Croupier in casino

Croupier in casino


Définition de croupier en anglais

That was the reason for seeking to remove the right of appeal for a croupier.
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Hansard archive

There are those in which members play simply among themselves, and where the croupier employed by the casino is merely a spectator and referee.
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Hansard archive

The strong feeling in the west midlands is that we have a lottery with a corrupt croupier.
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Hansard archive

It will have arbitrary powers over individual croupiers.
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Hansard archive

That will become obvious from the dismissal of the croupier, even though the owner of the premises is sheltering behind him.
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Hansard archive

A croupier has cheated, there is a disturbance, and the police move in.
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Hansard archive

The fact is that one rarely has conclusive evidence of misconduct by croupiers and so on.
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Hansard archive

The croupiers were all young people only recently out of their teens.
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Hansard archive

The comparison with croupiers may not be an exact one.
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Hansard archive

Labour permits for foreign croupiers are granted initially for a period of six months but this period may be extended.
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Hansard archive

I think that there is a difference with the croupier.
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Hansard archive

The fact that a croupier, say, has had his operator's licence withdrawn during the period of the licence should put the justices on guard.
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Hansard archive

A croupier who works in a casino is in a particularly advantageous position to put any dishonest tendencies which he may have to lucrative use.
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Hansard archive

However, for the record, croupiers are forbidden to have any social contact with clients.
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Hansard archive

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