Casino sms spam

Casino sms spam


How to Stop Casino Texts

Published by:Charlie Taylor


how to stop casino spam texts

Unsolicited spam casino texts are a nuisance, particularly when you haven’t subscribed to them. Besides interrupting your daily routine, these spam texts clutter your inbox with unwanted messages. Unfortunately, these messages end up to unknowing customers while showcasing a lack of privacy. Therefore, it warrants the question – how to stop casino texts? At this article, we take a look at all the ways to avoid these texts.

Most casinos send automated texts to multiple customers weekly. Most of these operators work hand in hand with third parties to acquire customers’ details. This leads to an increase in spam texts in your message folder. Managing spam casino texts can be challenging. Fortunately, there are several ways to stop getting spam texts from casino. Learn how to get rid of these casino texts below.

Why Do You Receive Spam Casino Texts?

Constantly receiving spam casino texts without your approval is attributed to various factors beyond your control. There’s a secret of gambling industry: unfair casino brands work in line with third parties to collect your contact information. They can instantly access your phone number to send unsolicited spam casino texts. We break down why you could be receiving these unsolicited texts and how to block casino spam messages. First, let’s learn why you’re receiving these texts:

Opted-In Marketing

Most scam texts come from opted-in marketing campaigns when signing up for a product or service. When accepting it, part of the terms and conditions includes receiving promotional messages from the company or other related third parties. Some establishments sell this contact information to third-party marketers. Hence, these marketers can send these spam texts to your phone.

Third-Party Data Sharing

Another reason for receiving spam casino texts is through third-party sharing. Most online services save your details when signing up for an account. Afterwards, the online service might share your personal information with third-party companies, such as casinos looking to grow their customer base. These casinos send unsolicited messages to entice customers to check out their platform.

Affiliate Marketing

Most online gambling establishments employ affiliate marketing with other third parties to incentivise them to drive traffic to the casino’s website. This traps customers who click on an affiliate link or visit any casino-related website. They might share your information with casinos and send promotional messages.

Leaked or Sold Data

Sometimes, when signing up for online services or clicking on links, your information isn’t secure. Instances of leaked or data breaches can expose your personal information, including your phone number. Unscrupulous individuals might obtain these details and sell them to third parties such as online casinos. These casinos send promotional or spam texts to lure unsuspecting customers to their platform.

The Risks and Annoyance of Casino Texts

Spam casino texts showcase the lack of privacy most online services have in securing your details. Important details such as phone number, address, or card number are exposed to hackers and other third parties.

Most online services don’t have strict private policies to protect user’s information. As such, hackers can easily access their online databases, extract this vital information, and sell it to third parties.

These unwanted messages can clutter your inbox, thus causing inconvenience and frustration. Moreover, it raises more privacy issues where third parties can share your private information without your permission. It could amount to a violation of your privacy rights.

For example, you can click on an unsuspecting link from a message. This opens the door to receiving unwanted messages from casino operators. Furthermore, it could put your device at risk of malware or viruses, leading to data theft.

This is why most users opt for casinos without GamStop that take a closer privacy approach with their policies. These casinos ensure that private information remains confidential. Users can either opt in or out of receiving these promotional texts.

How to Cancel the Spam Messages from Casino Operators

Most customers employ several strategies to cancel spam messages from casino operators. Some users choose to block the sender or report to stop receiving casino text messages. Unfortunately, these tactics don’t stop these spam casino operators from sending these texts. Here are a few strategies to stop receiving casino text messages:

Opt-Out or Unsubscribe Options

The most straightforward way to cancel spam messages is by opting out or unsubscribing from the casino operator. Open the spam message and scroll to the bottom to find a link to ‘unsubscribe’ or ‘opt-out from the service’.

Blocking Senders

Alternatively, you can block the casino operator from sending messages to your phone number. Open the message and click on the ‘more’ option, and from the dropdown menu, select ‘block number’ or ‘block contact.’ This prevents the operator from sending any further messages.

Contacting your mobile carrier

If these spam messages persist, it’s time to contact your mobile operator directly. Choose the customer service department and inform them of the persistent spam messages on your end. Provide the details about the casino, including the number or email address for them to block it completely.

Legal and regulatory measures

Several legal and regulatory measures in the UK, such as the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations (PECR), illegalise companies from sending unsolicited text messages without your explicit consent. You can report such cases to regulatory agencies like the Information Commissioner’s Office.

How to Stay Safe Online

Staying safe online means keeping your personal information private from unrelated third parties. Moreover, it prevents instances of individuals gaining access to your personal information and sending spam casino texts. Avoid clicking on unknown links or visiting unknown websites to end casino SMS notifications. Don’t avail your personal information when signing up for anonymous online accounts.

Tips on How to Protect Your Information from Casino Spam Texts

Your personal information should remain private when browsing online. Sometimes, due to negligence, we often leave ourselves vulnerable to online hackers who can access our private information. Below are various techniques to safeguard your information from annoying casino spam texts:

Use a Reputable SMS Spam Filtering App

A reputable SMS spam filtering app features a spam block option to stop receiving promotional, unwarranted, or spam messages on your device from casino operators. Most apps feature advanced security measures that detect and block messages from known casino operators.

Check Privacy Policies of Online Casinos

Always check the privacy policy of an online casino available at the website’s footer. This contains the security measures that clearly and accurately understand how they collect, use, protect, and handle customer’s personal information. It shows whether the site can safeguard your details or not.

Don’t Share Your Number

Avoid sharing your number online with strangers. Also, filling out online forms while availing your phone number puts you at risk of online hackers accessing your contacts. If you want free bonuses on mobile registering, only opt for trusted casinos. Hackers can sell your phone number to unrelated third parties.

Opt-Out of Promotions

Ongoing promotions with your phone details will continue sending spam messages. It’s important to always opt out of promotions to avoid continuous unwarranted messages. Click on the options, sign on to the site, and select the ‘opt-out’ option to cancel your subscription from receiving promotional messages.

Choose Reputable Casinos and Platforms That Respect Privacy

The most recommended way of avoiding spam messages to your phone is by signing up at a reputable casino platform. These trusted casino sites provide a secure way of ensuring continuous gameplay without revealing your personal information.

Casinos without GamStop respect the privacy of their clients and work towards maintaining a high level of security. There are some casinos that don’t ask for verification, in comparison to traditional verification methods. They offer a hassle-free way of signing up for an account at the gambling site. However, it’s imperative for users to choose platforms after conducting due diligence and selecting ones that respect user privacy.

How to Stop Different Casino Spam

Casino spam is a persistent nuisance that continuously bombards you with unwarranted pop-ups, flooding your inbox with promotional messages. There are several strategies to stop casino spamming and solve these problems. Some techniques are ingenious, while others require professional help


Receiving unsolicited casino texts is a nuisance for most gamers. We urge most users to take control of receiving these unwarranted messages. This ensures no interrupted daily interactions and a clean and organised inbox.

We urge users to block casino operators from accessing their inboxes for spam protection. Alternatively, you can opt-out of unsubscribe options for most of these text messages. Most mobile carriers often use alternative ways of blocking these casino operators from sending these promotional messages.

In addition, users should know that there are legal and regulatory measures that protect them from receiving these texts. Users can report such cases to regulatory agencies like the Information Commissioner’s Office.

How to Cancel SMS Spam: Top Popular Questions

What is casino SMS spam, and why do I receive it?

A casino SMS spam is an unwanted message sent to an unknown user without their consent. Most users receive these messages by signing up for marketing campaigns, affiliate marketers, and third-party sharing. Third parties sell your personal information to online casinos who send these spam SMS.

Can I report SMS spam from UK casinos to regulatory authorities?

Yes, you can report SMS spam from UK casinos to regulatory authorities. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) regulates electronic marketing in the UK, including SMS messages. This illegalises any casino operators from sending unsolicited messages without your consent.

Can I block annoying texts from specific casinos on my phone?

Yes. It’s possible to block annoying texts from specific casinos on your phone. Visit the dropdown menu and select the block contact or number option. This prevents any casino operator from sending any unwarranted messages to your phone. Moreover, you can opt out of any promotional campaign signed up on your phone.

How can I identify legitimate SMS messages from casinos?

Finding legitimate SMS messages from casinos involves scrutiny. Legitimate messages contain the casino’s official name, customer service number, and clear information about the promotions. Avoid clicking any suspicious links contained in the messages.

Do the reputable non-GamStop casinos send unsolicited SMS messages?

Yes, sometimes. In our experience, top brands respect privacy regulations and won’t send messages without their player’s consent. These casinos adopt clear terms &#; conditions where users can easily opt-in to receive communications. However, we recommend users to read through the privacy policies of the specific non-GamStop casino for more clarity.

Hi, my name is Charlie Taylor and I am the author of I graduated in from the University of Oxford with a Ph.D in Economic Sciences. I have always been interested in gambling, especially slots, and decided to create this gorgeous resource for UK players. I reviewed umteen different alternatives for players, especially those who registered in GamStop and created several informative guides for them. I am into this topic, because of also signed up for this self-exclusion program and know that it might be hard to find credible places where play. Hope my blog helps you find what you are looking for!
