Casino roulette hacks

Casino roulette hacks


10 Killer Tricks to win at Roulette in Casinos

There is no surety that you are going to win in roulette but you can soar up your chances of applying proper strategies.

Pick The Color

We are always in dilemma which color to choose. It could be either red or black. As there are 50% chances of occurring of both the color (minus the 0). Always bet on a color. You can invest a dollar to get yourself started. If you have made up your mind to play for some time than you can start with three or five dollars but that I will not suggest as losing a $3 on the very first bet will not be good for you. If you win for the first time you have played, play again and leave the original bet to take that one home. As long as you win or lose till you have original bet, you can play and if this is not happening, cut the losses and leave. There is one more thing you can do that you can play Roulette that will not cost you a penny and is free and you must bet on outside table’s one. There are always same chances for a color to occur and I have won 8 times straight.

which color to pick in Roulette

9. Betting on Numbers

Betting in numbers between and is a bit dicey. These bets pay the same amount as on betting on colors but are a onetime lose or win system. You can only bet once or at most twice on the casinos I have played while betting once. It happens only few times when the ball has not landed on the either two sides. It has been conducted in a survey that after seven spins place bet on the numbers that have not come yet. At this time, I bet $10, if I won I would have a good amount of money and if results in a loss I do one of the two things: Quit or wait for my chance again and start with $1 so that next time I won I have my cut plus $1 (original bet).You can try this strategy at top rated online casinos listed at this site for real money without going to a casino.

When I have good night I quit after four straight wins and if I have invested $$20, I quit after straight three wins. Sometimes though i&#;ll play on from the comfort of my own home, spinning a few wheels, placing a few bets from one of the many good online sites and taking advantge of some of the good bonuses they offer &#; see this up to date list of good welcome offers as an example of what you can get online

betting on numers directly

8. Betting on Rows.

Playing with colors and betting on rows are the same. If you made a success on the first attempt, play again with the winning and kept aside your original bet. If it results in a loss, bet again the same amount and result in a win cover your los of the first one and if you think you have made 2 straight losses than there are two things to do. Either quit or doubles the amount of bet this time and bet again. You have to get lucky only once if you keep on repeating but remember do not keep on doubling the bet. There is high risk of losing a large amount of money but when I do this I always come out happy.

which row to bet in Roulette

7. Force the Zero.

It is based on the malfunction of program installed on a computer. There are total 36 numbers and adding a number of zero there are 37 in total and each of them have equal chance of occurring. In real time games there is no surety a number would come but computer generated roulette has certain algorithm to generate a specific number to mix up some reality to the Roulette. If you have made up your mind for a particular number it might not come for the first spins but will come surely. I have seen very less gamblers betting on green zero. People are interested on betting red and black and zero will come eventually a few times to offset the Red and Black. You have to on that few times and make some money. This method is further divided into steps.

Force the zero in Roulette

Step 2

In internet casino place a dollar each on both the red and black chip and three dollars on the green zero. If you are lucky and able to hit zero within the first 10 trials you would make 16 dollars. If you are able to achieve zero on first 10 trials than go to some another site or log out of site so that you can restart the whole process again. It is very likely that zero would not occur for the first spins and within spins it would occur two to three times. If you are able to achieve what I have illustrated here than you will make more than dollars.

Step 3

It is very much similar to the above step. Place 4 chips of 1 dollar each on green zero. In the first 10 trials you hit on zero at least once than you will make $2. Like I have said before there are high chances scoring on zero after sixty spins and than if you hit on zero twice you would make more than $?

Step 4

Start again and this time six chips of dollar each and a dollar each on red and black. If you make zero in the first 10 trials than you can make at least 42 dollars and there are high chances of occurring zero after 30 spins and that would generate revenue of more than dollars.

Step 5

Place a dollar each on both red and black and this time place 8 chips of a dollar on the zero. Scoring a zero in the first 10 trials would give you sixteen dollars. There are very less chances of scoring zero in first few spins. What I have researched is that I did not encounter 0 in 60 trials and had scored zero 3 times in just 15 trials after the first I won two times but lost the third time. If I could have easily made $ and you can make it too.

Last step

This is the “Guru Mantra” when it comes to internet Roulette. Place a dollar each on both red and black and start with two dollars on green zero. Double the amount of bet on green zero after every 10 trials and you would encounter zero within first trials you would end roulette every time with a profit. I always do 70 trials on zero and double the bet after every 10 trials.

If you follow this guideline than you are surely going to win and if you have lost than you have not implemented properly what I have told above or you are too misfortunate.

Additional Tips for winning Roulette Casinos while you not playing online

1. Keep eyes on the table

If you have been playing for long than remember what numbers, colors a particular table hit mostly. Keep track of your previous score and it will help you predict colors and numbers for next rounds.

2. There is nothing that cannot be mastered. Get a table at home and play Roulette and when you get the clear idea which number is most likely to come, than start playing roulette at casinos.

3. Take what you have won. You commence gambling by $10 after sometime you have made $40, than you know it is time to quit as you have already made % of what you have invested and it is too much. Do not be too greedy if you have some luck some attempts.

4. There are 2 types of tables at roulette. American and European Roulette table do not play on the American table as they have 00 in addition that decrease your probability of winning. There are chances of 1/37 while playing European casino and 1/38 while playing American casinos.

5. If you are playing online, go to some repudiated place as they are many people who try to scam you. Play where they generate a random number.

6. It is not a new one and it is not a slot machine so some tables are very likely to generate some particular even or odds.

7. I have experienced it personally that multiple of 5 are the most uncommon numbers to hit on roulette.

Источник: thisisnl.nlrscom/killer-tricks-to-win-at-roulette-in-casinos/