Casino luxembourg forum dart contemporain

Casino luxembourg forum dart contemporain


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Casino Luxembourg: allesbehalve mainstream Het Casino Luxembourg is een forum dat geheel en al gewijd is aan moderne kunst. In dit forum dat allesbehalve mainstream is, kunnen kunstenaars uit Luxemburg en omgeving hun werk tonen op dynamische wijze, heel anders dan in het gebruikelijke kader van een museum. Met de kunstenaars die hier verblijven worden er regelmatig workshops en events. The “Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain” is dedicated to contemporary art. Creative artists from Luxembourg and the surrounding area have the chance to present themselves and their work in a dynamic environment that is far removed from a traditional art gallery and mainstream ambience; there is an artist-in-residence programme.

Courtesy Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain.

L'homme gris
November 14, –January 31,
Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain
41, rue Notre-Dame
L Luxembourg
Hours: Wednesday–Monday 11am–7pm,
Thursday 11am–9pm
T + 22 50 45
[email protected]

Casino Luxembourg - Forum D

Artists: Alex Bag, Darja Bajagić, Bianca Bondi, Christine Borland, Gast Bouschet, Christoph Büchel, Sarah Charlesworth, Jan Fabre, John Urho Kemp, Ragnar Kjartansson, Julien Langendorff, Élodie Lesourd, Tony Oursler, Andres Serrano, Sindre Foss Skancke, David Tibet, Iris Van Dongen, Gisèle Vienne, Marnie Weber, Jérôme Zonder.
Curator: Benjamin Bianciotto.
There is no doubt you have already come across him on a street corner, eaten at his side, laughed at his jokes, cried on his shoulder, admired his insights. Perhaps you haven’t even noticed him, although he is always there, an aloof everyday presence, quite simply, anonymous. However, he has never shown you his true nature, you never realised he was wearing a mask, that this neighbour, this friend, this work colleague, this… anybody, could be the Devil in person. But are we not constantly searching for him in others so as not to find him in ourselves?
The L’homme gris exhibition at Casino Luxembourg – Forum d'art contemporain explores non-archetypal representations of the Devil in contemporary art. Far from disappearing, his image has simply mutated, showing again his fascinating ability to adapt which has allowed him to pass through art history—and mankind—unabated. While the way in which he slips away, transforms, infiltrates allows him to claim an all-the-more dangerous, powerful, or liberating position, it offers artists two possible paths to explore. Their choice sways between the empty shell, the costume to don, the pure image, and an elusive and constant metamorphosis.
This exciting alternative evokes, or perhaps, invokes, reflective illusions or the use of anonymity as strategic weapons; reveals the evil internalisation in man, and his unbearable banality; questions the boundaries between the visible and the invisible, disguise and mass; and aspires to rekindle a dark flamboyance. Creation leans, therefore, to span philosophical, economic, political, aesthetic, and moral fields.
This banner casts a shadow: the one in capital letters by C. G. Jung, the one left by the worrying flight of the fallen angel, the one hiding the light and plunging the world into a morose, impassive grey, a shroud; the one, in particular, which Peter Schlemihl sold to 'the grey man,' and which allows him, the hapless outcast, to understand and admire—a real parable of art—the wonders of this world.

Casino Luxembourg - Forum D'art Contemporain Luxembourg -

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In the case of the Casino Luxembourg, Urs Raussmüller – while retaining the historic architectural structure – transformed a building from into a contemporary exhibition space that was going to change Luxemburg. Later given the added name „Forum d’art contemporain“, it has remained a vibrant institution with an international echo to this day.

When Luxemburg became the European Cultural Capital in , it needed an exhibition venue that had to be quickly available on the one hand, and, on the other, inexpensive – a new museum was planned to be built later. With his suggestion to redesign the former Casino Bourgeois, Urs Raussmüller succeeded in finding an aesthetically and functionally convincing solution. In the process, he not only created the architecture, but a entire institution that continues to operate to this day.

In the casino, which had been returned to an elementary condition, Raussmüller placed 13 neutral cubes without ceilings and as a result created an ideal structure for exhibitions. The series of spaces is interrupted by in-between spaces in which the former Casino is visible. Each cube is an entity in itself and thus allows for a concentrated focus on the respective artworks.

The goal of each phase of the concept and the reconstruction was the desire to give the artworks the necessary surface, space and light so that they could develop their full potential. At the end of the cultural year in Luxemburg, the Casino became the one and only forum for contemporary art in Luxemburg. Up to today, its goal is to make visible the diversity and complexity of contemporary visual arts.

The two initial exhibitions that Urs Raussmüller organized in / demonstrated the versatility and adaptability of the exhibition architecture: the opening exhibition, “Luxe, calme et volupté. Regards sur le Post-Impressionnisme” with works by Van Gogh, Cézanne and Gauguin, among others, looked towards collectors’ activities in Switzerland’s Winterthur at the beginning of the 20th century. The following exhibition, “Main Stations”, featuring works by Pollock, Warhol, Newman, Stella and their contemporaries, directed its focus to the present and the major innovations in art since Catalogues were published for both exhibitions by Urs and Christel Raussmüller.
