Cuckold casino

Cuckold casino


A new chapter, cuckoldchat

A fantastic user base, verified chatters, kudo's, the perfect dice bot..  we will never forget it.  We are not here to take what you lost, Dr36.  But we are missing the community and are trying to build the best alternative possible. Our successor chat is called cuckold, and many of your loyal users felt a warm welcome in our place. 

At the moment of writing this we are 11 months old and we enjoy a daily peak of  chatters online. We have over registered members. We are skyrocketing.   We started at April 12th as first successor of the cuckold consultant.


cuckold tries to offer your the best alternative by acting as an open and friendly community with as many verified users as possible. Privacy of our users is very important and should always be respected. People need to feel comfortable with the mod team. Everybody should feel welcome and respected at our chat. The chat should be known as a warm and safe place to chat. We do not judge people about their feelings or desires. 

Dr36, your username is reserved for you at
Everybody is welcome to our new chat.

The cuckold community continues

Dear Dr36, we had to start from scratch,

but your well respected user base is finding their way to our chat.

We are happy to welcome them a new place at cuckoldchat

Registered Chatters 

 (no quests)

Verfied pic owners

Almost real verified pic owners 

Verified wives 

over females posed with our chat badge


supporters of the chat 

We bring you a value driven successor to
The cuckold consultant

To be clear, we are not the original cuckold consultant.
We are cuckold and we are trying to build the one and only alternative.
More information can be read above

Visit our new cuckold chat
