Fibonacci casino

Fibonacci casino


Fibonacci Roulette Strategy Explained

Many Casino games can be boiled down to math exercises, and roulette is no exception. Of course, random chance is always going to be an element in these kinds of games, but understanding probability is key when it comes to putting together a betting system to best maximize your profitability.

What is the Fibonacci Roulette Betting Strategy?

The Fibonacci roulette system centers around manipulating the size of your bet at the roulette table. This betting strategy dictates that each time you lose, your next bet is bigger than the previous one, and when you win, you scale it back again.

This system’s history dates back to the 1200s, when Italian Mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci conceived a mathematical equation known as the Fibonacci number, which can be defined by a sequence of numbers.

The roulette betting system associated with this concept is about a century old, and is considered to be one of the safest way to play the popular casino game, although is the case with all betting strategies applied to casino games, it’s never a guarantee at profitability.

The idea is that the probability of losing a string of consecutive bets is lower the longer that string is. So, if you’ve gone 0 for 1, the odds are lower that you will go 0 for 2, so you increase your wager. If you lose a second time in a row, your odds of going 0 for 3 are even lower, so your next wager will be even bigger.

Conversely, if you win, the chance of going on a winning streak is lower the longer that streak is, so each time you win, you make the next bet smaller.

It’s important to know that this logic applies to only even money bets, such as red vs. black or odd vs. even. This is because bets have a 50% chance of winning or losing on any given spin, while inside bets are far more risky.

Let’s take a look at an example of how this strategy might play out, assuming you start playing with a wager of just $1. If this wager loses, the next would be $2. If that one loses again, the next would be $3, and after another loss, the next wager would be $5.

These bets would keep getting bigger and bigger until you win one bet. Let’s say that happens on the $5 wager. At that point, you will have lost $1, $2, and $3 on the first three bets, but earned $5 on the fourth, so now you’ll be down just $1.

You’ll likely want to continue betting, but now the odds are higher that you will regress back to 50%, rather than going on a winning streak, so your wager size will decrease by two steps on the sequence, meaning that it would go back to $2.

You can find the definition for the sequence below, so you can place your own roulette bets based on the Fibonacci betting strategy.

To recap, let’s take a look at some steps on how to use this popular roulette strategy in your next roulette game

  • You should start betting with an initial bet of $1, or one unit depending on how much you would like to risk and win
  • Make sure to select even money bets when playing roulette games with this strategy
  • If that first bet is a losing spin, bet $2 on the next spin of the roulette wheel
  • The more losing bets you have in a row, the more your wager should increase by steps of the Fibonacci sequence
  • Once you win a bet, your ensuing wager should go down two steps on the Fibonacci sequence

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The Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is a simple enough concept; each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers

The sequence starts with 1, and with the implication that the previous number is 0, the second number is 1 as well. Adding those together gives you 2, making the start of the sequence 1, 1, 2.

The next number is 3, from adding 1 to 2, making the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3. The sequence continues on infinitely, but for our purposes, we’ll usually only need the first few numbers; 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34.

For these bets, the first 1 is usually left out, making the first bet in the sequence $1, and the following bet $2. From then on, you can follow this simple sequence as far as your roulette session takes you.

Fibonacci Roulette vs. Standard Roulette

Of course, the Fibonacci strategy is not the only roulette system out there; plenty of betting systems can potentially give you a chance to make some money playing roulette. One similarity between the Fibonacci betting system and other common roulette strategies is that most require you to make even money bets.

Another common betting system for new roulette players is the Martingale roulette strategy, which directs you to double your bet size after losing spins, but drop back to your initial bet size after every win.

This opens you up to the risk of a long losing streak more than the Fibonacci system does, and also takes away some of the opportunity for big wins granted by the Fibonacci strategy, but it is very simple to learn.

While American roulette and European roulette do differ in terms of the size of the inherent house edge, you can use the Fibonacci betting system when playing roulette games regardless of the roulette variant available to you.


  • By stepping down bet size after wins, you could miss out on bigger wins
  • A statistically improbable run of losses can still cost you money
  • Not for long-term play


  • Comparatively safe system that mitigates risk
  • Easy to learn
  • The math is simple enough to do mentally

Reverse Fibonacci Strategy

If you’ve used the Fibonacci roulette system and want to put a new twist on this roulette strategy, consider giving the reverse Fibonacci strategy a try.

The reverse Fibonacci system is of course still built off of Fibonacci sequences, but instead of using the Fibonacci number to determine the amount you raise the stakes after a loss, the reverse Fibonacci strategy requires you to increase your wager after a win.

This means that the actions are completely flipped; with the reverse Fibonacci strategy, you go up one step on the sequence, but when you lose, your wager size should drop by two Fibonacci numbers.

This is probably not as sound of a strategy as the standard Fibonacci strategy, as your number of wins must outweigh your number of losses by more to account for the smaller wins after decreasing the stake after each loss.

Because of this, the reverse Fibonacci system can bring in a big win if you hit a solid winning streak, but can also cost you the opportunity for a nice payout after a losing streak.

Using the Fibonacci System Online

The main difference between playing with Fibonacci numbers in an online casino as opposed to live roulette ad an in-person venue is that online roulette often has lower betting limits than the table limit you would find at a standard casino.

This shouldn’t be a major issue for most recreational bettors, especially for a strategy based around the single-unit bet, but it is important to keep in mind.

Another difference is that at a casino, there is certain etiquette that you must follow, while when playing online roulette, you can do so in the comfort of your own home.

Fibonacci Roulette System FAQs

No roulette strategy is a guarantee of success, but the Fibonacci roulette strategy works well enough to be one of the most popular roulette strategies in both in-person and online casinos.

You absolutely can, although it might be best for you to start gaining comfort with the standard Fibonacci system before switching to the reverse, or experimenting with any other betting systems.

Yes, the Fibonacci sequence is at the heart of the Fibonacci roulette system. When using the Fibonacci system, you must carefully adhere to the famous Fibonacci sequence, or it’s not as likely that you’ll see the Fibonacci method work.

As is the case with any of the betting systems you might choose to use, the RTP in American roulette is 94.74%, while in European roulette, it’s 97.3% due to the lower house edge. The strategy you choose could potentially maximize your odds, but ultimately cannot reduce the inherent house edge of the game itself.

Only seven states currently have officially legalized online casinos, but 48 give you the opportunity to play with social casinos, most of which offer online roulette.

For simplicity, we choose the numbers in our line sequence that are the right-most numbers and the left-most numbers. We wager the sum of those two numbers, but since we wrote down the original numbers randomly, we could go out of order to finish the sequence. It’s possible only to have one number left to complete our Labouchere system, in which case we bet that number without needing to add it with something.

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