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Slots rock! Especially at DuxCasino!

Slots rock! Even though they aren’t customizable or have no multiplayer functions, they still produce an enormous amount of fun. At the dawn of the industry in the mids, there were around 15 online casinos, today this number is huge! The online casino world is buzzing and offers so many things to do. Today we unveil fatal mistakes, a brief history, FAQs, and everything else important to a modern gambler. Don’t read on if you don’t want to find ways for a bigger win!

10 facts as to why online slots are better than slot machines

1. Access is fast. You can instantly switch apps among Binance, Tinder, and DuxCasino.
2. New players in CS: GO are called noobs, but new players in online casinos get a prolific welcome offer.
3. You can win a lot in a single spin. It’s completely impossible in card games. Different slots have different conditions, but the concept is the same.
4. Results are completely random. Old-timers from the UK, USA, and Australia still remember times when progressive jackpots or big wins were pouring out only after the slot machine was loaded with cash. A video slot online can let you win anytime.
5. You can play for micro-bets and no one ever is going to call you spongey. Many people play for less than $1 per spin and they still have a chance to win x That’s what I’ve seen personally!
6. Nobody is going to stare at you, so online gambling is an option for introverts.
7. Modern slots are futuristic and trendy. You don’t need to sit in front of the bulky machine with outdated buttons. For sure iOS or Android screens are much more stylish.
8. Welcome bonuses are pretty cool and it’s a huge advantage for gambling online.
9. Regular slots aren’t dynamic like shooters, but they give a lot of joy and excitement.
You don’t need to save and upgrade like in RPG games.

The image of a card player is a poker face, but the image of a casino slot streamer is a frenzy of emotions. Slots look hilarious and cartoonish unlike aristocratic roulette games, but many serious people prefer slots because of the fast downloading process, simple rules, and thousands of games. Slots are one of the greatest things to do in your spare time. There is no need to concentrate much and you can combine watching YouTube, chatting with friends, and spinning the reels. Online gambling allows you to make your own environment. You can set the lights, grab drinks and food, listen to your own music, whether it is rap, rock or R’n’B. Online slots give more freedom and you can get access instantly on a desktop or mobile.

5 misconceptions about slots:

1. There is a misconception that playing slots it’s a waste of time. Actually, it’s a kind of meditation. Spinning reels distract from worries and keep the brain working.
2. Online casinos leave you no chances for a big win if you bet small, but really, betting options are completely up to the gambler and there is no need to splash out money.
3. Gambling leads to addiction. This is pretty exaggerated especially when most other types of games online have in-app purchases.
4. A big number of reels gives bigger wins. Not at all! Playing 3-reel slots gives you the same chances to win as 5 reels. One of the most popular games on the market is Fire Joker with a 3x3 layout and it allows you to make x of your bet.
5. Gaming experiences are required which is completely untrue. One of the greatest things about slots is that there is no need to be an expert. The modern world requires you to keep in mind tons of information and rules, but online slots are completely basic and let you make a bigger win than card games, video poker, roulette, and blackjack.

Источник: thisisnl.nl