Casino table images

Casino table images


Craps Table Layout Explained: Learn All the Bets on The Table

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, it’s essential to understand the craps table layout and how it can affect your gameplay. 

In this guide, we’ll dive deeply into the craps table layout, including the key betting areas, the differences between regular and crapless tables, and the role of dealers and floor staff. 

We’ll also review proper table etiquette to help you feel comfortable and confident.

Craps Table Layout: A Quick Overview

  1. Comprehensive Layout Understanding: This guide offers a detailed exploration of the craps table layout, emphasizing the importance of understanding each betting area to enhance gameplay strategy.
  2. Side vs. Center Sections: It breaks down the table into its component sections, the side and center, explaining the significance of each and the bets that can be placed there, enhancing players’ ability to navigate the game.
  3. Betting Areas Explained: From the Pass Line to the Field, each key betting area is detailed, providing players with the knowledge needed to make informed bets and understand potential payouts.
  4. Crapless vs. Regular Tables: The guide illuminates the differences between crapless craps tables and regular tables, offering insights into how these differences can affect gameplay and strategy.
  5. Dealer Roles and Table Staff: An overview of the roles of dealers and floor staff at the craps table helps players appreciate the dynamics of the game environment and the importance of each staff member in facilitating gameplay.
  6. Table Etiquette: Proper behavior and etiquette at the craps table are underscored, ensuring players can contribute to a respectful and enjoyable gaming experience for everyone involved.
craps table layout

The Craps Table Explained

The craps table is a large, rectangular surface with several marked areas for betting. 

full view of a craps table layout

These betting areas are organized into 2 main sections: the side and center sections. 

The side sections are on either end of the table, while the center section runs along the middle. 

Let’s take a closer look at each of these sections.

Key Betting Areas on the Craps Table Layout Explained

One of the most important things to understand about the craps table layout is the various betting areas. You’ll place your chips to make a wager in these areas. You can learn more about the game from our how to play craps guide.

craps table layout bets

Here are the key betting areas you’ll need to know:

Pass Line

This is an extended, narrow betting area located at the center of the table. To make a pass line bet, you’ll place your chips on the pass line area. 

This is a bet that the shooter (the person rolling the dice) will roll a 7 or 11 on the come-out roll or that they’ll roll their point number and then roll a 7 before rolling their point number again.

pass line bet

Don’t Pass Line 

This is another extended, narrow betting area located at the center of the table, but it’s on the opposite side of the pass line. 

You’ll place your chips on the don’t pass line area to make a don’t pass line bet. 

This is a bet that the shooter will roll a 2, 3, or 12 on the come-out roll (called “craps”) or that they’ll roll their point number and then roll a 7 before rolling their point number again.

don't pass line bet

Come Bet

This is a small, circular betting area located near the pass line. To make a come bet, place your chips on the come area. 

This is a bet that the next roll will be a 7 or 11 or that the shooter will roll their point number and then roll a 7 before rolling their point number again.

Don’t Come 

This small, circular betting area is located near the don’t pass line. You’ll place your chips on the don’t come area to make a don’t come bet.

This is a bet that the next roll will be a 2, 3, or 12, or that the shooter will roll their point number and then roll a 7 before rolling their point number again.


This is a large, square betting area located at the center of the table. To make a field bet, you’ll place your chips on the field area. 

This is a bet that the next roll will be a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or

field bet in craps

Place Bets 

These are small, circular betting areas near the table’s centre. 

To make a place bet, you’ll place your chips on the area corresponding to the number you want to bet on (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10). This is a bet that the shooter will roll the chosen number before rolling a 7.

Side and Center Sections

The craps table has two identical side sections, each consisting of a player area and a dealer area. These sections are designed to make it easy for you to place bets like Pass Line, Field and Come without any assistance from the dealer.

Some tables may also include Big 6 and Big 8 bets in the player area of the side betting section.

You might be wondering why the Big 6 and Big 8 bets aren’t as common on craps tables. Well, that’s because they have a rather high house edge, making them riskier options for players.

As a result, many casinos choose to leave them out of their craps tables.

These bets are often referred to as “self-service bets” because you can place them on your own, without the help of a dealer. To make a bet in any of these areas, simply put your chips on the appropriate section.

When you win a Pass, Don’t Pass, or Field bet, the dealer will place your winnings beside your initial bet.

Now, here’s a friendly tip: Be sure to keep an eye on the game’s fast pace and remove your chips from the table after you win. If you don’t, the dealer may assume you’re doubling your original stake by adding your winnings to it.

So, if that’s not your intention, remember to pick up your chips and enjoy the thrill of the game!

Crapless Craps Table vs Regular Craps Table

In addition to the traditional craps table layout, you may also come across a variation called a crapless table. 

As the name suggests, a crapless table does not have the craps numbers (2, 3, and 12) on the come-out roll. 

This means that if the shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12 on the come-out roll, it’s not considered craps, and the game continues.

While this may seem like a more favorable option for players, keep in mind that the odds on a crapless table are generally worse than on a regular table. 

This is because the shooter has a higher chance of making a point number, which means that the don’t pass and don’t come bets are less likely to win.

Dealers and Floor Staff

When you’re playing craps, you’ll be interacting with a team of dealers and floor staff. 

The dealers handle the dice, pay out winning bets, and collect losing bets. They’ll also assist players with any questions or concerns they may have. 

casino staff and dealers in craps

The floor staff includes:

  • The stickman is responsible for controlling the pace of the game and announcing the rolls
  • The boxman is accountable for overseeing the dealers and maintaining the integrity of the game.

It’s important to remember that the dealers and floor staff are there to help you have a positive and enjoyable craps experience. 

Be respectful and polite, and follow their instructions when placing bets or handling chips.

Proper Way to Act at the Craps Table – Table Etiquette

In addition to interacting with the dealers and floor staff, it’s essential to follow proper table etiquette when playing craps.

Here are a few tips to help you navigate the craps board with confidence:

  1. Be mindful of your surroundings. The craps table can get crowded and fast-paced, so be aware of your surroundings and try not to get in the way of other players.
  2. Follow the rules of the game. Make sure you understand the rules of craps before you start playing, and follow them carefully. If you need help playing a particular bet, ask a dealer or floor staff member for assistance.
  3. Refrain from handling the dice with your bare hands. It would be best if you only touched the dice with your fingers, not your palms or other parts of your hands. This is to prevent any tampering with the dice.
  4. Don’t blow on the dice. Blowing on the dice is considered bad luck, so avoid this behavior.
  5. Use appropriate language. The craps table can be a lively and energetic place, but it’s important to watch your language and avoid using inappropriate or offensive words.
  6. Be patient. Craps can be a complex game, and it may take some time for new players to understand all of the rules and betting options 
  7. Don’t be discouraged if you make mistakes or feel overwhelmed at first. Take your time and ask for help if you need it.
  8. Tips are appreciated. If you have a good experience at the craps table and want to show appreciation, you can tip the dealers and floor staff. This is not required, but it’s a nice gesture and helps to create a positive atmosphere at the table.

Craps, with its complex table and vibrant atmosphere, is a game that thrives on tradition, superstition, and plenty of myths. However, to improve your gameplay and make informed decisions, it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction.

Here, we debunk some of the most common craps table myths.

Myth 1: Certain Numbers Are “Due” to Roll

One of the most pervasive myths in craps (and gambling in general) is the belief that after a number hasn’t shown up for a while, it’s “due” to roll.

This is a classic example of the gambler’s fallacy. In reality, dice have no memory, and each roll is an independent event with the same probabilities as the last.

The odds of rolling a 7 are always 1 in 6, regardless of previous rolls.

Myth 2: Some Dealers Can Influence the Outcome

The myth of the “hot” or “lucky” dealer persists in many games, including craps.

Some players believe that certain dealers can influence the outcome of the dice to favor the player or the house. However, craps dealers have no control over the dice; their primary roles are to manage the table, handle bets, and ensure fair play.

The outcome is always a product of chance.

Myth 3: Sticking to One Betting Strategy Guarantees Success

Many players swear by a particular betting strategy, believing it guarantees long-term success.

While strategies like the Martingale or the Iron Cross can provide structure to your betting, no strategy can overcome the house edge in the long run. It’s essential to understand the probabilities and house edges associated with different bets and to adapt your strategy based on the current game state and your bankroll.

Myth 4: The Craps Table Layout Affects the Game’s Outcome

Some players speculate that the physical layout of the craps table, including its size, the type of felt used, or the presence of walls and pyramids, can affect the outcome of the dice rolls.

While these elements might influence how dice bounce, they do not change the fundamental probabilities of the game. The layout is designed for fairness and functionality, ensuring that every roll is random.

Myth 5: Prop Bets Are the Key to Big Wins

Proposition bets, or prop bets, are appealing because they offer high payouts.

This allure leads to the myth that focusing on these bets is the key to winning big at craps. While it’s true that prop bets can result in substantial payouts, they also come with significantly higher house edges, making them riskier and less likely to pay out over time.

Smart players balance the thrill of prop bets with the steadier play of bets with lower house edges.

Myth 6: Online Craps Is Rigged

With the rise of online gaming, some players are wary, believing that online craps games are rigged against them.

Reputable online casinos use Random Number Generators (RNGs) to ensure fair play and random outcomes, closely mimicking the probabilities of physical dice rolls. Playing at licensed and audited online casinos can assure you that the games are fair and unbiased.

Debunking Myths for Better Gameplay

Understanding and debunking these craps table myths allows players to approach the game with a clear mind, focused on real strategies and probabilities rather than superstition or misinformation.

Remember, craps is a game of chance with built-in house edges, and the best approach is one that combines knowledge of the game with disciplined bankroll management and an appreciation for the excitement and camaraderie of the craps table.

Final Thoughts

The craps table layout can seem intimidating at first, but with some knowledge and practice using our simulator, you’ll be able to navigate it easily. 

Remember to pay attention to the key betting areas, master the odds and payouts, understand the differences between regular and crapless tables, and follow proper etiquette. 

With a little patience, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a fun and exciting game of craps.

Craps Table Layout Frequently Asked Questions

What is the layout of a craps table?

The layout of a craps table is typically divided into two sections: the “field” section and the “number” section. The field section is where you can place bets on specific outcomes, such as rolling a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or The number section is where you can place bets on specific numbers, such as rolling a 6 or 8.

What are the 6 and the 8 on a craps table for?

The 6 and the 8 on a craps board are for placing bets on those specific numbers. When the shooter rolls a 6 or 8, any bets placed on those numbers will be paid out accordingly.

How many seats does a craps table have?

A craps table typically has around 12 seats, with room for additional players standing around the table.

Why do craps tables have mirrors?

Craps tables have mirrors for several reasons. One reason is that they allow players to see the entire table and all the bets that are being placed. This can be helpful for players who are new to the game and are still learning the layout. Additionally, mirrors can also help to make the table look larger, which can create a more exciting gaming experience.

Why is it called a craps table?

The name “craps” is thought to have originated from the French word “crabs,” which refers to the losing roll of a 2 in the game. Over time, the name was shortened to “craps” and has been used to refer to the game and the table on which it is played.

What are the craps table dimensions?

The craps table dimensions vary depending on the size of the table.
The smallest size available is a 6-foot table with a playing surface area of 6 feet in length and 3 feet 6 inches in width.
The largest size is a foot table with a playing area measuring 13 feet and 10 inches in length and 4 feet in width.
The height of the majority of craps tables is 40 inches from the ground to the top of the padded armrest, and the playing surface is around 28 inches from the ground.
