Dq xi casino tips

Dq xi casino tips


skermac5 years ago#1

I bought gold in tokens and lost them very quickly and then another 5, gold down the drain how do I beat these slot machines i saw no other games in the casino only slots

Vultar5 years ago#2

If you're at the first one, there should be a poker table in the center of the room. Bet your max and double or nothing at least once when you win. If you're not above save scumming, walking out of the casino entrance (when it loads) creates an auto save, so you can win, leave and go back in quickly.


Utinil5 years ago#3

Buy however many tokens you want, you won't need many. Go to poker, bet your max. If you win keep doing double down until you get around 3k. If you run out of tokens reload your autosave and repeat. Once you got around 3k exit the casino (just to the screen transition) just to get a new autosave. At this point go to Slots. Hero Slime Slots aren't that good, they can be worth setting on the auto spins if you need to do a short afk (bathroom, get a drink, whatever). The regular slots are the big money maker. Bet maximum and just hit x. The odds are stacked greatly in your favor, you will win huge. Obviously use the 10 coin slots on the left and not the 1 coin ones on the right. At a later point you will gain access to another casino, that casino will have coin slots.

I recommend watching some TV or something while just hitting x every few seconds so you can gamble for a couple of hours without needing to be there. If you have a turbo controller, even better just turn it on and go to bed. If you don't have a turbo controller and want the same effect you can simulate it by using a PC. Install Remote Play and look up something called PS4Macro (it is extremely easy to use). I did the remote play method and woke up with over 1 million coins on the 10 coin slots. On the coin slots I maxed out.

skermac(Topic Creator)5 years ago#4

Vultar posted

If you're at the first one, there should be a poker table in the center of the room. Bet your max and double or nothing at least once when you win. If you're not above save scumming, walking out of the casino entrance (when it loads) creates an auto save, so you can win, leave and go back in quickly.

Thanks! I will try again

DarkWarl0rd5 years ago#5

With autokey thisisnl.nl

Play 9x tokens until you get enough.
then play 90x tokens.

9,,~ tokens while you sleep.

skermac(Topic Creator)5 years ago#6

Vultar posted

If you're at the first one, there should be a poker table in the center of the room. Bet your max and double or nothing at least once when you win. If you're not above save scumming, walking out of the casino entrance (when it loads) creates an auto save, so you can win, leave and go back in quickly.

I went back andblost my shirt again in poker, luckily i saved and then reloaded to get my gold back, im done with casinos

stillgamer5 years ago#7

skermac posted

Vultar posted
If you're at the first one, there should be a poker table in the center of the room. Bet your max and double or nothing at least once when you win. If you're not above save scumming, walking out of the casino entrance (when it loads) creates an auto save, so you can win, leave and go back in quickly.

I went back andblost my shirt again in poker, luckily i saved and then reloaded to get my gold back, im done with casinos

lol buy tokens, go to first row in green machines, turn into use options to do it auto, go to the blue ones and get to about 9k then just spam the back row slot machines, also everytime you pass a green zone on the minimap you create an auto save, simply reload if you get unlucky. but it's only worth it to spam poker till about 9k because slots are just way better, more returns and faster, if you play on pc you can even macro that s*** so you wake up with billions

ClevelandSteemr5 years ago#8


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