Moneybookers casino

Moneybookers casino


The Moneybookers Online Payment Method

Moneybookers is an e-wallet payment method that can be used for online casinos as well as a wide selection of other non-land-based enterprises. Moneybookers enables for the transferal of funds in a safe and secure manner, protecting your personal interests at all times. Unlike some forms of payment methods accepted by online casinos, Moneybookers allows for both money payment and withdrawal meaning that which ever way your money is flowing it will be dealt with smoothly and swiftly; plus Moneybookers allows amounts to be received into your account at no cost, and charges only 1% for outgoing transferals. In addition the methods of withdrawal and payment into your Moneybookers account from you end are varied and competitive, again often being offered at no cost or minimal charge.

Setting up a Moneybookers account is very simple and can be done in no time at all through their clear and useful website. Simply go to the ‘getting started’ part of the page, and fill in the e-form which includes email details and account details which enable you to choose your currency and specify which language you would like to deal in. Once you have a Moneybookers account you can simply select Moneybookers as your chosen payment method on your casinos site. The advantages of Moneybookers over other forms of payment such as bank transfer or check include real time payment, minimal transferal costs, email set-up, choice of currency, access to the majority of online shopping options, plus the security of dealing with an FSA regulated institution that operates under the strictest of security guidelines.

When signing up for Moneybookers one must choose from a drop down menu of countries of residence; the list includes the majority of countries and there appear to be no restrictions regarding the use of Moneybookers depending on country of residence. However, just as a caution it is worth checking out when you use Moneybookers, as any e-wallet option, where the money is being transferred to geographically and therefore which transfer tariff the transaction will fall under. None-the-less international money transfer is so simple and straight forward with Moneybookers that it is most certainly worth assessing the details.

For all of these reasons, Moneybookers is an excellent choice for all online payment needs. For casinos and poker rooms Moneybookers provides swift service when you need it in a convenient manner that enables one financial method for all your needs. However, a Moneybookers account will benefit its owner not just for casinos and poker rooms, but also for online shopping, auctions and even business options. Moneybookers is professional, safe and operates to the highest of standards – Moneybookers is an excellent choice.

Josh Kingsley &#; Executive Editor
