Casino di ca noghera

Casino di ca noghera



• The Game Supervisor reserves the right to form tables “at his/her discretion” by assigning places to players who have reserved them.

• Players may not occupy more than one place, either at the same table or other tables.

• There are nine places reserved for players at the Grand Table.

• Only the Game Steward can close betting using the customary phrase, ”Rien ne va plus” and after this players may not change their stakes. All stakes must be laid individually and shall be considered valid only if they consist of chips belonging to the Casino or Euros. Any stakes placed after ”Rien ne va plus” has been called will not be accepted.

• If the banker decides to withdraw and “pass the deal”, the game steward offers it to any of the players who are willing to start the bank “all’altezza” (i.e. with the same amount at which it stood when the last banker retired). The steward offers the bank in rotation to the players sitting at the table, starting with the player on the right of the last banker. If none of the seated players accept, the bank is then offered to the standing player that “speaks first”.

• If no one accepts the bank “all’altezza” it is put up for auction and passed onto the player who bids the most. No distinction is made between the players sitting down and standing up. If, however, two or more players bid the same amount, players who are seated take precedence.

• Any cards that appear face up in the sabot are automatically null and void and once a card has left the sabot it may not be put back inside it. It is strictly forbidden to look at the cards as they are being removed from the sabot.

• Players sitting or standing at the table and anyone who is watching are kindly asked not to talk or comment aloud on the progress of the game.

• Any unclaimed stakes or wins shall be raked in by the Game Supervisor and put to one side in compliance with the procedures laid down by the Gaming Management.

• The Game Supervisor has the right to change the minimum stake limits at any time, even during a game, by informing the players verbally.

• It is the Management’s right to suspend play at any time.

• Any dispute that may arise will be settled without right of appeal by the Gaming Management.
