Casino dizionario

Casino dizionario


Significato di casino in inglese

The casino was everything she promised, and more - garish, gaudy, noisy, manic, and with a gloriously chaotic sound environment to die for.

Da Cambridge English Corpus

The spectacular shopping malls, fantastic casinos, elaborate theme parks, and other cathedrals of consumption provide significant economies of scale.

Da Cambridge English Corpus

Textile and metallurgical firms provided the primary source of income for the three largest taxpayers, who were followed by two casino owners.

Da Cambridge English Corpus

As a result, by the s, the casino resort was no longer a semi-legitimate institution, but was hailed as an urban saviour.

Da Cambridge English Corpus

Online casinos are concerned, it would appear, that some clients are using robots against unsuspecting opponents and winning huge prizes.

Da Cambridge English Corpus

Nonetheless, if casino managers adopt the policy of excluding such individuals, they will save money by identifying some genuine cheaters, despite occasionally showing lucky gamblers the door too.

Da Cambridge English Corpus

It does have useful material to offer on the 'casino resort' concept, but its utility to the urban historian does not extend much further than that.

Da Cambridge English Corpus

The casino economy is all about allowing people to make money out of somebody else's money.
There are daft notions of hour rules and not allowing casinos to advertise.
Casinos have a powerful atmosphere; so have racecourses; so even have amusement arcades.

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