Casino james woods

Casino james woods


Lester Diamond : All right, I just bought us a few minutes. You want to get back at this prick? Hmm? Okay, you got, what, two million dollars in that box? Hey, you got a minute? Hey! He's got two million in the box, am I right?

[Ginger nods] 

Lester Diamond : Okay, you let him keep your jewels. We take the cash and the only other thing he cares about. Huh? Her majesty. We go to Europe, you dye your hair, you get some plastic

Amy Rothstein : I don't want to go to Europe. I want us go to see The Elephant Man.

Lester Diamond : We're not going to go see any fucking elephants, okay? We're going to Europe. Let the adults talk.

[to Ginger] 

Lester Diamond : You dye your hair, you get plastic surgery like we talked about, right? You're the mother. How much do you think he's going to pay to get this fucking kid back

Amy Rothstein : I don't want to go to Europe.

Lester Diamond : Shut your mouth! You know where she gets this from?

Amy Rothstein : You shut up.

Lester Diamond : No, you - you want me to come over there? I'll smack your face!

[Amy sticks her tongue out] 

Lester Diamond : Don't give me any of your shit!
