Dragon quest 11 casino tips

Dragon quest 11 casino tips


Hiatos5 years ago#1

I'm currently at Puerto Valor, about to get on the Salty Stallion to go to the outer seas, and went to the Casino to get the Bunny Gear recipe. Now, I noticed that there are a ton of other weapons and armor I can get, but I do have a few questions:

1- I currently have 25, tokens that I got from a couple hours of standard slot machines. Is there a faster way than playing coin one-armed bandits to score more coins?

2- What should I focus on getting?

3- I noticed that two pieces of armor can give extra EXP or Gold post-battle. Are those worth the 10k each? and does their bonus increase if I re-forge them (if possible)?

dotsnacker5 years ago#2

1 - The fastest method in the first casino is technically double-or-nothing from the Poker table, but due to how easy it is to lose, it's also the worst method. The second fastest method is the normal coin Slot Machines. I suggest you watch something on youtube/netflix/tv/etc while using this method. You should be able to obtain around , tokens within a couple of hours using this method.

2 - Depending on which weapon your main character is using, either the Platinum Sword or Platinum Powersword are pretty decent. But in terms of priority, if you're using Swords then the Platinum Sword isn't entirely necessary. You will eventually obtain Falcon Blades via exploration/sidequests(if I remember correctly -- it's been a little while, but I think I got one from a chest, and the other from completing a quest), which in my opinion are better than the Platinum Sword as long as you unlocked the main character's ability to Dual Wield. But if you're using Greatswords, then you should definitely try to get the Platinum Powersword. It's supposedly useful all the way until part 2(you're in part 1 right now, and the game makes it VERY clear when you enter part 2). As for the spear(I think it is the Lightning Lance), that is also worth looking into, but it isn't vital. I think you can either buy or forge it later anyways(I'm not sure which), so yeah. The only other piece of equipment worth getting is the Mercury's Bandana. If you can, equip some of your characters with them, since they are pretty decent as well not to mention that they aren't too expensive.

3 - I've read that they aren't worth it however, I'm not entirely sure if that is the case. I've never used them, so unless you feel that you absolutely have to have them, skip 'em for now.

I also want to say that a second casino opens up in part 2 of the game(you can technically go to this casino fairly early into part 2 as well), and in this casino you'll have the ability to play roulette. There is a trick involved which increases the odds of getting the jackpot of 1 million tokens(it doesn't guarantee it, just increases the odds). I used it just yesterday to gain around 5 million tokens within a couple of hours. So technically speaking, you shouldn't focus too much on the casino in part 1, as it isn't nearly as easy to win there as it is at the casino in part 2.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, but in part 2 the coin slot machines at the first casino open up. These are much, much better than the coin slot machines again, another reason why you shouldn't focus too much on the casino in part 1. >..>

Suikoden 2 is now on PSN! Yay~

CurtManX35 years ago#3

I would also second the Mercury Bandana and the Platinum Greatsword. I have been using that as a +3 and have found great success with only a modicum of grinding. Plus it looks fantastic!

cowdisciple5 years ago#4

There's no need for any of the casino weapons. Getting the powersword and the spear is going to make the game pretty easy for awhile.

If you want them anyway, double or nothing poker is the way to go. Just zave when you win big and reload if you lose too much.

hyjinx175 years ago#5

The experience and gold vests weren't worth it imo. They have a stupidly low cap on how much bonus exp they can give you.

Bayo 3 lives and Sora is in Smash!!!

Evieholly135 years ago#6

Platinum sword and spear

After that just spend tokens on consumables mainly

None of the rest of the gear is all that good

MasterJG5 years ago#7

It took me a few hours of Double or Nothing Poker to get enough tokens, but the Platinum Powersword and Lightning Spear are fantastic. Mercury's Bandanas are easy to obtain, and the Agility increase is great. Also not hard to rework them to a +3.

The Spangled Dress is nice for the girls, but I don't know if it's worth grinding Tokens for. The EXP/G increasing unique items are not worth it. The cap us too low. Once you obtain the Uniforms at the Academy, those are better.

Kindler5 years ago#8

hyjinx17 posted

The experience and gold vests weren't worth it imo. They have a stupidly low cap on how much bonus exp they can give you.

Yeah. You only get max bonuses of like 15 for the gold, if I remember right. I was super disappointed.

In Part One, I sat for about four hours at slot machines in the Casino. If you have 25K, you've got enough. Take advantage of the autosave feature when you zone in/zone out of the casino. My process was this:

1. Zone into the casino.
2. Head to the coin slots. I start with the machine on the left.
3. Set a mental limit of how many coins you're willing to lose before moving on. If there are five machines (I think there are), you've got five thousand coins for each one.
4. Starting with the first, do max bets, and play until you either lose your limit, or hit Metal Time (or Free Spins, because hey, why not? Also keep in mind that Free Spins will stack with Metal Time; if you have ten free spins and only one spin of Metal Time left, you actually have 11 Metal Time spins, if that makes sense). I found that you'd hit Metal Time within twenty or thirty spins.
5. Play until you run out of Metal Time. I've always turned a profit from Metal Time. It's not just the doubled payouts, it feels like I hit something way more often.
6. When it runs out, I quit, and move on to the next machine, where I repeat the process.

I eventually hit a jackpot, but I made several hundred thousand and was about to quit the whole thing anyway. Definitely keep a show or a book handy, because it's not really exciting (though my stomach did lurch when I hit a jackpot, so hey).

I definitely recommend getting the Platinum Sword; you'll get the Falcon Blade relatively soon afterward, but the Platinum Sword is still a great weapon for Sylvando or Erik if they use swords. Mercury Bandana is a good bet. The Thunder Spear is especially useful for a time, as there are going to be several encounters with monsters that are susceptible to lightning damage in your future. The recipe book is a given.

The White Shield is great if you have someone who uses shields (my MC is a tanky sword/board). I held onto it through a big chunk of Part 2. Staff of Sentencing is okay, but it'll be replaced pretty quickly.

Kemix5 years ago#9

I wouldn’t bother with the equipment right now. Save your tokens for far better stuff (Part 3 especially has the ultimate whip for sale) and you’ll have to farm up tokens sooner or later anyways. Though if you REALLY just HAVE to get somethinga Mercury’s Bandana or two wouldn’t be the worst purchase.

PSN: Kemix

Hiatos(Topic Creator)5 years ago#10

Kindler posted

hyjinx17 posted
The experience and gold vests weren't worth it imo. They have a stupidly low cap on how much bonus exp they can give you.

Yeah. You only get max bonuses of like 15 for the gold, if I remember right. I was super disappointed.

In Part One, I sat for about four hours at slot machines in the Casino. If you have 25K, you've got enough. Take advantage of the autosave feature when you zone in/zone out of the casino. My process was this:

1. Zone into the casino.
2. Head to the coin slots. I start with the machine on the left.
3. Set a mental limit of how many coins you're willing to lose before moving on. If there are five machines (I think there are), you've got five thousand coins for each one.
4. Starting with the first, do max bets, and play until you either lose your limit, or hit Metal Time (or Free Spins, because hey, why not? Also keep in mind that Free Spins will stack with Metal Time; if you have ten free spins and only one spin of Metal Time left, you actually have 11 Metal Time spins, if that makes sense). I found that you'd hit Metal Time within twenty or thirty spins.
5. Play until you run out of Metal Time. I've always turned a profit from Metal Time. It's not just the doubled payouts, it feels like I hit something way more often.
6. When it runs out, I quit, and move on to the next machine, where I repeat the process.

I eventually hit a jackpot, but I made several hundred thousand and was about to quit the whole thing anyway. Definitely keep a show or a book handy, because it's not really exciting (though my stomach did lurch when I hit a jackpot, so hey).

I definitely recommend getting the Platinum Sword; you'll get the Falcon Blade relatively soon afterward, but the Platinum Sword is still a great weapon for Sylvando or Erik if they use swords. Mercury Bandana is a good bet. The Thunder Spear is especially useful for a time, as there are going to be several encounters with monsters that are susceptible to lightning damage in your future. The recipe book is a given.

The White Shield is great if you have someone who uses shields (my MC is a tanky sword/board). I held onto it through a big chunk of Part 2. Staff of Sentencing is okay, but it'll be replaced pretty quickly.

For now, Sylvando is using whips (Rosewhip +3) and Erik is using Knives (2x Batterfly Daggers +2). I'll probably get one Platinum Sword, one Mercury Bandana, one Lightning Lance and at least one White Shield. I'll have to check what the rest can provide.

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