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The Hop Bet: Guide to “Hopping” in Craps

You have reached the ultimate guide for the Hop bet in craps. 

If you’re an experienced craps player, you may already be familiar with this betting option. 

But if you’re new to the game, don’t worry – we’ll walk you through everything you need to know

By the end of the guide, you’ll discover whether or not hopping is a good option. I will also share some strategy tips to help you make the most of this bet. 

Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways: Hop Bet in Craps

  1. Definition and Flexibility: The Hop bet is a single-roll wager on a specific dice combination, offering flexibility to bet on any two-dice total. It’s an engaging option for players looking for direct control over their wagers.
  2. How to Place: To make a Hop bet, players must wait until after the come-out roll, then clearly communicate their desired dice combination to the dealer, placing their chips on the layout.
  3. Understanding Odds: Odds for Hop bets vary significantly depending on the combination chosen. While offering potentially high payouts, these bets also come with higher risks due to their specific nature.
  4. Strategic Considerations: Successful Hop bet strategies involve choosing combinations with a higher likelihood of occurring or utilizing them sparingly to capitalize on perceived hot streaks or specific game situations.
  5. Risk vs. Reward: The Hop bet caters to players with a higher risk tolerance, offering the potential for substantial payouts at the cost of a higher house edge compared to more traditional craps bets.
  6. Comparative Analysis: Unlike more common craps bets, the Hop bet’s unique nature demands a distinct approach, balancing its excitement and potential rewards against its inherent risks.
hop bet in craps

What is a Hop Bet?

You can make a Hop bet in craps after the come-out roll. 

It’s called a hop bet because you’re betting on a specific combination of dice rolls, or “hops,” to come up on the next roll. 

For example, you can bet that the next roll will be a 2 and a 3 or a 5 and a 6.

Just put your chips on the layout to make a Hop bet and tell the dealer what combination you’re betting on. The dealer will then place a special marker on the layout to indicate your bet.

How to Make a Hop Bet

Making a Hop bet is relatively simple. 

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Wait for the come-out roll. You can only make a Hop bet once the come-out roll has been established.
  2. Place your chips on the layout. Choose the combination you want to bet on, and place your chips on the corresponding area of the layout.
  3. Tell the dealer your bet. Let the dealer know what combination you’re betting on by saying something like “hop the hard six.”
  4. Wait for the next roll. You’ll win your bet if your combination comes up on the next roll. If it doesn’t, you’ll lose.

The Odds of the Hop Bet in Craps

The odds of the Hop bet depend on the specific combination you’re betting on. Here are the odds for some common bet combinations:

  • Hard 4: 7:1
  • Hard 6: 9:1
  • Hard 8: 9:1
  • Hard 10: 9:1

As you can see, the odds for Hop bets are generally higher than for other craps bets. This means you can win big if your bet hits, but the risk is higher.

Detailed Odds Breakdown for Hop Bets in Craps

Understanding the odds of each possible dice combination is crucial when considering Hop bets in craps.

This bet allows players to wager on any specific combination of the dice, with payouts varying based on the likelihood of that combination occurring. Here’s a closer look at the odds and what they mean for players:

  • Total Possible Combinations: There are 36 possible outcomes when rolling two six-sided dice.
  • Single Number Combinations (e.g., 2-2, 3-3): These “hardway” combinations can only occur in one specific way, giving them odds of 35:1 against happening.
  • Mixed Number Combinations (e.g., 1-2, 2-3): These combinations can occur in two different ways (e.g., 1-2 or 2-1 for a total of 3), resulting in odds of 17:1 against happening.


  • Payouts for Hop bets usually reflect these odds, with hardway combinations typically offering higher payouts due to their lower probability. For instance, betting on a hard 6 (3-3) might offer a payout of 30:1, recognizing the single way to achieve this roll.
  • Mixed number combinations offer lower payouts, around 15:1, because their probability is doubled compared to hardway numbers.

House Edge:

  • Despite the attractive payouts, the house edge on Hop bets is significant. The exact edge can vary based on the payout but generally falls around 11% to 14%, making it one of the higher edges for bets in craps.

My Favorite Hop Bet Strategy Recommendations

If you do decide to use the hop bet, there are a few strategies you can try to increase your chances of winning:

Bet on Combinations that Have a Higher Probability of Hitting 

For example, the Hard 4 and Hard 10 have a lower probability of hitting than the Hard 6 and Hard 8, so you should consider avoiding those bets.

Avoid Making Hop Bets on Every Roll 

While trying to chase your losses with Hop bets can be tempting, this strategy is generally not recommended. 

Instead, consider making Hop bets only when you have a good feeling about a particular combination.

If you’re looking to incorporate the Hop bet into your craps strategy, there are a few options you can try to improve your chances of winning. 

Bet on the 7 on the Come-out Roll

You’ll win if any of the 6 combinations that add up to 7 are rolled. 

This is a risky bet, so it’s only for some, but it could be worth a try if you’re a skilled shooter. 

Fibonacci Progression

This means adding your previous two bets and wagering their total, which can be a good choice for players with a large bankroll who can afford to make high stakes. 

However, remember that these strategies may not guarantee a win, and it’s important to gamble responsibly and set limits for yourself.

Advanced Betting Strategies Involving Hop Bets

While Hop bets are inherently risky due to their high house edge and low probability of winning, certain strategies can help players make the most of these wagers:

  1. Selective Betting: Instead of randomly choosing combinations, some players prefer to wait for patterns or “feel” for the table before placing Hop bets. For example, if a shooter has been consistently rolling certain numbers, a player might place a Hop bet on those numbers, anticipating a repeat.
  2. Combining with Lower-Risk Bets: To balance the risk of Hop bets, players can combine them with bets that have a lower house edge, such as Pass Line bets with odds. This approach allows players to enjoy the excitement of Hop bets while still maintaining a solid foundation for their overall betting strategy.
  3. Utilizing Bankroll Management: Given the high-risk nature of Hop bets, it’s crucial to manage your bankroll effectively. Setting aside a small portion of your bankroll for Hop bets can allow you to indulge in the excitement they offer without jeopardizing your overall financial position.
  4. Leveraging Winning Streaks: Some players choose to use Hop bets as a way to capitalize on winning streaks. For instance, after a series of successful lower-risk bets, a player might place a Hop bet using a portion of their winnings, thus risking “house money” instead of their initial bankroll.

Should You Use the Hop Bet in Craps?

Whether or not the Hop bet is a good option depends on your betting style and risk tolerance. 

If you’re a more conservative player who prefers lower-risk bets, the Hop bet may not be your best choice. 

On the other hand, if you’re willing to take a bit more risk in exchange for the potential for bigger payouts, the Hop bet might be worth considering.

Final Thoughts

The Hop bet in craps is a fun and potentially lucrative betting option. 

While it does come with a higher level of risk, it can also offer the chance for big payouts. Whether or not the hop bet is right for you will depend on your betting style, budget, and risk tolerance.

If you decide to try it out, keep our strategies in mind and always remember to gamble responsibly.

Hop Bet in Craps Frequently Asked Questions

How do you hop the 7 in craps?

To hop the 7 in craps, you must place a separate bet on the specific combination of the dice that will add up to 7. This can be done by announcing to the dealer that you are placing a hop bet and placing your chips on the layout in the designated area for hop bets.

What does a hopping 5 pay in craps?

The payout for a hopping 5 in craps varies depending on the specific combination of the dice that adds up to 5. For example, a hop bet on the combination of 1-4 would pay 30 to 1, while a hop bet on the combination of 2-3 would pay 15 to 1.

Is the hop bet good?

The hop bet can be a good option for experienced craps players who are looking for a higher payout, but it is generally considered to be a higher-risk bet. The house edge on hop bets is typically higher than on standard craps bets, so it is important to consider the potential risks and rewards before placing a hop bet.

When is the best time to make a hop bet in craps?

The best time to make a hop bet in craps is when you have a strong feeling about a specific combination of the dice. For example, if you roll the dice often and consistently roll a specific combination, it may be a good idea to place a hop bet on that combination.

How much should I bet on a hop bet in craps?

The amount you should bet on a hop bet in craps depends on your personal level of comfort and risk tolerance. It is generally recommended to start with smaller bets and gradually increase them as you become more comfortable with the game and the specific hop bet you are placing.
