Gta v casino missions rewards

Gta v casino missions rewards


Casino - Cashing Out

  • Go to the ranch.
  • Take out Avery's bodyguards.
  • Take out Avery's backup.(if spotted by Avery's bodyguards or a camera detects a dead body or a player)
  • Destroy Avery's evac helicopter.
  • Return to the Casino.
  • Out of lives.
  • Avery gets away.


  • JP +15
  • Cash, Chips and RP vary depending on difficulty and time spent.
  • EnusParagon R (Armored)(by completing all Casino Story Missions as Leader/Host, for the first time)

  • "Cashing Out" award + $, (if completed for the first time)
  • "Lucky Lucky" award + $50, (by completing a single Casino Story Mission without dying)
  • "Straight" award + $, (by completing all Casino Story Missions in order, for the first time)
  • "Top Pair" award + $, (by completing all Casino Story Missions as Crew Member, for the first time)
  • "Full House" award + $, (by completing all Casino Story Missions as Leader/Host, for the first time)

All bets are off as you deal with Avery Duggan for good, sending him off with a bang.

— In-game description.

Casino - Cashing Out is the finalCasino Story Mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Diamond Casino & Resort update.


Well, it's all over. Check mate, I'm afraid. Please come and see me. I'd like to thank you for all your help in person

— Ms. Baker's phone call

Go to the Management area HUDIcons-GTAO-AgathaBakerinside The Diamond Casino & Resort to meet Ms. Baker.

As the protagonists enter Agatha Baker's office, Agatha is gathering her personal effects into a cardboard box with Tom Connors' assistance. She regretfully informs them that Tao's uncle in Hong Kong has contacted them to sell the casino immediately because there has been too much "drama" surrounding it. As a customer, the Protagonist's penthouse lease should be fine, but Agatha and the other employees are likely to lose their jobs. Because Tao's uncle is the head of the Cheng family, neither Agatha nor Tao can do anything about it. Tao, his translator, and Brucie Kibbutz enter the office. Brucie is upset that the casino's day spa and gym have been closed. Pouring himself a drink, Tao vents his frustration, angered that all the hard work put into the casino was all for nothing and he's being shamed by this. Agatha notes that they did at least open the casino after five years.

Knocking on the office door, Thornton Duggan shows up again with an apology for how things have gone down and an offer. He proposes to save the casino by buying it out at full price, plus twenty percent, from the Cheng family with a quick sale which will result in a smooth transfer of ownership and foster good relations between the Chengs and the Duggans. However, there is a catch. Thornton admits he won't have that kind of money to spend unless somebody kills his uncle, Avery Duggan, which will result in Thornton receiving his full inheritance. At Agatha's exasperation, he sweetens the deal by promising to keep the casino as is and retain the staff, even Brucie. Thornton apologizes knowing that it's not a great way to do business, but it's all he has and the alternative is Avery continuing to attack the casino until the staff is dead or destroying the building and asset stripping it and the land it sits on. Thornton informs them that Avery has rented the La Fuente Blanca ranch just outside the city limits and that's where he's currently holed up. Thornton is shooed out of the office by Agatha after she tells him that they will consider it. On being asked what he thinks, Tao admits that he can't possibly do it himself, but proposes the protagonists to take on the job, promising a lot of money in return. Coming to a silent agreement amongst themselves, the team leaves immediately, much to Brucie and Tao's excitement.

The team drives to the ranch (a Cognoscenti is provided for the players' convenience if necessary), where upon arriving, they can choose to take out the guards and cameras by utilising stealth via suppressed weapons. However, if they are spotted by one of the guards in their detection cones, fire an unsuppressed weapon, or the cameras detect a dead body or them, they will have to deal with Avery's backup arriving in Kamachos from the sides and a Menacer from the access road, along with those flying a Buzzard Attack Chopper and an FH-1 Hunter, making the mission more difficult. After the team takes out Avery's bodyguards, a cutscene plays where Avery and his remaining guards are seen evacuating the ranch in a Frogger, with the team giving chase. Placed behind a large planter for cover, the crew can take out the guards in front of them and take the unoccupied Menacer from there if they wish to. On the way, guards in Buzzard Attack Choppers and Kamachos defend Avery (to the point of attacking the crew with missiles), but eventually, Avery's helicopter is shot down, killing him, and they give up the chase.

The team is then contacted by Agatha confirming that they've killed Avery and despairing that although she tries to deny it, she's now an accessory to multiple murders. She tells the team to regroup back at the casino so that the ownership transfer of the casino from the Cheng family to Thornton can be finalized. The team arrives at the casino and is greeted by Vincent at the inner entrance, who leads them to Agatha, Tom Connors, and Thornton at reception. Thornton congratulates the team, and with the deed done, he now has full ownership of the casino. Thornton also says that Tao is on a flight heading west. Thornton bids Tom to open up a bottle of Blêuter'd champagne, noting that it may be the last of the French brand they're having as they might replace it with product from Marlowe Vineyards, which tastes like "sparkling piss", but they are allowed to label it as champagne. As everyone but Vincent celebrates with a toast, Thornton turns to Vincent and suddenly dismisses him, as he explains that the Duggans already have security services and won't be needing him, much to his own and the other casino staff's dismay. Vincent begrudgingly accepts his dismissal with grace, bids the group goodbye, and everyone parts ways shortly afterward. Raising his glass, Tom sadly wishes Vincent "good luck, old friend."


Hey, so I'm finalizing the accounts before they go off to Duggan, and there are some large cash reserves that don't seem to be in the deal they signed. I'm thinking I just send it to you as a dividend considering how instrumental you were in the deal, it's the least we could do. And feel free to come spend some of it at the casino, of course Enjoy.

— Ms. Baker's call

Return to HUDIcons-GTAO-AgathaBakerto replay the story missions in order or access these Jobs now via the Online section of the Pause Menu.

Sometime after the call, the host receives a text from Agatha.

This is so strange I keep finding assets that weren't included in the transfer of ownership to our new holding company and I keep putting them in your name. You're going to like this one, I'm sure. Go down to the docks and take a look.

— Ms. Baker

Ms. Baker has left you an item that can be collected from the docks.

Tracking down the mystery asset icon at the Port of Los Santos, the player finds a black EnusParagon R (Armored) car. Once the host gets into it, they're prompted to choose which of their owned properties to store the vehicle in, and from there, the vehicle is now theirs.

Mission Objectives[]

  • Go to the ranch.
  • Take out Avery's bodyguards.
  • Take out Avery's backup.(if spotted by Avery's bodyguards or a camera detects a dead body or a player)
  • Destroy Avery's evac helicopter.
  • Return to the Casino.


  • Avery Duggan - Killed by the protagonists for attempting to kill them, Tao Cheng, and his translator, and for attempting a hostile takeover of The Diamond Casino & Resort.
  • Several members of the Duggan Family - Killed by the protagonists for protecting Avery's mansion and for getting in their way of killing him.
  • Several members of The Professionals - Killed by the protagonists for getting in their way of killing Avery Duggan.


Phone call

Agatha Baker
(Phone call):
Well, it's all over. Check mate, I'm afraid. Please come and see me. I'd like to thank you for all your help in person

At Agatha Baker's office.
Agatha Baker:It's all over, I'm afraid word from the uncle in Hong Kong we've got to sell too much drama. Your condo should be fine but I'm finished. I'm so sorry, I thought we could build something great here.
Brucie Kibbutz:I just can't believe it the day spa and gym closed. The range of supplements a pipe dream. The meditation app still in beta. It's a calamity!
Tao Cheng:捲鋪蓋走人,就跟喪家犬一樣。這些心血沒錯,雖然我是有很棒的腹肌和體態但我也丟臉丟到家了。 ([We're] running out of town like a homeless dog. All this hard work yes, despite I have great abs and posture but also much shame.)
Agatha Baker:Well at least after five years we got this place opened there is that.
Thornton Duggan:Forgive me but I come in peace again. I'm sorry about how everything panned out but maybe I can help your uncle and you leave with a little more dignity and more. I will offer asking plus twenty percent and a quick sale and a good relationship but you've got to help me.
Thornton Duggan:Kill my uncle.
Agatha Baker:Jesus I cannot believe what I am not hearing!
Thornton Duggan:A-and you'll keep your jobs. The Diamond will remain The Diamond the entire team even the masseur. You keep your jobs and I can pull it off if not, my uncle will attack you again kill you or destroy this place and buy it for peanuts. I'm sorry, I know it's not a great way to do business.
Agatha Baker:No kidding it's not a great way to do business.
Thornton Duggan:It's all I got. My uncle is renting La Fuente Blanca ranch.
Agatha Baker:Okay, we'll think about it they'll think about it now get out of here.
Brucie Kibbutz:Yeah, get out of here.
Thornton Duggan:Gentleman, madam, excuse me.
Agatha Baker:What do you think?
Tao Cheng:I cannot do such a thing but maybe you can for lot of money.
Brucie Kibbutz:Ice cold baby, yeah! Ice cold!
Tao Cheng's Translator
(Phone call):
Very good. Even though we sell, Mr. Cheng will be very happy when Duggan's dead. Go to the ranch, take him out however you can. There'll be lots of guards, so get past them first. The money is ready to transfer as soon as it's done.
Tao Cheng
(Phone call):
And tell him it's for me!
The protagonists arrive at the La Fuente Blanca ranch and kill all Avery Duggan's bodyguards. Avery is taken to the evac helicopter by two of his bodyguards.
Bodyguard:We've been compromised we called in the chopper. Moving Big Bear go, go, go. Go, get him out of here.
Agatha Baker
(Phone call):
Am I right in thinking Mr. Duggan is being evacuated in a helicopter? It would be very bad for all of us if he got away. Particularly you, if you wanna get paid. Take that how you will.
Avery Duggan is killed by the protagonists.
Agatha Baker
(Phone call):
It's done, isn't it? Don't say anything. I don't wanna know. But I know. Dear Lord I'm an accessory to murder, multiple murders. Well done me, yay. Ugh Okay, come back to the casino so we can dot the i's and cross the t's on this deal. Okay?
Back at The Diamond Casino & Resort
Vincent:Salutations! Welcome back. They're waiting for you in the lobby. I heard you acquitted yourselves most adroitly.
Thornton Duggan:Bravo. Bravo. Well done. Thanks to you all, I now have full ownership of this card house. And Mr. Cheng is on a flight heading West.
Agatha Baker:Things are changing already.
Thornton Duggan:What are you waiting on, Mr. Connors? If ever there was a celebration in need of champagne the death of my uncle is it.
Tom Connors:Oh, well very good, very good.
Thornton Duggan:Come on now, that might be the last bottle of French you get to open. The trust has a vineyard up north stuff tastes like sparkling piss, but they let us put champagne on the label. Now, cheers.
Agatha Baker &
Tom Connors:
Agatha Baker:Well I guess that's one of the many cost savings we can look forward to under your ownership?
Thornton Duggan:All in the name of synergy, my dear. You just get me twice the profit from half the outlay and we'll get along fine. But that reminds me Vincent
Thornton Duggan:We will no longer require your services. Security is something we are more than capable of handling ourselves.
Thornton Duggan:Give in your pass at the desk.
Vincent:I see Yes, sir. It was a privilege working with you fine people.
Agatha Baker:Thank you, Vincent.
Thornton Duggan:Well, you all got a casino to run. Don't wait too long before putting my first check in the post. I hope to see you all on the tables.
Agatha Baker:Well, the joys of being American owned. That's not how I hoped things would turn out but we're still running. Oh and your condo's worth something still, at least. Well, I've got some work to do.
Tom Connors:Very good. Good luck, old friend.
Post-mission phone call

Agatha Baker
(Phone call):
Hey, so I'm finalizing the accounts before they go off to Duggan, and there are some large cash reserves that don't seem to be in the deal they signed. I'm thinking I just send it to you as a dividend considering how instrumental you were in the deal, it's the least we could do. And feel free to come spend some of it at the casino, of course Enjoy.



Agatha informs the players of the current situation.

Agatha informs the players of the current situation.

"Champagne, Ms. Baker?"

"Champagne, Ms. Baker?"

"No, Tom."

"No, Tom."

Brucie, Tao, and his translator enter the office.

Brucie, Tao, and his translator enter the office.

Thornton suddenly enters.

Thornton suddenly enters.

Thornton gives his proposal to Agatha to have his uncle assassinated.

Thornton gives his proposal to Agatha to have his uncle assassinated.

Agatha considers the offer, dismissing Thornton from the office.

Agatha considers the offer, dismissing Thornton from the office.

Tao hands the offer over to the players with money as an incentive.

Tao hands the offer over to the players with money as an incentive.

Tao and Brucie celebrate as the team heads off to kill Avery Duggan.

Tao and Brucie celebrate as the team heads off to kill Avery Duggan.

Starting the mission.

Starting the mission.

Leaving the casino.

Leaving the casino.

One of Duggan's guards leaving the ranch.

One of Duggan's guards leaving the ranch.

Entering the premises of the ranch.

Entering the premises of the ranch.

Stealthily taking out the guards.

Stealthily taking out the guards.

Taking out another pair of guards patrolling the eastern end of the ranch.

Taking out another pair of guards patrolling the eastern end of the ranch.

Killing a guard patrolling the backyard.

Killing a guard patrolling the backyard.

Clearing the property of any guards.

Clearing the property of any guards.

"We've been compromised we called in the chopper."

"We've been compromised we called in the chopper."

The guards usher Avery into the helicopter.

The guards usher Avery into the helicopter.

The helicopter prepares for takeoff.

The helicopter prepares for takeoff.

Killing the final guards.

Killing the final guards.

Commandeering the Menacer.

Commandeering the Menacer.

Giving chase to Avery.

Giving chase to Avery.
