Cyberpunk casino ending

Cyberpunk casino ending


Character # Details Requirements Viktor Vektor1 Viktor asks how "the Earth's lookin' from up there", and offers to do a checkup "when or if" V comes back. Choose The Devil ending. 2 Viktor hasn't seen V in a while ("found you a new, major-league ripper, huh?") and asks them to stop by. Choose The Sun ending. 3 Viktor warns V about dust in their implants and asks them to stop by when they're back in the city ("decent ripper's harder to find out there than a four-star hotel"). Choose The Star ending. 4 Viktor says V missed their last checkup and asks them to call him ("at least let me know you're alive?"). Choose the Temperance ending. 5 Viktor is being encouraged by Misty to leave a message for V and is upset by V's death ("I'll miss you, kid"). Commit suicide or die during (Don't Fear) The Reaper. 6 Viktor apologises for how their last conversation ended and invites V over for a do over. He also tells V he's being sent to Frisco while Zetatech renovates his clinic. Choose The Tower ending. Mama Welles
(dependent) 1 Mama Welles is amused by V's newfound fame ("a big shot, eh?") and asks them to not forget where they started. Complete Heroes and choose either The Devil or The Sun endings. 2 Mama Welles is horrified at V's decision to leave Night City with the nomads ("have you lost your mind?"). Complete Heroes and choose The Star ending. 3 Mama Welles says she hasn't seen V in a while ("what's going on with you?") and asks them to visit her on Jackie's birthday. Complete Heroes and choose the Temperance ending. 4 Mama Welles is seen praying for V's soul ("may you rest in peace V"). Complete Heroes and commit suicide or die during (Don't Fear) The Reaper. Judy Álvarez
(dependent) 1 Judy dumps V and says she's leaving Night City for good ("shame things had to end this way"). Complete Judy's side jobs, have her as V's primary love interest and and choose either The Devil or The Sun endings. 2 Judy sends a romantic message to V in her underwear ("I'm happy, for the first time in my life"). Complete Judy's side jobs, have her as V's primary love interest and choose The Star ending. 3 Judy is worried at being ghosted by V ("Stay safe and call me when you hear this"). Complete Judy's side jobs, have her as V's primary love interest and choose the Temperance ending. 4 Judy is happy at a campfire and calls V to say thanks ("if you ever get the chance, leave and don't look back"). Complete Judy's side jobs, don't have her as V's primary love interest and choose any ending. 5 Judy is seen crying in bed ("I can't do this"). Complete Judy's side jobs and commit suicide or die during (Don't Fear) The Reaper. 6 Judy asks how V is going ("haven't heard from you in a while") and says she's thinking of leaving Night City. Don't complete Judy's side jobs and choose any ending. 7 Judy will be surprised to see V but will admit her relief to know they're alive, also stating she won't be part of their next adventure as she is now married to a woman named Bianca and lives in Pittsburg. If romanced, she will also apologize to V and ask her not to try and ruin their marriage, effectively ending the relationship. Choose The Tower ending. Panam Palmer
(dependent) 1 Panam gives V an update from the Badlands and says to let her know when he is tired of the city ("I'll take you for a long ride"). Complete Panam's side jobs, have her as V's primary love interest and choose either The Devil or The Sun endings. 2 Panam sends a romantic message to V while away from camp and stuck in a sandstorm ("I'll make it up to you I promise"). Complete Panam's side jobs, have her as V's primary love interest and choose The Star ending. 3 Panam is furious and promises to hunt down Johnny ("I'm going to rip V out of your head"). Complete Panam's side jobs, have her as V's primary love interest and choose the Temperance ending. 4 Panam gives V an update from the Badlands, thanks V for all they've done for her ("I'd still be lost if you hadn't set me on the right track"). Complete Panam's side jobs, don't have her as V's primary love interest and choose out of The Devil, The Sun, and Temperance endings. 5 Panam is devastated and furious ("if there's a hell I hope you're in it, rotting"). Complete Panam's side jobs and commit suicide or die during (Don't Fear) The Reaper. 6 Panam calls V asking for any gigs ("I'll take anything that pays the rent"). Don't complete Panam's side jobs and choose any ending. 7 Panam won't answer the call, with V leaving her a voice message. If romanced, the relationship is ended. Choose The Tower ending. Saul Bright
(dependent) 1 Saul talks about something big involving V in the city, says V is an Aldecaldo and "we always take care of our own". Complete Panam's side jobs and choose either The Devil or The Sun endings so he remains alive. 2 Saul talks about something big involving V in the city, says V "saved an Aldecaldo" and "its a debt we are happy to owe". Don't complete Panam's side jobs and choose out of The Devil, The Sun and Temperance endings. Mitch Anderson
(dependent) 1 Mitch tells V the nomads are wondering when they are going to drop by, "you're welcome here anytime". Complete Panam's side jobs and choose either The Devil or The Sun endings. 2 Mitch talks about the nomads storming Arasaka, "we'd walk through hell and back with you". Complete Panam's side jobs and choose either The Star or Temperance endings. 3 Mitch says V "saved his ass" and if he needs any help, he's got their back. Don't complete Panam's side jobs and choose out of The Devil, The Sun and Temperance endings. 4 Mitch asks V to stop trying to contact Panam, explaining it took her a long time to recover from V's disappearance and fears it will upset her further. Complete Panam's side jobs and leave her a message in The Tower ending. Rogue Amendiares
(dependent) 1 Rogue asks V to pass a message onto Johnny ("it was nice to talk to him again"). Complete Rogue's side jobs and choose either The Devil or The Star endings so she remains alive. 2 Rogue is furious that Johnny has stolen V's body ("don't ever come back to Night City"). Complete Rogue's side jobs (Blistering Love not needed) and choose the Temperance ending. 3 Rogue is impressed by V's work with Hellman ("if you're looking for your next gig, you know where to find me"). Don't complete Rogue's side jobs and choose out of The Devil, The Star and Temperance endings. 4 Rogue congratulates V on surviving and states that they're welcome at Afterlife, but cautions that V's new status quo may cause their legend to fade faster on each visit. Nibbles and the iguana appear beside Rogue if V adopted them. Complete Rogue's side jobs and choose the Tower ending. Kerry Eurodyne
(dependent) 1 Kerry tells V that while he loves dating "Night City's bad boy" he wishes they could hang out more. Complete Kerry's side jobs, have him as V's primary love interest and choose either The Devil or The Sun endings. 2 Kerry mocks V for choosing the nomad lifestyle ("I don't know who you're trying to fool V"), say he might forgive him if he comes back to Night City. Complete Kerry's side jobs, have him as V's primary love interest and choose The Star ending. 3 Kerry is furious and calls V a coward for ghosting him. Complete Kerry's side jobs, have him as V's primary love interest and choose the Temperance ending. 4 Kerry tells V that he is going on tour with US Cracks ("there's the latest gossip for you"). Complete Kerry's side jobs, don't have him as V's primary love interest and choose any ending. 5 Kerry is furious ("you don't give a fuck about your friends"). Complete Kerry's side jobs and commit suicide or die during (Don't Fear) The Reaper. 6 Kerry will be happy to hear from V but is also busy and constantly interrupted during his call as he's on tour giving a concert at the Crystal Palace, admitting that he doesn't have time for V at the moment. If romanced, he promises to reunite with V once the tour is over in a few months. Complete Kerry's side jobs and choose The Tower ending. River Ward
(dependent) 1 River invites V to Randy's birthday when she gets back to the city ("it'll mean a lot to us"). Complete River's side jobs, have him as V's primary love interest and choose either The Devil or The Sun endings. 2 River mentions pictures V sent him of the Badlands and say he'll visit once Joss gets back on her feet. Complete River's side jobs, have him as V's primary love interest and choose The Star ending. 3 River says he's been searching everywhere but can't find V ("it's like you're a ghost") and pleads for her to call him. Complete River's side jobs, have him as V's primary love interest and choose the Temperance ending. 4 River calls to say thanks and talks about giving supplies to the people ("this city needs more people like you"). Complete River's side jobs, don't have him as V's primary love interest and choose any ending. 5 River is upset over V's death and mentions that his first partner also killed himself. Complete River's side jobs and commit suicide or die during (Don't Fear) The Reaper. 6 River calls you asking to take him out of prison after he had a fight with someone that said the boys enjoyed being tied like cows at the farm. Complete River's quest by ending up in the another farm (by not grabbing the key to Randy's drawer and then not selecting all the clues in the braindance, thus having the chance to select it) and getting Randy killed this way and River killing the guy after some time, getting him in prison as consequence. 7 River is angry at first, but V has a chance to explain that they just woke up from two years of coma and River apologizes. After suggesting meeting up, River reveals that he sold everything he knew about the NCPD to Trauma Team to earn some money to pay for Randy's rehab, and as a consequence, he is now a wanted man. Ashamed of himself, he's unable to face V in person and ends the call. If romanced, the relationship is ended. Complete River's side jobs and choose The Tower ending. Goro Takemura
(dependent) 1 Takemura calls V and is furious for betraying him, telling them to "rot in hell". It is implied that he is about to commit seppuku. Save Takemura in Search and Destroy and choose out of The Sun, The Star or Temperance endings. 2 Takemura explains how he's in hiding and accused of Hanako's murder after they tried to take down Yorinobu without V. He compares his life to the trash heap he found V on and V to strong medicine that leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Save Takemura in Search and Destroy and choose The Tower ending. Hanako Arasaka
(dependent) 1 Hanako offers V to spend their last 6 months alive working for Arasaka. Choose The Devil ending and reject their offer. Jefferson Peralez
(dependent) 1 Peralez calls paranoid ("my wife Elizabeth is in on the whole thing"). Complete Dream On telling him about the brainwash. 2 Peralez calls asking for help on a job for him. Complete Dream On hiding the truth from him. Misty Olszewski
(dependent) 1 Misty draws the cards "The Fool", The Moon", and "The High Priestess" ("keep a close eye on your new friends"). Choose The Devil ending. 2 Misty draws the cards "Strength", "The Emperor", and "The World" ("the world's gonna hear about you"). Choose The Sun ending. 3 Misty draws the cards "The Chariot", "The Lovers", and "The Sun" ("Looks like you've got a good life ahead of you in the badlands"). Choose The Star ending. 4 Misty draws the cards "The Hanged Man", "The Magician", and "The Star" ("something like death, but not quite"). Choose the Temperance ending. 5 Misty is seen crying ("I don't think you knew how many friends you really had"). Commit suicide or die during (Don't Fear) The Reaper. Solomon Reed
(dependent) 1 Reed calls V, confessing his doubts about how things ended with Songbird and trying to convince himself that they did the right thing. Choose the King of Swords ending in Phantom Liberty and choose The Tower ending. 2 Reed calls to check on V, admitting that he failed Songbird and V in the past, but recognising that he still has a chance to help V. Choose the King of Pentacles ending in Phantom Liberty and choose The Tower ending. 3 Reed berates V for not taking the cured offered by the NUSA. Choose either King of Swords or King of Pentacles in Phantom Liberty but do not choose The Tower ending. 4 Reed calls V from Dayton, having become a drifter who keeps to himself, he updates V on his travels because he hasn't found anyone else to talk too. Choose the King of Cups ending in Phantom Liberty.