Casino facial recognition

Casino facial recognition


Patented Facial Matching Software

FaceFirst’s global patented face matching platform is well suited to meet the security and safety needs of casinos and gambling establishments. Using artificial intelligence and deep learning, the FaceFirst platform helps you deter unwanted guests, solve complex investigations, and serve valued VIPs. FaceFirst works with most cameras and integrates easily with existing casino technology systems.

When known card counters, criminals, or those on your voluntary exclusion programs enter the casino, FaceFirst ensures that you’re the first to know when persons of interest arrive.

Security Superpowers

With FaceFirst, casino security personnel always know where to go, who to look for, and what to do based on your policy.

Prevent Workplace Violence

FaceFirst notifies your security team when former employees or dangerous criminals enter the workplace.


Instantly identify individuals who are part of voluntary exclusion programs and ensure they aren’t able to gamble.

When high rollers enter your casino, FaceFirst instantly alerts key personnel to make sure your valuable guests get the VIP treatment.

A Face in a Crowd

FaceFirst accurately identifies individual faces even in crowded spaces.

Protect Privacy

Increase security and service while preserving biometric data from theft, loss or reproduction.

Rapid ROI

A powerful face detection platform for casinos pays for itself within months.

Predictive analytics use historical matches from your watch list to identify peak hours when card counters or other unwanted guests are likely to show up, making it easy for you to staff up and down according to demand.

Forensic Video

Our visual and keyword face matching searches deliver priceless forensic video evidence.

Accelerate Investigations

Easily search for identity and location matches to go back in time, uncovering crime patterns across thousands of your locations.

FaceFirst is based in Austin, Texas

We help create safer communities worldwide. 
