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Dennis Bergkamp exclusive: ‘It’s special having a son who can also play football’

“If Mitchel gets a little bit nervous for a game, I say to him in a funny way, ‘You’ve already been on a pitch with 60,000 people, there’s no pressure for you, just relax, it’s no big thing’,” Dennis Bergkamp tells The Athletic. 

With their hands clasped together, father and son did a lap of honour at the Emirates that July day in 2006 as Arsenal fans bid farewell to one of the club’s greatest players. “It was a very special moment walking on that pitch with him,” says Bergkamp Sr. “It’s like when you get married — you go through the day and don’t realise what’s happening until afterwards when you look at pictures and videos and the comments people make who experienced it. I come across that picture a lot.”

Bergkamp’s Arsenal testimonial was the first match played at the Emirates and team-mates from down the years turned out to mark the end of an era. “There are moments where you lift a trophy, score a good goal or provide a great assist,” he says, “but my testimonial stands for my career at Arsenal for 11 years. There were some bad things during that career but most of the things that happened were positive: winning trophies, challenging for championships.

“It made that a very special day because there was so much respect towards me. I really appreciated that and was glad to experience that with my whole family, including Mitchel on the pitch.”

Mitchel Bergkamp as a youngster in Arsenal kit (Photo: Mitchel Bergkamp/Instagram)

Mitchel was just seven at the time, a kid born into the shadow of greatness but with a natural love for the game. His father was ahead of the game in preparing him for the challenges of expectation. Johan Cruyff, Bergkamp Sr’s former manager at Ajax who made a late cameo appearance that day in 2006 at age 59, was a friend and his son Jordi a team-mate.

“He (Jordi) was my room-mate at Euro 96 and I learned a lot from that situation,” Bergkamp explains. “I always had a good relationship with Johan and I talked to him about this. For Jordi it’s probably even bigger, how it worked in Spain especially.”

Jordi was given his debut by his father at Barcelona before a move to Manchester United after Euro 96. “For that reason there was never Cruyff on the back of his shirt. Jordi took his own name and had a good career but he was always compared to his dad.”

Cruyff, Bergkamp, Arsenal
Johan Cruyff with Dennis Bergkamp in London in October 2008 (Photo: David Price/Arsenal FC via Getty Images)

But one size doesn’t necessarily fit all. “We discussed it with Mitchel but he was different,” says Bergkamp. “He said, ‘I want to be a Bergkamp; yeah, let’s have it. I’m proud of that and I want to have that challenge’. Every dad is different but it hasn’t been easy and it’s not really fair because they’re their own players, with their own qualities and approach.”

Between those Euros in England and the World Cup two years later, Bergkamp won the first of three league titles and six major trophies with Arsenal. His hat-trick against Leicester at the start of the 1997-98 season was a thing of beauty including a feather-like take-down and finish as the finale. At France 98, he repeated the feat. The Dutch commentary of that moment was priceless: “Dennis Bergkamp, Dennis Bergkamp, Dennis Bergkamp, Dennis Bergkamp, Dennis Bergkamp!” shouted Jack van Gelder.

Cushioning Frank de Boer’s lofted pass on his right foot, Bergkamp stepped inside Argentina’s Roberto Ayala to score the winner past Carlos Roa in the last minute of a quarter-final. The sea of orange sweltering inside the Stade Velodrome in Marseille burst into a crescendo of noise as Bergkamp lay with arms outstretched on the ground. His wife Henrita, pregnant with Mitchel at the time, was among the crowd.

“When I scored the goal against Argentina, the next day I was with my wife in the pool in a villa we rented for my family,” Bergkamp recalls. “It was very peaceful after the hectic day before, scoring quite a special goal, and it always stuck in my mind. Mitchel wasn’t born yet, but he was there in a way watching the goal from the stands. It was a special period as a footballer and my family and the arrival of our boy too.”

Mitchel was born two months and one week later, on the night Arsenal drew 0-0 at Chelsea at the start of the 1998-99 season. “My wife already felt something during the day but she never told me because I had a game in the evening,” says Bergkamp. “After the game I phoned her and she said, ‘I’m on my way with my dad’. So I went straight from London Colney when we arrived in the bus straight to the hospital in London, so that was the night Mitch arrived.”

“There are so many coincidences, it’s unbelievable, because he’s living the life now that my wife and me lived when I joined Arsenal,” says Bergkamp.

Some 22 years on, Mitchel, whose middle name is Dennis, is a Watford player who trains at Arsenal’s former training ground at London Colney. “It’s the same training pitches, Sainsbury’s (supermarket) is across the motorway, the same area that we spent our life. Mitchel went to school a couple of miles away, it’s incredible. He said from the beginning, ‘This feels like home, being in England again’. In our opinion, he’s always been more English than Dutch: he loves the culture, the country, the nature and parks and system. He fitted in from day one.”

Dennis’s eldest daughter Estelle, 25, was also born in London and now lives in Manchester. She is an entrepreneur and the girlfriend of Manchester United’s Donny van de Beek, an Ajax academy graduate. “In my first season when I became a youth coach, Donny was in my team when he was 11 or 12,” says Bergkamp. “Then I already had an eye on him, so I know how he is and I can protect my daughter if I need to,” he says with a laugh.

(From left to right) Mitchel with Van de Beek, Estelle, Henrita, Dennis, Saffron and Jasmin (Photo: Dennis Bergkamp)

His other two children — Jasmin, 18, and Saffron, 16 — were also born in London and are promising hockey players with designs of playing for Holland at the Olympics. The family home is near Amsterdam, where Bergkamp speaks to The Athletic from his office, but with two children flying the nest back to their roots in England the pull is there for Dad, too. Bergkamp left his job at Ajax as part of Frank de Boer’s coaching team in December 2017.

“My ambition is to be on the pitch again and working in a staff or with players being part of an organisation to get going again in the area where I’m at home and happy,” he says. “I’ve got that role in mind for a next step, and if that would be at Arsenal or another club I’m not sure, but at the moment the family is a little bit split.

Bergkamp, Arsenal
Dennis Bergkamp talks to The Athletic’s Adam Leventhal

“The moment will come that I will go abroad, most probably England, and work in a role where I can express myself again. I’m a little bit fed up with sitting at home now and doing nothing,” he laughs.

As, of course, Bergkamp does not like flying, only Henrita has been able to co-ordinate quick visits to see Estelle and Mitchel during the pandemic. One of the main reasons his son is back in Hertfordshire with Watford is down to one of his former team-mates. “It all started with Ian Wright coming here (in late 2019),” says Bergkamp. “He basically said, ‘Why is Mitchel not trying in England? Why is he not trying it at Arsenal?’ It got the ball rolling and in the end, there was a trial (at Arsenal) planned last season.”

Ian Wright, Dennis Bergkamp, Arsenal
When Wright visited Bergkamp in 2019 (Photo: Dennis Bergkamp)

The COVID-19 outbreak meant Dennis trained with Mitchel in Holland and pushed the opportunity back from last spring to the autumn. “Only his age stopped Arsenal from continuing with the process, because he did well there in the training sessions,” says Bergkamp. “It was important to see if he could cope with a higher level, we already knew that (he would be able to) in the family.”

When Arsenal said no, their Championship neighbours at London Colney soon found out. “There are so many connections between Arsenal and Watford. Omer Riza and Graham Stack are there (both former Arsenal players, now on Watford’s academy staff), Steve Bould and Edu had a connection and Ian, of course, so it was only a matter of time.”

Within a few days, a trial had been organised for Mitchel over the hedge that separates the two clubs’ training grounds. “It was all positive reactions,” says his father. “Then, during the Christmas period, we were a little bit unsure what would happen; there was Brexit too, so it’s not easy for young players to come to England anymore, but Mitchel’s upbringing was a big advantage. Watford were happy, we were happy, and it was a great opportunity for him.”

Mitchel and Dennis training together during the pandemic (Photo: Mitchel Bergkamp/Instagram)

Mitchel signed for Watford until the end of the season with the aim of winning a longer-term contract. “When I was younger, it was difficult (to be compared to my dad) but I’ve adapted to it now,” he said when the deal was announced on February 1. “It’s just my name and I’m my own player and hopefully I can leave my own legacy. (My dad is) my number one fan and has always been there for me. It’s a privilege to have him as my dad and to work with him on my game.”

Injury delayed his debut for Watford’s under-23s until a month later at Queens Park Rangers, just a few days after the 19th anniversary of his father’s outstanding pirouette goal against Newcastle in 2002. That was a one-off, but Mitchel’s height, facial profile, broad shoulders, and the way he glides across the grass to his balletic toe taps when changing direction offer visual reminders that he is his father’s son.

“He used to be a little bit shy walking on the pitch like, ‘I want to be here, but I don’t really want anyone to see me’,” explains Bergkamp. “But the last four or five years, his body got stronger and with that his attitude. That’s how I played football because I had a feeling as well. I’m a modest guy, but I want to perform, to entertain people and do well. Then, if it doesn’t go well, it doesn’t really bother me.”

Mitchel took his first steps with Hadley Rangers, who wear an Arsenal style red and white kit, with his famous father on the park-pitch touchline. “It wasn’t about me, it was about Mitchel. I just tried to be a dad encouraging him,” says Bergkamp. “Of course, his dad was famous, but we never put the focus on that. We just wanted to be there for him.

“He really wants to go for it and is doing it all by himself during COVID — proof that he really wants to achieve something in football. I’m really proud of him, coming from where he was and what he’s doing now.”

Mitchel and his dad at home in Hertfordshire when Dennis was playing for Arsenal (Photo: Mitchel Bergkamp/Instagram)

Bergkamp returned to the Netherlands two years after he retired and Mitchel played for Spakenburg in Henrita’s hometown before joining Almere City when he was 12. The first division side was deemed a better fit than following his father’s footsteps to Ajax. Almere’s younger age-group shirt numbers went from 31 to 50 and Mitchel wore 40 because it was the closest to being No 10 like his dad.

“Yeah that’s true, he loves that number too,” laughs Bergkamp, who used to watch his son from the terraces while trying to keep a low profile. He trained the under-23 team for a few months after he left Ajax but knew the dynamic wasn’t always right.

“There’s a lot of expectation about being the son of Dennis Bergkamp (and) he wasn’t always treated fairly because they expected more from him than from other players,” he says. “If you look purely at his talent throughout those years, of course, certain things he didn’t have. But I didn’t have it either at that age. The talent was there, the ability was there, the technique was there, but maybe not the aggressiveness or the tackles and they would focus on the negative sides. That’s not to say it’s the fault of the coaches, it’s just how they approached things.

“I would never walk into a director’s office saying, ‘OK, you have to play Mitchel because I’m Dennis Bergkamp’. I’m not like that. We had a few talks with Mitchel and he realised that he needed to do more than other players. It made him stronger and that’s down his character and modesty.

“We didn’t shout or I didn’t walk around with championship medals or whatever, we’re just a family, Mitchel wants to be a footballer and that’s how we approach it. For me, it was easier because I didn’t have that label of being a footballer’s son.”

Bergkamp Sr played in a position that has become a dying breed.  “It’s very difficult to find a No 10 who would play off a striker,” he says. “It’s always two strikers, or one who’s more a midfield player. I was always called a nine and a half, playing between the No 9 and the No 10. I guess that’s football developing. I was an attacking midfielder but on paper I was a striker with Thierry Henry.”

Bergkamp, Arsenal, Watford
Mitchel signing for Watford earlier this year (Photo: Watford FC)

“I had more of an eye for the goal, always looking for an assist or scoring goals, but Mitchel is more of a link-up or box-to-box player and he runs far more than I did. When he first came to England (in the trial at Arsenal and then at Watford) they wanted him to be brave with his passing, whereas in Holland they expected him to not lose the ball. But I’ve seen footage from training sessions and games and he’s really focusing on that now to go forward; to try to be more like me, basically.”

Other famous football sons, such as Henry Wise (son of Dennis) and Maurizio Pochettino (son of Mauricio) are within the Watford structure too, trying to make their own names. “It’s very interesting for Mitchel to know players in a similar sort of situation,” says Bergkamp. “You can learn from that, you can talk to them about certain things, because they are there to improve as well. I don’t believe that you’re only there because of your name. People will see through that at a certain age. You can’t have players there just because their dad played football. You’ve got to be of a certain level.”

Mitchel has already spent time with Watford’s promotion-chasing first team. “He’s doing well and all the signs are there that there could be a future,” says his father. “I would love to see a training session or go to a game when it’s allowed. I hope that that can happen soon because you just want to experience it, you just want to be there for him to talk about the games or the sessions.

“Very selfishly, it would be nice for me to go back to that environment and go to the Watford ground and see what’s going on there and talk to a few people. It’s not ideal from this distance. I hear a lot from Mitch and other people that he’s doing well, but I would love to see with my own eyes, and maybe even help him here and be there if he needs it.

“It’s kind of special when you’re a footballer and you’ve got a son who can play football.”

(Top photos: Getty Images; design: Sam Richardson) 

Источник: https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/2431557/2021/03/17/dennis-bergkamp-exclusive-its-special-having-a-son-who-can-also-play-football/