Mini casino tenerife

Mini casino tenerife


Four armed people arrested in flagrante while trying to rob a mini casino in Tenerife

The members of the organization would also be involved in a robbery of a bank branch in the municipality of La Matanza de Acentejo that went viral on social networks due to a video of the robbers

The defendants robbed a mini casino located in the municipality of Arona, a supermarket and three other mini casinos in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and San Cristóbal de la Laguna

In total, 6 people between 18 and 46 years of age have been arrested, completely dismantling the criminal group they made up

The Civil Guard, within the framework of the SIEBEN operation, has dismantled a criminal group dedicated to committing robberies with violence in public establishments on the island of Tenerife.

The investigation began on August 28 when two people, perfectly dressed in masks and with clothes to cover their faces, robbed a bank branch in the town of Matanza de Acentejo with an armed hand.

On that occasion, the authors took advantage of the hours near the closing of the establishment to surprise the workers, being intimidated with firearms to obtain the loot from the branch. The theft barely reached euros, due to the existing security protocols in banking entities against the commission of this type of criminal act, avoiding having cash in the aforementioned establishments.
After the steps taken, hours after the commission of the crime, it was possible to find out the vehicle that had been used for the robbery commission. Likewise, data was obtained from the people who could be behind the commission of the events.

Arrested red-handed

The investigation carried out made it possible to find out that the same individuals were trying to steal with violence again in a mini casino located in the municipality of Arona, where they had already been detected carrying out surveillance around the place.

Specifically, it was detected that on two occasions the individuals investigated went to the aforementioned establishment, making a survey of the area where it was located.

On September 12, the defendants were detected heading to the south of the island, for which an operational service was arranged in the vicinity of the mini casino that they had been controlling in previous days, on suspicion that they were going to execute a robbery.

On this occasion, the perpetrators arrived at the scene, to then recognize the area, getting off three individuals with clothes that hid their faces and a fourth member remaining in the vicinity of the place inside the vehicle prepared to flee.

The Civil Guard agents thwarted this attempt, approaching the robbers and proceeding to arrest them in situ. Two simulated handguns with characteristics very similar to a real firearm have been intervened at the time they were carrying out the criminal act.

Three entries and searches have been made in homes located in the municipalities of San Cristobal de La Laguna and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, where a series of objects and garments used by the members of the organization for the commission of criminal acts were intervened.

Likewise, as a result of the analysis of said intervened effects, a fifth member was arrested, being the person who provided the simulated firearms to the perpetrators, as well as a sixth person in charge of renting the vehicles with which the criminal acts were carried out.

Finally, thanks to the analysis of the clothing items, it was possible to find out that the perpetrators were involved in four other robberies with violence, committed with previous dates, in three mini-casinos and a supermarket, located in the towns of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and San Cristóbal de la Laguna.

The operation has been developed by the Organic Unit of the Judicial Police of the Civil Guard of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Investigation Teams of the Company of Puerto de la Cruz, being directed by the Court of Instruction number 4 of La Orotava and the Provincial Prosecutor's Office from Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

For any clarification, you can contact the Press Office of the Civil Guard Command of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, contact telephone number or , ext


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