Cooking fever casino 2023

Cooking fever casino 2023


Cooking Fever New Garden Feature Guide

Tool Upgrades

Plants can be harmed by weeds and dry soil, but there&#;s a solution—upgrade your tools to avoid withering. Right now, you can improve the garden shears and watering can to combat the effects of weeds and dry soil.

Garden tools overview and their upgrades.

Both these tools come with automated system timers, which you can rent for 50 gems, offering 80 hours of continuous operation. This is convenient if you&#;d rather not log into the game manually to take care of your plants.

Fertilizing Flowers & Fruit

You can prolong a flower&#;s lifespan by 5 hours with fertilizer. Additionally, it shortens the time needed for a fruit to grow by 5 hours, helping you reduce waiting times and harvest more often.

If you want to enhance waiting times further, you can choose to buy golden fertilizer from the store using real money. However, this is entirely optional.

Garden Quests

Finishing garden quests not only earns you XP but also gift packages. Here&#;s a list of the current garden quests available for completion.

A book of garden quests in Cooking Fever where you can monitor completion progress.

Though these quests might require some time and effort to complete, the rewards are undoubtedly worth the grind if you&#;re willing to put in the work.

Garden Feature Gameplay 

If you&#;d like a quick overview of the garden feature gameplay, we&#;ve crafted a short video that lets you see how it works:
