Casino story missions

Casino story missions


Casino - Play to Win

  • Destroy Avery's oil tankers.
  • Go to the LS State Gas Company.
  • Destroy Avery's oil tankers.
  • Leave the area.


  • JP +15
  • Cash, Chips and RP vary depending on difficulty and time spent.

  • "Play to Win" award + $50,000 (if completed for the first time)
  • "Lucky Lucky" award + $50,000 (by completing a single Casino Story Mission without dying)

Strike back at the Duggan family by taking out their oil and gas operations. Things will get heated.

— In-game description.

Casino - Play to Win is a Casino Story Mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Diamond Casino & Resort update.


Matters have continued to worsen... I think the grad school term is a... clusterfuck? Come to my office, okay? There's a meeting that I need you at... I may or may not be there.

— Ms. Baker's phone call

Go to the Management area HUDIcons-GTAO-AgathaBakerinside The Diamond Casino & Resort to meet Ms. Baker.

The protagonists are contacted by Agatha Baker, who informs them that matters have continued to worsen, and asks them to drop by her office. When they enter her office, they see Brucie Kibbutz, Tao Cheng, and his translator (doing his best to keep up and having shed his pants to try and cope) exercising to one of Brucie's exercise videos. Agatha then dismisses herself from the office, telling the team that she's going to inspect the kitchens and that she was officially not at this meeting. Brucie then introduces himself to the team. Out of breath, Tao's translator tells the team that Tao's uncle wants to thank them for their assistance, and had contacted the casino that they are set to go to war with the Duggans. Tao's translator says that Avery Duggan owns a multinational corporation, with their principle local interest in the state being oil and gas. There are four tanker trucks around Los Santos, instructing them to destroy all four of the tanker trucks and then call back to move to the big target. Brucie wishes the team good luck, as he, Tao, and the translator resume their exercise routine.

The team goes around Los Santos locating and destroying Avery's oil tankers pulled by Phantom Customs, while also dealing with Avery's men around the parked truck or escorting the vehicles in Kamachos. Tao's translator tells them that the oil tankers are located at Murrieta Oil Field in El Burro Heights, the Xero Gas building by Los Santos International Airport, and two of them are coming into the city from the north and the east. Agatha then reiterates to the team that she knows nothing about their actions, but tells them that the Chengs will reimburse them generously for disrupting the Duggans' oil and gas operation.

Once the team destroys all four of Avery's oil tankers, Tao's translator calls them, telling them to move on to the Los Santos State Gas Company in Banning to destroy the remaining five oil tankers. However, more of Avery's men have been called in to protect the oil tankers. The team manages to destroy the five oil tankers while dealing with Avery's men, which arrive in Kamachos, Buzzard Attack Choppers, or even in a FH-1 Hunter.

Once all five of Avery's remaining oil tankers are destroyed, Tao's translator contacts the team, telling them to leave the area. Tao then grabs the phone from his translator, delighted that the team destroyed Avery's oil tankers, and declaring that the war against the Duggans is just getting started and that nobody messes with him before telling Brucie to stretch him off. The team then leaves the area, ending the mission.

Hello, my inspection of the kitchens went swimmingly, at least ten people can testify to my having my head in an oven all this time... I hope you were equally successful... no, don't answer that... I'll speak to you soon.

— Ms. Baker's call

Ms. Baker will be in touch soon.

Mission Objectives[]

  • Destroy Avery's oil tankers.
  • Go to the LS State Gas Company.
  • Destroy Avery's oil tankers.
  • Leave the area.



Phone call

Agatha Baker
(Phone call):
Matters have continued to worsen... I think the grad school term is a... clusterfuck? Come to my office, okay? There's a meeting that I need you at... I may or may not be there.

At Agatha Baker's office.
Brucie Kibbutz
See, I used to be caught up in material things... sick rides, luxury real estate, Snapmatic followers, yeah... Don't forget to like and subscribe. But... I let all that go.
Brucie Kibbutz:This is a spiritual war, people... a spiritual war.
Brucie Kibbutz
It's not about looking good without your shirt on... but you definitely will... it's about complete package, the whole experience.
Brucie Kibbutz:Brucie's truth, baby, yeah! Now let's do another round.
Agatha Baker:Well this might be a spiritual war, but I can't know anything about it... so I'm just going to leave you all to it. Have... have fun, I guess... good luck. I'm going to inspect the kitchens. Oh and for the record, I was not at this meeting.
Brucie Kibbutz:It's probably for the best... take it easy. Yeah! Brucie Kibbutz... I don't believe we've been introduced... but yes, I am going to change your life, get you in shape. These days it's a mental as well as a physical quest. I'm so strong mentally... I could... I could break that desk in half... just with my mind. I could... but I won't... that would be dangerous.
Tao Cheng's Translator:Mr. Cheng's uncle wants to thank you for your assistance. He has contacted us... we are to go to war with the Duggans.
Tao Cheng's Translator:Avery Duggan runs a multinational corporation. Their principle interest in San Andreas is oil and gas. Currently, they have four tanker trucks in the city... you destroy them, then call us, move to the big target. Okay?
Brucie Kibbutz:Good luck out there. I wish I could go with you, but we've got another round to get in. Let's do it.
Brucie Kibbutz
You might not notice, but I'm also working on the smallest muscle in my body, my brain. Sharpen that tool, folks. Hone that blade.
Tao Cheng's Translator
(Phone call):
Alright, let's hit them where it hurts... in the bank balance. There's a tanker truck at the oil derricks in El Burro Heights, another at the Xero Gas building by the airport, and the two more coming into the city from the north and the east.
Agatha Baker
(Phone call):
Let me reiterate, I know nothing about what you're doing here... but the Chengs will reimburse you generously for the disruption of the Duggans oil and gas operation. Stick it to those pricks.
After destroying one of the tankers.
Tao Cheng's Translator
(Phone call):
It looks like you got a tanker truck, three more to go.
After destroying two of the tankers.
Tao Cheng's Translator
(Phone call):
Okay. They just got two trucks left. Get rid of them.
After destroying three of the tankers.
Tao Cheng's Translator
(Phone call):
Good work. One truck left. Then we move on to the big target.
After destroying four of the tankers.
Tao Cheng's Translator
(Phone call):
That's it, you took out their whole network. Now we have to finish them off. They own the Los Santos Gas Company facility near the port. Destroy everything they got there. Security has been called in, so this may be a challenge. The boss is counting on you.
Tao Cheng's Translator
(Phone call):
Are you done at the Gas Company? Quick, get out of the area...
Tao Cheng
(Phone call):
Gimme phone! You got those fucker didn't you? This war is just getting started! No one fuck with Tao Cheng. Brucie, come on, stretch me off.
Post-mission phone call

Agatha Baker
(Phone call):
Hello, my inspection of the kitchens went swimmingly, at least ten people can testify to my having my head in an oven all this time... I hope you were equally successful... no, don't answer that... I'll speak to you soon.



Video Walkthrough[]

GTA Online - Play to Win Casino Mission -4 (Ms

GTA Online - Play to Win Casino Mission -4 (Ms. Baker)

