Indian ruby casino

Indian ruby casino


Indian Ruby: Properties, Benefits & Meaning

What is an Indian Ruby?

An Indian ruby is a type of ruby that is found in India. Rubies are a type of gemstone that belongs to the corundum mineral family and are known for their deep red color and sparkling beauty.

In India, rubies are typically found in the states of Odisha and Tamil Nadu and are highly prized for their unique color and clarity. In general, Indian rubies are known for their exceptional quality and have been used in jewelry and other decorative objects for centuries.

These stones are connected to the root chakra and symbolize wealth, passion, and moral integrity.


Indian rubies are known for their deep red color, which is often described as similar to freshly-drawn blood. This deep red color is caused by trace amounts of the element chromium in the ruby’s chemical composition.

The depth and intensity of the red color can vary, with some rubies appearing almost pink and others appearing almost maroon. In general, the most highly prized Indian rubies have a deep, rich red color and are free of any inclusions or imperfections that could dull their sparkling beauty.

Indian rubies also tend to have a high level of clarity, with many of them exhibiting a clear and transparent appearance.

Where is it found?

Rubies sourced from India are known as Indian Rubies. These stones are found in the following districts of India:

  • East Singhbhum District, Jharkhand
  • Ajmer District, Rajasthan
  • Bhilwara District, Rajasthan
  • Salem District, Tamil Nadu

Physical Properties

Mineral GroupCorundum
Chemical nameAluminum Oxide
Hardness (Mohs scale)9
Refractive Index1.768 – 1.763
FractureConchoidal, Splintery
LusterSubadamantine, Vitreous
Specific Gravity3.97–4.05
TransparencyTransparent, Translucent