Casino tycoon 2 cast

Casino tycoon 2 cast



It is 20 years on and Ho Hsin is now the proud and powerful owner of a chain of casinos in Macau. Unfortunately, he is also the target of many enemies, some of whom are in dangerously close proximity to him. But Ho has faced adversity before and is not about to just roll over and die.

Popular reviews

  • PenguinBoss

    After the obscenely mean spirited first film, this sequel feels much more like a classic Wong Jing joint. The first half plays like a light dramedy with the second half being more of a soap opera with LUDICROUS plot twists. 

    It’s a ridiculous movie and probably doesn’t deserve a 4 star rating but god dammit I was very entertained throughout. More than that, I was truly caught up in the character drama despite how absurd everything was, that’s no small feat. The ending was legitimately sweet!…after having one last gag about stds of course…Wong Jing just can’t help himself I guess.

    Plus you get to see Andy Lau and Chingmy Yau (😍) play a married old couple. How do they achieve this? Just slightly grayed hair haha. They look ridiculous but for me that just adds to the charm.

  • PenguinBoss

    “I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong…to have caused incest and feud among brothers.”

    I showed both of these films to my friend and it was the best viewing experience so far this year. I have such a hard time comprehending either of these movies being mainstream entertainment anywhere at anytime, they’re INSANE! And each film for very different reasons.

    I know I’m in the vast minority but I love how after the first one ramps up stakes to the absolute cruel edge, this sequel is just a chill daytime soap opera with really dumb humor. It’s the more entertaining one in my eyes, especially when you watch them back to back. 

    Highly recommend, over 4 hours between both and there isn’t a moment of boredom.

  • nick atkinson

    Much darker than the first Casino Tycoon, this one is about Benny Ho’s life at the top of the gambling industry rather than his rise to fame. It’s better than the first one in my opinion, in that the story is simpler to understand and it doesn’t go on for too long. 

    Hui Siu-hung added a lot of comedy to this which the first movie sort of lacked. He managed to cheer me up multiple times after really heavy scenes.

    I wasn’t sure how to react at the African American jokes (how they have big dicks and how they are all singers) but they were funny to be fair.

  • Wonggifs

    This doesn't have the action of the previous movie, but it does have Andy Lau and Michelle Reis at peak level hotness, and it does retain the bizarre soap opera twists of the first film.

    It's like The Godfather, but if every second character was comic relief. Gags about venereal disease, impotencetwo of the major set pieces are a basketball game and a speed walking race. All in all, I only laughed out loud once or twice, which is a bit of a step down in entertainment value from the first movie. It does manage to keep interest by being occasionally outrageous, and the pace is pretty good, with Wong Jing chucking in something weird or bizarre every scene or…

  • Alex Holmes

    Essentially more “part 2” than a sequel, the second CasinoTycoon movie pretty much exists as a yet another proof of concept for Andy Lau (hilariously fake grey haired yet still pulls it off) to solve climate change by being a clean energy source, such is his star wattage basically the only thing here making the film worth while.

    Manages the weird feat of picking up from the first but in a kind of anti The Godfather pt II in that the momentum totally stalls and the story of a man who has clawed his way to the top is actually pretty boring once he’s there (as opposed to Copolla’s master work). There’s just almost no real story or themes or anything , and it just feels weirdly disconnected from the epic style story in the first one. Disappointing, all things told as I really felt this series would be my jam.

  • Invincible Asia

    In this one Andy, who loyally cared for his now wheelchair-bound wife and gives any other handsome grey-haired bloke a run for his money with his fake grey hair, develops a bit of a crush on Michelle Reis, because divine eyebrows and brown puppy eyes supremacy is where it’s at. There’s also more Casino treachery and a surprisingly sweet resolution to everything. Certainly worth a watch, the Casino Tycoon series.

  • mknusair

    About the further adventures of Andy Lau's casino boss, this was a decent enough sequel. It's a bit more low-key than the original (it doesn't have the decades-spanning sweep of that movie), and the action is even more sporadic, but it's otherwise pretty much just more of the same: it's got another very charismatic performance from Andy Lau, and a whole bunch of bonkers soap opera twists. I did kinda miss the more rapid-fire plotting of the first one, but once the melodrama cranks up in the second half, it's a fun ride.

  • BjorkShandy

    Incest Tycoon

    Casino Tycoon II was more of a straightforward melodrama compared to the all over the place original, so straightforward that the twist was not at all surprising and at first I didn't even think it was a twist because of how obvious it was. On top of being a straightforward melodrama there were a lot of questionable moments the twist was one of them.

    Benny's daughter is dating a guy who turns out to be the son of Vivian who Benny slept with in the first film and unsurprisingly Benny turns out to be the father, so basically it's an incest relationshipbut then it's revealed that daughter actually died in the first film and Benny's best friend replaced…

  • holly hindsight

    unpopular opinion — somehow i find the sequel largely more interesting than its predecessor, though its just as melodramatic and schmaltzy, if not even more so

    but thats before the boring, lazy, anticlimactic plot twist. and compared to the first film, i think andy lau delivers an even better performance, but the villain is a lot weaker. given these flaws, i’d have to bring my rating down to stars

    god of gamblers et al ranked

  • DylanDoorsFan

    The second tycoon.


    Finding the first Casino Tycoon (also reviewed) to be a breezy Action flick with tasty overripe Melodrama,I was pleased to find the second movie in the series on Netflix UK,leading to me visiting the casino again.

    View on the film:

    Released the same year as the first, returning writer/director Jing Wong is unable to hide the marks of this being a rushed production, with the Heroic Bloodshed-flavoured Action set-pieces of the first flick, here being replaced by slap-dash panning panning shots and zoom-ins on the disappointingly clipped wings set-pieces.

    Whilst the first flick offered a delightful mash-up of Historical Drama/Melodrama/ wacky Comedy and Action high-kicks,the screenplay by Wong here goes for a straightforward gangster Drama with…

  • ButtNugget

    The superior sequel to Wong Jing’s surprisingly compelling Hong Kong crime saga (granted, it doesn’t really take much to improve upon the previous entry). Whereas the first movie feels like a series of sketches from an extra-violent daytime soap, the second part offers a more cohesive and streamlined narrative. The film focuses entirely on Andy Lau’s dealings in the gambling world. Its central family drama has the ring of a Shakespearean tragedy, and it’s pure melodrama of the highest standard. The rest of the movie kind of strikes me as a John Woo version of Scorsese’s Casino —only with vulgar, cheesy humor mixed in. Many of the jokes actually land this time around. And last but not least, there’s Michelle Reis who joins the cast and she makes the movie better by her presence alone because she's just heavenly.

  • Ling

    I feel like I'm in the minority liking this film better than its prequel. The story was more streamlined and the focus on character dynamics and (melo)drama made it very enjoyable. The racist "jokes" didn't land, and the ableism was in bad taste, however the highs of this movie were more constant and higher than the highs in the first Casino Tycoon film, even if the lows were absolutely lower as well. The cast gave a much more moving and nuanced performance this time around, with Chingmy Yau standing out other than the eternal charisma of Andy Lau. On that note, WHEN will we finally get actual silver fox Andy Lau? It's so evil that they spray painted his hair…

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