Casino vs goodfellas

Casino vs goodfellas


10 Ways Casino Is Actually Better Than Goodfellas

Comparison is an unfair way to judge films, but Martin Scorsese's 1990s opuses Goodfellasand Casinoare more often than not compared to one another. Though they came out within a few years of each other and feature similar casts and styles, the films are different enough to split movie buffs.

Despite Goodfellas' sainted reputation, many viewers believe that Casino is actually the better film. From the more nuanced performances to the unique representation of Las Vegas' history, there's enough in Casino to set it apart from its predecessor and in many ways make it the superior movie.

James Woods

Martin Scorsese is known for a lot of things, and his frequent collaborations with actors is something that sets him apart from other filmmakers. However, it is when he steps out of the box that viewers often find gold subtly hidden within his movies.

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Actor James Woods worked with Scorsese only in Casino, but his performance added to the overall film. It would have been easy to cast another of his usual suspects in the small but pivotal role of Lester, but the casting of Woods assured that the performance would be a unique addition. Woods excels at the affable normal guy persona, while also appearing slimy in Sam's eyes. Goodfellas is known for its amazing cast, but there is much less variety compared to Casino. 

Casino Has A Tighter Story Arc Than Goodfellas

Scorsese's works aren't necessarily the most tightly plotted films of all time, and his movies have a reputation of flowing from one event to the next. Goodfellas is especially guilty of this story structure, while Casino approaches its narrative from a more cause-and-effect angle.

Unlike its predecessor, the events of Casino flow in a logical progression that are driven by a character's decisions, as opposed to a series of things that just happen. The narrative is much more active, which attributes more tragedy to the story when they meet their downfall because of their own poor decisions. Everything builds to a point, and nothing feels like it happens by chance alone. Also, the characters each get a proper sendoff, as opposed to narration which explains what happened to them.

Casino Captures A Unique Setting Better Than Goodfellas

There have been a ton of movies set in Las Vegas, but few captured the actual history of the town quite like Casino. A city built on vice is bound to have a few skeletons in its closet, and Scorsese wasn't afraid to fling open the doors for the audience to see an actual tale from Sin City.

Unlike the flashy and upbeat films of the past which highlighted the glitz and glamor of Las Vegas, Casino offered viewers a slice of life that also makes a statement about the culture of the place in general. Vegas is much more than a setting in the film, and its history swirls throughout the story and lends context to the events. Goodfellas, like a lot of Scorsese's films is set in New York, but so many films have already tread that road before.

Casino Has A More Emotional Story Than Goodfellas

Mob movies are tasked with finding a balance between the character's profession, and their often turbulent personal lives. While Goodfellas goes a long way to illustrate Henry Hill's professional life, his personal life takes a major back seat.

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However, in Casino, Sam's relationship with Ginger is not only part of his downfall, but it gives the viewer a glimpse into his headspace. When the love-triangle sub-plot begins to play out between them and Nicky, it serves to give the mobster caricatures a bit of emotional clarity and depth as well. the viewer knows what Sam wants out of his relationship, and its demise actually means something to him.

Ginger's Character Adds Heft That Goodfellas Lacks

Sharon Stone gave one of the best performances of her career as Ginger in Casino, and the character in general was a big step for female characters in Scorsese's work. While wives and girlfriends have dotted Scorsese's filmography throughout the years, they don't often get a lot to do in his film, and they certainly have little bearing on the plot.

Ginger on the other hand, is a force of nature in the story, and grows to be so much more than arm candy for Sam. Sharon Stone imbues the character with all of the vitriol and hatred that she could muster, and though she isn't necessarily likable, she still has depth beyond simply being there. Henry has a wife in Goodfellas, but her entire purpose in the story is to be jealous of his many trysts.

Casino Has A Fresher Take On Crime Sagas Than Goodfellas

Martin Scorsese's best films are usually crime oriented. While they may not all be mobster films, they usually involve criminal elements and their eventual downfall. In that regard, Goodfellas and Casino are very similar, but Casino actually puts a unique spin on things.

Right off the bat, the setting differentiates it from the bulk of Scorsese's mob movies, and its distance from New York gives the filmmaker a chance to experiment visually. Sam is established to be somewhat different from characters like Henry Hill, and while Hill's violence is his undoing, Sam's is from the desire to control too many loose threads.

Casino Has A Clearer Narrative Than Goodfellas

Though most of his films are loosely plotted at best, Scorsese's audience rarely struggles to understand the events in his films. Despite this, Casino went further to establish its narrative clarity when compared to Goodfellas.

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Because Goodfellas leans harder on its slice of life aspects, the story does a fair amount of jumping which can be jarring for some viewers. Casino, while it may jump ahead, does so to get to the next story beat, and its focused narrative makes those jumps much more clear. Because events in Casino are directly correlated to characters' decisions, anything that happens later in the film is the pay off of the earlier choice.

Casino Depicts A Better Relationship Between De Niro And Pesci Than Goodfellas

Goodfellas is known for its hilarious quotes, and the bulk of the best moments of the film come whenever Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci are on screen together. Despite this repartee, the relationship between Tommy and Jimmy isn't nearly as developed as the relationship between Sam and Nicky in Casino. 

Even though those two veteran actors steal the show in Goodfellas, their interactions in Casino have depth and emotionality outside of simply being two wise guys. Sam's desire to control things butts up against Nicky's compulsive tendencies, and they are ultimately bad for one another. Also, their relationship changes over the course of the story, as opposed to stagnating like it does in Goodfellas.

Casino Has More Complex Performances Than Goodfellas

Goodfellas may be the more streamlined film, but Casino takes the cake when it comes to complexity of its character and the performances from its leads. The former is never afraid to be over the top with its acting, but the latter does more to illicit genuine performances from its actors.

Sam's rise and fall is stuffed with complex relationships, including his wife Ginger and his deteriorating friendship with Nicky. While Henry's downfall sees him become increasingly manic, but it isn't particularly complex when it comes to his place within the mob hierarchy, or in his relationship with his family.

Casino Has More To Say Than Goodfellas

Martin Scorsese has made a lot of films about flawed individuals who rise to the top before quickly falling to rock bottom. Because of this, his films often touch on similar themes and they all feature a similar tone.

Goodfellas is memorable for its shocking moments and over-the-top characters, but it doesn't have a whole lot to say about the nature of crime or even about its criminals. Casino on the other hand, uses its setting and its complicated relationship between characters to make a statement about the inevitable nature of criminal downfall. Even the poster of the film said it best when it made its thesis statement clear--"no one stays at the top forever".

NEXT: 10 Scorsese Trademarks In Goodfellas

Источник: Goodfellas ' sainted reputation, many viewers believe,in many ways make it the superior movie.