Martingale roulette casino

Martingale roulette casino


Martingale Roulette Strategy Explained

The Martingale system is probably the most famous betting strategy in the world. This is partly due to its simplicity and partly to its implied history with the man who broke the bank in Monte Carlo at the roulette table. Allegedly misnamed after a British casino owner named Martindale, this progressive doubling strategy has had a storied year history.

Explaining the Martingale Strategy

We will double our bet after each consecutive loss in a Martingale betting system. If we bet $5 and lose, we will bet $10, lose again, and then push out $20 until we eventually win. At that point, we will be up one unit. So after each successful Martingale, which is what each series of bets until we get a winner is called, we will win exactly one unit.

Breakdown of How the Martingale System Works

If we have to progressively double our bets after six losses in a row and have a $ out there, we have lost $5, $10, $20, $40, $ This equals $ in losses. When we finally win this Martingale, we will be up $5. The winning bet on any single Martingale is +1 original units.

This same math applies no matter how many consecutive losses we look at. Our win will always equal all our losses up to that point, plus one of our original bets. The Martingale betting system is most often, though not always, used in situations where the odds of one event or another are close to 50/

That is why you will often see the Martingale strategy used more in casino games like roulette and not blackjack, as splitting and doubling hands can make a mess of a Martingale.

Martingale Roulette vs. Standard Roulette

We can expect increased volatility anytime we use a doubling strategy like the Martingale betting system. We need to keep the house advantage as low as possible to decrease the volatility as much as possible. American Roulette has two green zero spaces on the wheelhead.

This means that out of 38 numbers, only 18 are black or red. This increases the house advantage to %. If we can find a European roulette wheel or, better yet, French roulette rules on a European wheel, we can cut those odds by more than 75%. The larger the house edge, the larger the need for a large bankroll.

European wheels have a single zero on the wheelhead, which means there are only 37 different spaces for the ball to land in European roulette vs 38 in American roulette. That means that the house edge is already down to % on even money bets.

But the French variation of the game has an option called en prison or la partage, which means that if zero is hit, you will lose only half of what you had wagered on even money bets. This further reduces the edge on bets like black and red or odd and even to about %

While single zero roulette is hard to find even in Las Vegas in a real casino, let alone regional markets, the French rules are even rarer outside of Europe. Fortunately, all of these games can be found in the best online casinos, which are rapidly being legalized up and down the East Coast.

On average, a Martingale should only last spins or coups, a fancy French word for each spin or betting opportunity. So most of the time, we will only place close to our starting bet, but as often as one in a hundred times, we can expect to reach a bet of 64 units with a $5 starting bet, approximately $, and we can expect to bet units ($) roughly every times.

So, while we may have many sessions with small wins, the risk of extreme losses or even our entire bankroll is not to be ignored. Still, a winning streak will deliver a small profit of just one unit per spin after accounting for our previous losses.

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Popularity of Using the Martingale System in Roulette

While most gambling historians put the beginnings of the Martingale strategy with a London casino owner in the s, it is quite likely that such a simple and elegant betting system has been around for more than a thousand years. It&#;s not unlikely that even the Greeks or Romans may have had the thought that no losing streak can go on forever, so if I double my betting amount, I&#;ll eventually book a small profit.

Indeed, in modern times, the Martingale system was brought back into the public imagination when a con man named Charles Wells broke the bank at the roulette tables in Monte Carlo not once but nine times in the summer and fall of This entailed wiping out the entire , franc bank that each roulette game started with. Once depleted of funds, a black sheet would be placed over the roulette table until more funds could be brought out.

There is little evidence that Mr. Wells used a martingale strategy, and later in life, he would claim that he was just lucky. But the Martingale system allowed people to buy into the story a little easier. Because of his notorious past of running Ponzi-like schemes, many believed he cheated. Still, others thought he was involved in a complicated fleece with the casino owner to build up business, which certainly worked as word spread of Mr. Wells&#;s luck. The halls of Monte Carl were filled with many gamblers trying to repeat his feat for many years after.

Fortuitously, for Mr Wells and the martingale approach, his exploits were turned into a hugely popular song that would remain a hit internationally for over 50 years. In fact, that song was featured in the movie version of Lawrence of Arabia more than 70 years after it was first written. As this incredible gambling story was told, it became conflated with the Martingale system as a plausible way for someone to actually win more than 10 million dollars in today&#;s money at the roulette table.

Doubling after loss progressive roulette strategies like the Martingale that are dead simple to execute and remember, along with its notoriety of being tied in with some of gambling&#;s biggest winners, is what has spurred its popularity even to this day.


  • Betting Limits: At even moderate initial betting units, you will hit max bet at most roulette tables in only eight to ten losing coups/spins.
  • Large Bankroll: Doubling your next bet after each loss will take a sizable bankroll and one you are willing to put all of at risk to recoup your initial bet.
  • House Advantage: While there are several ways to reduce house advantage, none of them are which roulette strategies you use. The hidden danger is the house edge is not changed by your bet amount or when you decide to bet more or less.
  • Risk/Reward: If you win six bets in a row with a $5 starting bet, you are up $ If you lose six bets in a row, you are betting $ on your next bet, hoping to be up $5.


  • Simple to Use: Unlike some other roulette strategies, there is no crossing out of a long series of numbers or complicated math to perform. You just need to double your bet after each loss.
  • Initial Success: It&#;s unlikely, though not guaranteed, that you won&#;t lose your first twelve in a row. You should see many small winning sessions before you see a losing one, On Average.

Paroli System (The Anit-Martingale)

The Paroli system is another of the roulette strategies devised over the centuries. It&#;s an interesting contrast to the Martingale system because it advocates for a winning progression. In this case, this so-called anti-martingale strategy, we are looking for three wins in a row to complete a Paroli successfully. We will place bets for the same amount on losing spins and double your bet with your first win to two bets. Should we win again, the bet amount is four units. If we win, we pull back all of our winnings for a total of seven units of profit and begin the next spin with a one-unit bet.

This winning progression counts on the player enjoying streaks of wins and doesn&#;t change the house edge. It is much less nerve-rattling in that if we lose, we don&#;t need to double our wager every time. But it does count on the table not being choppy and awarding the player a run of wins.

Using the Martingale Roulette System Online

The Martingale system in roulette has seen its star rise alongside the growing popularity of roulette in general and online roulette in particular. As we&#;ve discussed, some of that is due to lower minimum bets. Beginning our Martingale series at a $25 table minimum can spiral out of control quite quickly; online roulette also offers better games with lower house edges, and many people probably prefer to test out roulette strategies like the Martingale or Paroli away from the scorn of more experienced players. In some cases, table maximums can also exceed those found on most real casino floors, and we should pay attention to the bonuses, prizes, and comp points that online casinos offer that can take the sting out of a losing session.

Martingale Roulette Strategy FAQs

Here are a few answers to pressing questions about the Martingale roulette strategy and its workings.

The Martingale strategy was probably not invented by a casino owner. Still, it’s mostly named after one who was a loud and frequent proponent of the betting system. One can only imagine Mr Martindale laughing in his grave somewhere. And that’s for good reason. While the martingale system can produce many small winning sessions in a row, it only takes one lousy session to wipe out even a large bankroll. Chasing losses will inevitably see you run out of money. And that’s if you don’t run afoul of the max betting limits first. The casino has a much larger bankroll and strictly enforces its max bet limits for very good reasons.

You can use the Martingale system in online casinos. In some ways, it may be helpful in that betting limits may be smaller. With a smaller initial bet, a longer losing streak won’t have us betting huge wagers til further into a series of losses.

It’s also much easier to find the French variations of roulette that reduce the house edge on outside wagers at online roulette games. Look for terms like Le Partage or En prison; these roulette games are the best candidates for using the martingale strategy.

Experienced players will also want to take advantage of the many welcome and ongoing bonuses that online casinos give out, along with reward points and comps, which can further reduce the overall house edge and allow you to play longer. Please read the T&Cs carefully, as some online casinos don’t count roulette play towards some of the bonuses.

Yes. Until you don’t. The Martingale strategies are designed to produce long streaks of small winning bets, but in the long run, you will run into the harsh reality of losing 10 or 12 times in a row. This can either wipe out a large bankroll or put you up against the table maximum, preventing you from doubling your bet.

Return To Player or RTP is the amount a casino game should return to you on average. While the Martingale system changes your betting strategy, it doesn’t affect the game’s long-term odds. Each individual spin of the wheel on a European single zero roulette should return %, while the double zero American roulette wheel returns % on average.

Seven states have legalized online casinos so far. Michigan, New Jersey, Connecticut, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware all have online casino games up and running. Rhode Island will join them in the Spring of , with many more states likely to get on board over the next few years.

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