of the most glamorous venues known to man. Telling your date that you’re going to the casino might intimidate them at first, but they will undoubtedly be excited with the opportunity to glam up.

First impressions count, so go bold and go smart. Rent a tuxedo for the night. You can don your best suit – your dicky bow even – and impress your date with your knowledge of casinos and your elegant fashion sense.

3. Go to a premium location

If you’re wearing a tuxedo, you need to find a casino with a bit of prestige. Find somewhere you wouldn’t feel out of place wearing such an absurdly glamorous outfit.

Think about it. You don’t want to head to a casino in a dreary northern town wearing a three-piece suit, when most patrons will be decked out in an Adidas tracksuit. You’re trying to impress your date, remember? Even if it takes a bit of a drive, go to a casino, like Aspers in London.

The best way to judge the glamour of a casino is through its dress code. So look for one that requires patrons to dress ‘smartly’, then you can head down to the tailors and hire the smoothest looking suit tailor possible to make your date think that you’re a suave, sophisticated gentleman.

Most top level casinos offer guests a series of food options, including gourmet food cooked by some of the best chefs in the world. You can also replace Bacardi Breezers with old fashioned cocktails, prosecco platters and, if you’re well off, champagne!

In summary

If you want to make an impression with your date and stack the odds in your favor, then you should immediately forget the ‘tried and tested’ date venues. Why go to Nando’s, the cinema or a Pizza spot when everyone else is doing the same?

Taking a girl to a casino is a sure-fire way to show you’re different from all the other guys. So channel your inner James Bond and give her a night she’ll never forget.

Just remember not to get too carried away with your own sense of self-importance. There’s nothing more unattractive than a man wistfully tossing chips into a poker table with the hope of his luck changing.

Also, keep in mind that a casino just isn’t about gambling. It’s a social occasion, so involve your date in the gameplay. And take advantage of the food, drinks and entertainment available to you at these venues.

Those are your instructions – now go and make it happen, Bond.

Featured image via The Hangover

