My sims ds casino

My sims ds casino


MySims (Nintendo DS) Walkthrough/Complete Guide Author: SuperOtakuAlex Version: Console: Nintendo DS Created: 6/24/11 Last Update: 7/4/12 Table of Contents [1] Introduction [] Game Overview/Intro [] Version History [2] MySims Brief Information [] Plot [] Your Sim [] Your House [] Gameplay [3] Sims [] Tim [] Helen [] Ewan [] Tyler [] Ashley [] Olivia [] Joseph [] Sophie [] Charlie [] Marie [] Foster [] Nicki [] Elizabeth [] Emma [] Hawk [] Tracy [] Martin [4] Tourists [] Tourist Troubles [] The Disco [5] Stores [] Ashley’s Floral Shop [] Tyler’s Tailor Shop [] Olivia’s General Goods Store [] Sophie’s Furniture Store [] Charlie’s Bakery [] Tracy’s Dowsing Store [] The Casino [6] Racquetball [] Racquetball [] Rally [] Target 1 [] Target 2 [7] Fishing [] Fishing [] Types of Fish [8] Lei-Making [] How to Make Leis [9] Air Activities [] Paragliding [] Skydiving [10] Design [] Furniture [] Clothes [] Highlands/Forest [] Essences [11] The Casino [] Dodge the Thief [] Tic-Tac Trump [] Slot Machines [12] Scuba-diving [] Scuba-diving [13] Dowsing [] Dowsing [14] Elizabeth’s Fashion Reviews [] Elizabeth’s Fashion Reviews [15] Star Level 0: Welcome to Your Town! [] Distrust in the Dog Boy [] Your Name Please? [] The Tailor and the Policeman [] Flowers Blooming [16] Star Level 1: Shopkeepers Galore! [] Olivia, Joseph, and a New Visitor [] Strolling On Through [] Early in the Morn [17] Star Level 2: Tourists Return! [] Cakes and Trolleys [] Paragliding and Sophie’s Store [18] Star Level 3: Movin’ On Up! [] Enter Nicki and the Entertainment Area [] Errands, Errands, and More Errands [] Night Out [19] Star Level 4: Town Anew! [] On the Mountain Range [] Tracy, the Money-Driven [] The Statue [] Paragliding and More Tourists [20] Star Level 5: Back in Business! [] Specialist Pilot Martin [] The End [21] Gold Stars [] Gold Stars [22] Final Word [] Final Word [A] Email/Contact Information [B] FAQs [C] Credits [D] Copyright [1] Introduction [] Game Overview/Information Hello and welcome to my walkthrough of the DS version of Maxis and Electronics Art’s MySims. Everything you should ever need to know should be right here in front of you. So, enjoy! MySims is a kid-friendly version of the Sims; however, it has plenty of differences as far as gameplay. In MySims, there are no necessity bars, such as bladder, hunger, energy, etc. It should also be noted that much of the game involves forming a good relationship with the various Sims you’ll meet. Unlike the Sims, these relationships are not maintained and have no impact on the player character. You also do not earn skills for your tasks. There are two versions of MySims, the DS version and the Wii/PC version. Though both games are very similar, their gameplay mechanics are much different and the game’s story, though identical, is not % the same. This guide is specifically for the DS version. [] Version History Version [6/24/11] I started the guide for MySims on this date. I completed information on the Sims and the Star Levels. Version [6/27/11] I completed the Racquetball, Fishing, Air Activities, and Scuba- diving sections. Version [6/28/11] I completed the Dowsing, the Gold Stars, and the Design sections. Version [7/1/11] I did some finishing touches on the guide and fixed any mistakes. Version [7/14/11] I completed the guide, though I was still planning to fix it up at some point. Version [3/4/12] I changed the guide’s format to be more specific. Version [6/30/12] Though I’m still not happy with the format (it’s very similar to others I’ve seen), I am done with the guide until further changes are made. Version [7/1/12] Touched up grammatical errors and/or spelling mistakes. Version [7/4/12] I completed this guide to its full extent, as much as I could. [2] MySims Brief Information [] Plot At the start of MySims, you will be moving to a new town via ferry transportation. The town you are moving to was once a bustling tourist resort, but the town began to lose its appeal and people began to leave the area. This is where you come in! You are to perform various tasks for the remaining citizens to help bring the resort back to its former glory. You slowly regain tourists by completing the five Star Levels in the game. Your progress is shown on the Star Meter, which fills each time an important task is completed. [] Your Sim This is your own personalized Sim. At the start of the game, you are able to pick your Sim’s gender, change skin color and the shape of the eyes; however, it can’t be changed later. You are also able to pick your hair color and style, as well as default clothing. This Sim can reflect you or look any way you’d like it to. [] Your House This is your Sim’s residence in the game. You can design the interior and add furniture to add a more colorful touch to your Sim’s home. This is also where you can go to change your Sim’s hair or clothing, store items that you’ve run out of inventory space for, and to get some sleep. The house is a very aesthetic feature in the game and isn’t used for much besides the former. [] Gameplay I will assume that one is familiar with the Nintendo DS controls, but I will provide extra guidance if needed. On the bottom portion of the device are the main screen and the main gaming controls. The control pad on the left side can move your Sim in eight directions. When holding the B button on the right side, as your Sim is moving, your Sim will be able to run. To interact with another Sim or an object, stand near them and press the A button on the right side of the device. The A button also allows you to accept a request, while the B button allows you to deny a request. The X Button brings you to a screen with tabs that include your Game Status, Inventory, Area Map, Townsfolk Information, Storage, Tasks, Trophies, and the Fish Book. The Y button shows the Area Map on the top screen, as well as the Time of Day. The L button allows you to use the camera (when obtained), while the R button takes the photo. When in your home, the R button allows you to place and rearrange furniture. On the top screen, you’ll see that there is either a map, or a screen showing the Time of Day. The map shows you where you are (as represented by a green diamond) in a certain area out of the 6 regions. The Time of Day is shown by a circle with 4 different colored quarters. Morning, afternoon, evening, and night. When the end of one of these quarters hits the green diamond at the top, the time will change. This game mainly revolves around your Sim completing tasks for other Sims. For finishing these tasks, your Sim will earn a cash reward consisting of the Sim currency referred to as Simoleons (§). Depending on how far into the game you are will determine how much money you rake in from tourists. It’s also possible to get Simoleons from sparkles found during the night, by approaching and pressing the A button. Sparkles, which are products of crashed shooting stars, also have the possibility of holding rare items, depending on their area. These rare items can range from fish, to cakes, to leis, to even flooring/walls for your home. These are the items that are found in these areas; Town Area = Star Wall, Starry Key furniture, any-sized leis, Charlie’s cakes, any sum of Simoleons Port Area = Sea Floor, Sea Wall, any species of fish, plugs, crayfish, anchors, any sum of Simoleons Highlands Area = Sky Wall, Cloud Floor, potted plants (without flowers), any sum of Simoleons Forest Area = Forest Wall, Forest Floor, potted plants (with flowers), any sum of Simoleons Entertainment Area = Disco Wall, Disco Floor, larger sums of Simoleons Mountain Area = Rocky Wall, Rock Floor, ores, frogs, the Garden Stone, pearls, any sum of Simoleons [3] Sims [] Tim Tim is the rambunctious, young grandson of the town’s mayor. Tim wears a dog suit to attract tourists. He deeply cares for his grandmother, despite his mischievous behavior. His favorite pastime is Racquetball and he will reward you for playing Racquetball on the various courts. Tim’s locations are; Town’s Racquetball Court, Mountain’s Racquetball Court, and Highlands’ Racquetball Court. He can also be found in his home in the far top right of the town. [] Helen Helen is the mayor of the town and Tim’s grandmother. She’s very gentle and caring, with a lot of hope for the town. She is the best person to go to if you find yourself stuck and in need of some hints Helen’s locations are; Town Hall, and in her home in the far top right of the town. *Note, Helen’s niece, Rosalyn, is the mayor of the town in the Wii and PC versions. [] Ewan Ewan is the town’s short-tempered police officer. Despite being easily angered, Ewan’s very dedicated to his duty and has a strong sense of justice. Ewan’s locations are; his home to the north of Town Hall, in the Port Area (in the grassy area), in the Forest (by the Diamond Tree), and in the Highlands (by the pond). [] Tyler Tyler is the town’s tailor. He’s happy, but easily discouraged. He often lets his own doubts get the better of him, but he tries his hardest. You can buy and design your own clothes at his store. Tyler’s locations are; in his Tailor Shop, by the road in the Town. [] Ashley Ashley is a talkative Sim that adores flowers. She’s not afraid to speak her mind or give her opinion. She owns the Floral Shop in the town and sells flowers and bouquets. She also runs the lei-making game. Though eccentric, Ashley is easily frustrated. Ashley’s locations are; her Floral Shop, in the Highlands, by Sophie’s furniture store in the Forest. [] Olivia Olivia is the owner of the General Goods store. She’s quiet and a bit strange, but she’s very friendly. She also has a weird laugh. You can sell and buy items from her store. Olivia’s locations are; General Goods Store, by the river in the Forest, and by the pond in the Highlands. [] Joseph Joseph is the local fisherman. He’s gruff and a bit grumpy, but he’s a nice person. You can catch fish with the rods he gives you. By showing him the fish you catch, he will record them in the Fish Book and give you reward money. Joseph’s locations are; his fishing hut in the Port Area, by the river in the Forest, and by the pond in the Highlands. [] Sophie Sophie owns the furniture store in the Forest. She’s a bit lazy and sleeps most of the time due to the lack of customers. She makes and sells all kinds of furniture. You can even design and sell your own furniture. Sophie’s locations are; her Furniture Store in the Forest, and by the river in the Forest. [] Charlie Charlie is the town’s baker. You can buy cakes from his store in exchange for hearing about town gossip, which can often be a useful hint on what to do next. Charlie’s locations are; the Bakery in Town, and by the road in Town. *Note, Charlie’s cousin, Gino, is the chef who specializes in Italian cooking and appears in the Wii and PC versions. [] Marie Marie is a tough and spunky Sim that becomes the Highlands’ ranger. She’s easy to upset and lazily gives up on her duties, leaving others to do them for her. She runs the paragliding service up on the cliffs. Marie’s locations are; in her shack in the Highlands, outside the shack in the Highlands. [] Foster Foster is the shy Forest ranger. By giving him the right ingredients, he can make special animal feed to give to the Forest animals. This animal feed requires one fish and one flower, which are given to him so he can make the feed. Foster has a stutter and does better around animals than people. Foster’s locations are; in his shack in the Forest, and outside his shack in the Forest. [] Nicki Nicki is the pushy ferryboat operator who brings you to the Port Area at the start. She runs the ferryboat from the Port Area to the Entertainment Area and owns a scuba-diving service. Nicki’s locations are; the docks of the Port Area, and the dock of the Entertainment Area. [] Elizabeth Elizabeth is a snobby and wealthy Sim. She does weekly fashion reviews throughout the different regions, in which you can get your evaluation on fashion from her. You can buy a house from her in the Entertainment Area. Elizabeth’s locations are; in the Entertainment Area by the docks, in the Port Area by the grassy area, in the Mountains, in the Forest, in the Highlands, and in the Town. [] Emma Emma is a dealer at the Casino in the Entertainment Area. She runs the “Tic Tac Trump” game and has a cool attitude. She hates to lose. Emma’s locations are; the Casino in the Entertainment Area. [] Hawk Hawk is a dealer at the Casino in the Entertainment Area. He’s a true gentlemen and runs the “Dodge the Thief” game. Hawk’s locations are; the Casino in the Entertainment Area. [] Tracy Tracy is the ranger for the Mountain, hired by Elizabeth. She is always looking for a quick buck. She will do anything to get your money, which includes making you pay for her services, as well as the items needed in those services. Tracy’s locations are; her shack in the Mountains, outside her shack in the Mountains. [] Martin Martin is a goofy pilot who crashes his plane on the airfield in the Entertainment Area and needs money to buy fuel. He’s witty and has a wife whom he’d like to return home to. He runs the skydiving service. Martin’s locations are; the airfield in the Entertainment Area, wandering around the Entertainment Area, and in the Casino in the Entertainment Area. [4] Tourists [] Tourist Troubles Tourists are the various Sims seen around the different regions. Conversing with these tourists helps boost the town’s popularity, but also gives you reward money. When you speak to them, they will have an opinion on what they think of the town, something cheerful to say, or even a problem they’ve had recently. Making tourists happy is what will keep them coming. Some of the things they will say are; “I stepped on my favorite sunglasses and broke them!” “Know of any good places around here?” “Ow, a bug bit me! Geez, this place is terrible!” “What a beautiful day!” “This place is boring.” “All the Sims here look flaky.” “I’ve been dumped by my girlfriend.” “What’s with the store clerks in the town? One of them has the nerve to sleep in front of customers!” “I’d love to go swimming in the beautiful ocean.” “I can’t take it anymore!” “I’ve lost all my money at the casino and I don’t have a penny left to my name.” “I was walking and then suddenly tripped and fell!” “You can forget all your worries here and relax.” “There’s gotta be some cute Sims around here.” “What is this place? There’s nothing here!” In order to achieve the tourists’ happiness, you will be open to a variety of options, which the effects differ depending on the tourist’ situation. Sometimes, you’ll have made the tourist so upset that they will refuse to make further conversation. At this point, you won’t be able to talk to them until the time of day has changed (unless it’s from night to morning, when new tourists come). Your options are; Converse, Laugh, Get Angry, Cry, Listen, Encourage, Comfort, and Give Gift. Each Sim will react better or worse to certain emotions; Angry Sims – Converse, Cry, Comfort(most effective) Sad Sims – Converse, Comfort, Cry, Encourage(most effective) Content Sims – Converse, Listen, Comfort, Encourage (most effective) Happy Sims – Converse, Listen, Comfort, Encourage, Laugh (most effective) Making Sims happy is really all common sense. For example, a Sim that is obviously angry probably doesn’t want you to encourage them, or a Sim that’s depressed probably doesn’t want you to laugh. The emotion you’ll probably use the least is “Get Angry”, as that doesn’t seem to really help in any situation. The catch is that you must make the tourist happy by the time the timer at the top stops. Running out of time will also upset the tourist further. Though this happens more often at later levels, tourists will get angry and refuse to listen to what you say, leaving you with a “Yes” or “No” option. Depending on what they say will determine your answer. The following are the 4 questions you’re to expect; “What? Are you actually worried about me?” – Choose Yes “I have a hard time believing you.” – Choose No “Oh, you make me even angrier! I don’t care what you say, I’m still mad!” – Choose No “You don’t have to worry about me, alright?” – Choose No There will also be times when a tourist will request something of you, such as taking a photo for them or giving them something from your inventory. It’s also nice to make leis or any other kind of gift, as it is a huge boost to their happiness. The amount of Simoleons rewarded seems to depend on the tourist. Tourists can be found by the Town Fountain, Outside Olivia’s store, Inside and Outside of Charlie’s shop, near the Town Statue, staring at windmills in the Highlands, Entertainment Area, Inside and Outside Ashley’s store, and Inside and Outside Tyler’s store. [] The Disco The Disco is a club located in the Entertainment Area, right next to the Casino and the Airfield. The Disco is only open at night and there’s a huge entry fee of § Inside are usually three tourists that have opinions on the area, which you can talk to and make happy. In all honesty, I don’t think it’s worth the money nor the time to go to the Disco, so don’t bother. [5] Stores [] Ashley’s Floral Shop Ashley’s Floral Shop is in the Town area, to the left of the Town Hall. At her store, Ashley sells flowers as individuals or in bouquets. If you continue to purchase flowers from her store, she will bring in new items. Most items are not available until you further progress. Her shop is not open on Sundays and she frequently takes days off. The individual flowers she sells, which can also be planted in flower boxes, are listed below; Tulips Cost = § Hibiscus Cost = § Cathedral Cactus Cost = § Ficus Umbellata Cost = § Hoya Cost = § Bouquets (as well as Tulips and Hibiscus) can be given as gifts to other Sims, mainly tourists. Bouquet of Flowers Cost = § Tulip Cost = § Hibiscus Cost = § Making leis for Ashley rewards you with a lei, its size depending on the difficulty level of the lei-making challenge (beginner = small, intermediate = regular, and expert = large). Small Lei Value = §50 Regular Lei Value = § Large Lei Value = § 2nd Restock- Amaryllis Cost = § Birds of Paradise Cost = § Dendrobium Cost = § Dracaena Cost = § Peperomia Cost = § Sugarvine Cost = § 3rd Restock- Blue Latan Palm Cost = § Lily Cost = § Long-Leafed Fig Cost = § Strelitzia Cost = § Yucca Cost = § 4th Restock- Anemone Cost = § Anthurium Cost = § Autograph Tree Cost = § Dahlia Cost = § Dwarf Fiddle-Leaf Fig Cost = § Footstool Palm Cost = § 5th Restock- Agave Cost = § Bombax Elipticum Cost = § Non-Leaf Strelitzia Cost = § Plumeria Cost = § Rose Cost = § [] Tyler’s Tailor Shop Tyler’s Tailor Shop is located in the far bottom left of the Town area, near the fountain. He sells shirts, pants, and entire suits, all in various colors and styles. Tyler’s shop is only open at noon and evening. You will also be able to design your own clothing at this store, later in the game. Shirts- Beige Circle T-Shirt Cost = § Grey Circle T-Shirt Cost = § Light Blue Shirt Cost = § Light Purple JPN Shirt Cost = § Orange Gradient Polo Cost = § Orange Rugby Shirt Cost = § Orange Shirt Cost = § Pink Shirt Cost = § Purple Circle T-Shirt Cost = § Purple JPN Shirt Cost = § Purple Shirt Cost = § Red Gradient Polo Cost = § Red Rugby Shirt Cost = § Red Shirt Cost = § Pants- Green Pants Cost = § Ivory Pants Cost = § Red Pants Cost = § Suits- Green Track Suit Cost = § 2nd Restock- Shirts- Checked T-Shirt Cost = § Green Rugby Shirt Cost = § Green Striped Polo Cost = § Green Sweatshirt Cost = § Navy JPN T-Shirt Cost = § No. 3] Olivia’s General Goods Store Olivia’s General Goods Store is the place to go to if you want neat items to decorate your home or if you need to sell items. Her store is located to the far bottom right of the Town area. If you sell something to her, its price will be half its original price. Olivia’s store is closed on Saturdays. Appliances- Radio Cassette Player Cost = § Rattan Lamp Cost = § Misc. Furniture- Baseball Set Cost = § Log Screen Cost = § Log Shelf with Drawers Cost = § Pen Holder Cost = § Round Waste Bucket Cost = § Stuffed Horse Cost = § Stuffed Rhinoceros Cost = § Stuffed Zebra Cost = § White Surfboard Cost = § 1st Restock- Appliances- Black and White TV Cost = § CD Player Cost = § Misc. Furniture- Blue Surfboard Cost = § Square Waste Basket Cost = § Stuffed Giraffe Cost = § White Cabinet Cost = § White Cabinet Set Cost = § White Sink Cost = § White Stove Cost = § 2nd Restock- Appliances- Log Lamp Cost = § Misc. Furniture- Rattan Dresser Cost = § Rattan Screen Cost = § Rattan Shelf with Drawers Cost = § 3rd Restock- Appliances- Block Lamp Cost = § Japanese Lamp Cost = § Retro Stereo Set Cost = § Misc. Furniture- Block Screen Cost = § Block Shelf with Drawers Cost = § Oak Cabinet Cost = § Oak Cabinet Set Cost = § Oak Sink Cost = § Oak Stove Cost = § Red Surfboard Cost = § Stuffed Elephant Cost = § Stuffed Hippo Cost = § Stuffed Leopard Cost = § 4th Restock- Appliances- Girl’s Lamp Cost = § Large TV Set Cost = § Misc. Furniture- Ebony Cabinet Cost = § Ebony Cabinet Set Cost = § Ebony Sink Cost = § Ebony Stove Cost = § Foosball Table Cost = § Girl’s Dresser Cost = § Girl’s Screen Cost = § Girl’s Shelf with Drawers Cost = § Go Set Cost = § Victorian Dresser Cost = § 5th Restock- Appliances- Flat Screen TV Cost = § Large Stereo Set Cost = § Victorian Lamp Cost = § Misc. Furniture- Fireplace Cost = § Modern Cabinet Cost = § Modern Cabinet Set Cost = § Modern Sink Cost = § Modern Stove Cost = § Mounted Bear Cost = § Stuffed Tiger Cost = § Typewriter Cost = § Victorian Screen Cost = § Victorian Shelf with Drawers Cost = § Dowsing stones redeemed from Tracy can be made into jewelry by giving it to Olivia. Pearl Ring Value = § [Insert Gem Name] Ring Value = § [] Sophie’s Furniture Store Sophie’s store sells home upgrades and furniture. Her store is located in the Forest, in the bottom right. She will continue to restock if you continue to buy her products. Her store is closed on Wednesdays. 5] Charlie’s Bakery Charlie’s Bakery sells cakes, which can be given to tourists as gifts. The bakery is to the left of the Town Fountain. There will be times where the tourists get their favorite cake, and other times they won’t, but they will still accept it. The bakery is closed on Tuesdays. Purchasing cakes from Charlie can be rewarding, as he gives you important hints on what to do next. Sometimes, he won’t have any information for you, however. Cakes- Shortcake Cost = §80 Cheesecake Cost = §80 1st Experiment- Cakes- Chocolate Cake Cost = § 2nd Experiment- Cakes- Mont Blanc Cost = § 3rd Experiment- Cakes- Chinese Cake Cost = § Another interesting bit of information is that you can tell by what a tourist is wearing what their favorite cake is. By looking at their hair color and their pants/skirts/shorts, you can tell what their favorite cake is. This doesn’t apply when looking at a Sim’s skin color, shirts, shoes, hats, or eye color. It’s said that the smaller details of the Sim’s clothing will help you determine, such as stripes, polka dots, buttons and buckles, hems, etc. Red, Pink = Shortcake Yellow = Cheesecake Brown = Chocolate cake Black, Grey, Silver, White, Blue = Mont Blanc The only cake that is risky to give out is the Chinese cake. A Sim either loves it or hates it. If they love it, they’re automatically happy. If they hate it, they automatically get angry and won’t speak to you. A Sim wearing any color but the ones above, I’d suggest giving them a different gift. [] Tracy’s Dowsing Store Tracy’s store can be found up in the Mountains in the far top right corner, in her shack. Every time you dowse up in the Mountains for Tracy, you earn points, rather than money. These points can be exchanged for store items from Tracy. Below are the various prizes, as well as their cost; Jewels can be made into rings by Olivia and given to tourists as gifts; Jewels- Amethyst Cost = points Aquamarine Cost = points Diamond Cost = points Emerald Cost = points Garnet Cost = points Opal Cost = points Peridot Cost = points Ruby Cost = points Sapphire Cost = points Topaz Cost = points Turquoise Cost = points The following are body parts to the Town Statue, which can be created in later progression. Statue Parts- Angel Body Cost = points Armor Body Cost = points Ballet Body Cost = points Bear Body Cost = points Bear Head Cost = points Dancer Head Cost = points Disco Body Cost = points Friendly Head Cost = points Green Monster Head Cost = points Kabuki Body Cost = points Kabuki Head Cost = points Pompadour Head Cost = points Robot Body Cost = points Robot Head Cost = points Rock n’ Roll Body Cost = points Samurai Head Cost = points Scary Head Cost = points Surfer Body Cost = points Wise Man Head Cost = points Posters and pictures can be hung up in your home. Posters/Pictures- Aristocratic Boy Picture Cost = points Aristocratic Girl Picture Cost = points Boy Blowing Flute Picture Cost = points Cheating Picture Cost = points Japanese Beauty Picture Cost = points Kabuki Woodblock Print Cost = points Lady with Marten Picture Cost = points Night Patrol Picture Cost = points Old Lady Picture Cost = points Retro Poster Cost = points Revolution Picture Cost = points Smiling Lady Picture Cost = points Turban Girl Picture Cost = points Woman with Parasol Picture Cost = points [] The Casino The Casino located in the Entertainment Area works similar to Tracy’s Dowsing, except coins are used instead of points. You can gamble to earn coins by playing the games, or trade in Simoleons for coins to redeem prizes, if you don’t want to bother with the games. The Casino is only open at night. 1] Racquetball Racquetball is played on the Racquetball courts. There are three courts located throughout the Resort, which include; The Town, the Highlands, and the Mountains. When you start a Racquetball game, you’ll need to select a Racquet from your inventory. The game is similar to tennis, but you are playing against a brick wall. You start out in front of the wall, in which you must serve the racquetball. Pressing the A button will throw the ball up in the air, and pressing it again will hit and serve the ball. You must be prepared to hit the ball again by pressing the A button. You can move left and right in order to chase the ball if needed. The game gets progressively more difficult as time goes on, since hazards soon try to interfere with your game. These hazards are usually pigs, but rocks can also be hazards (but these only appear in the Mountains). The hits you make before time runs out will determine if you get a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award. The game is over when time has run out, the ball has been stopped, you miss the ball, or the ball has gone out of bounds. Once you’ve gotten good at Racquetball, Tim will reward you with new racquets. Your starter racquet is the Regular Racquet, but you can also get the Speed Racquet and the Heavy Racquet. The Speed Racquet uses a faster ball, while the Heavy Racquet uses a weighted ball. [] Rally Rally is similar to Racquetball, but there is no timer. In Rally, you must keep hitting the ball, and your score is determined by how many successful hits you make. The best way to get a high score on Rally is to stay in the same spot. The easiest way to do that is to first serve the ball. When the ball bounces after hitting the wall, swing your racquet with the A button. This keeps the ball straight. If done incorrectly, the ball will stray and you’ll have to chase it. It’s all about practice. In Rally, the main obstacle is the dog that runs through the court, as the ball can bounce erratically if it makes contact with the dog. The game is over if the ball hits out of bounds, or you miss a hit. A Bronze Medal requires points in a single game, a Silver Medal requires points, and a Gold Medal requires points. [] Target 1 Target 1 involves the use of a target. You are given 30 seconds to get as many points as possible. On the brick wall is now a target, which is what you must aim to hit. The colored rings around the bullseye determine the points earned. The more points, the higher your score. If the ball stops for any reason, you get another ball automatically. A Bronze Medal can be earned with points, a Silver Medal is points, and a Gold Medal is earned with about points. [] Target 2 Target 2 is similar to Target 1, except that you have a full minute to score as many points as possible. In this version, Apple Cards will appear on the wall, which are your targets. Bomb Cards deduct points from your score. If the ball stops, you will get a new one. A Bronze Medal will need points, a Silver Medal will need points, and a Gold Medal will need points. [7] Fishing [] Fishing Fishing is an activity hosted by Joseph the fisherman. Fishing is very simple and only requires a fishing rod. First, you’ll have to be close to a body of water. There’s a pond in the Highlands, a river in the Forest, an entire beach in the Port Area, the pond in the Mountains, and the docks in the Entertainment Area. When you approach the water, a picture of a fish and a rod will appear in the top right. Press the R button and select a fishing rod. Using the stylus, tap anywhere on the screen to cast the lure. You can freely move the lure around in the water. The tiny shadows swimming under the surface are the fishes you’re after. When you move the lure, a trill will play. Some fish are drawn to the sound, others swim away. When you get a bite, the lure will sink, which signals you to tap the lure with the stylus. Sometimes, you’ll catch the fish, sometimes you won’t. You just have to be patient. Each time you catch a fish, you should turn it in to Joseph so that he’ll record the Fish in the Fish Book and give you a large sum of cash. Joseph will also reward you with rods if you continue to fish. The Regular Fishing Rod is the starter rod with basic advantages, while the Stiff Fishing Rod has a better chance of catching something once it’s bitten the lure. The Flexible Fishing Rod makes it even easier to catch a fish. Lastly, the Amusing Fishing Rod is the best rod and has good advantages in all fields. [] Types of Fish There are 2 types of fish, freshwater and saltwater, with 17 species of fish. These fish have specific locations where they’re more likely to be caught, but some are also more common than others. I’ll provide the facts about the species, what lure pattern it prefers, and also its value according to Joseph. Some fish do not have a particular pattern they’re attracted to, however. Saltwater- Anomalocarid Preferred Pattern – Zigzag slowly “Thought to have become extinct a long time ago.” “Rarely caught from an embankment.” “Only active at night.” “Very nervous and cautious. Zigzag the lure very slowly so as to not scare it away.” “An abundance of nature will help the Anomalocarid grow bigger.” Value = § Barracuda Preferred Pattern – Zigzag quickly “Can be caught from a boat or the beach surface.” “A notoriously ferocious fish.” “Move the lure in a zigzag pattern to anger the fish so that it will attack.” “Actively looks for food all day long.” “Large barracudas are found in parts of the ocean where large schools of fish gather.” Value = § Horse Mackerel Preferred Pattern – Erratic “Lives in schools in the sea.” “Swims in schools all day long.” “Plankton is its food of choice, so the big Horse Mackerels are found in plankton-rich parts of the ocean.” “Can be caught from a beach shore.” “Move the lure quickly to attract its attention.” Value = §65 Marlin Preferred Pattern – Quick, straight movement “Fast-swimming fish.” “Stops being active at night when the sun goes down.” “Does not approach land, so the only way to catch it is by boat.” “Feeds on other fish, so the largest marlins are found in parts of the ocean where there are plenty of other fish.” “An aggressive fish that reacts to fast, straight-moving lures. But reeling one in is extremely difficult.” Value = § Pacific Saury Preferred Pattern – Zigzag, moderate speed “Lives in schools near the surface of the ocean.” “Swims all day long in a fixed course.” “Can be caught from a beach shore.” “Move the lure in a zigzag pattern to attract the fish.” “The biggest Pacific Sauries are found in oceans with abundant aquatic life and few natural enemies.” Value = §52 Sardine Preferred Pattern – Slow, steady movement “Lives in schools.” “Active all day long.” “Large schools of sardines live in oceans where plankton is abundant.” “Can be caught from a beach shore or an embankment.” “It is a demure fish and if the lure is moved too quickly, it will be scared away.” Value = §39 Sea Bass Preferred Pattern – Erratic “Swims all over the ocean on a fixed course.” “Not very active during the day.” “Can be caught from anywhere around this town.” “Big sea basses can be caught anywhere there is a large river nearby.” “Move the lure quickly and the fish will aggressively come in for the bait.” Value = § Sea Bream Preferred Pattern – Slow, steady movement “Found in oceans with a lot of reefs.” “A boat should be used to catch these fish.” “It is a cautious fish, so a slow-moving lure is the best way to catch it.” “Active any time of the day.” “Feeds on other fish to grow, so the biggest sea breams can be caught where there are a lot of other fish for them to feed on.” Value = § Freshwater- Alligator Preferred Pattern – Zigzag “King of the rivers and lakes around here.” “Said to be found in the mountain area, but also under bridges sometimes.” “Monstrous alligators sometimes appear in environmentally-clean areas.” “It is a nocturnal animal that is only active at night.” “An aggressive animal that is attracted to zigzagging lures, but reeling one in is very difficult.” Value = § Black Bass Preferred Pattern – Straight-moving “Cannot be caught in rivers with fast currents.” “Lives in bodies of water with gentle currents.” “It feeds during the day and is quiet during the night.” “Feeds on other smaller fish to grow, so the biggest black basses can be caught where there are a lot of other fish for them to feed on.” Value = § Brook Trout Preferred Pattern – Slow, steady movement “Found in low-temperature waters.” “Often caught in low-temperature waters, in the upper streams of a river.” “Most active during the day when water temperatures are still low, or during the evening when the water becomes colder.” “It is a timid fish and if the lure is moved too quickly, it will be scared away.” “It can only live in clean waters, so cleaning up the environment near its river habitat is important to its survival.” Value = § Carp Preferred Pattern – Erratic “Lives in lakes and rivers where there is very little current.” “Often found in high altitude lakes.” “This fish is a big eater and large carps can be found where bait is plentiful.” “Move the lure quickly to catch the fish’s attention.” “It’s an active feeder twice a day; once each in the morning and evening.” Value = §90 Catfish Preferred Pattern – Slow, steady movement “Lives in the muddy bottoms of rivers and lakes.” “Can be caught in mountain lakes or under a bridge.” “Buried in the mud from morning to evening and is difficult to catch during those hours.” “Move the lure slowly to tempt the fish out in order to catch it.” “Rivers with waterweeds are good habitats for catfish, and catfish often grow large in those areas.” Value = §60 Eel Preferred Pattern – Zigzag, quickly “A long, slender-bodied fish found living in the shadow of rocks. “Can be caught in lakes or upper parts of a river.” “A nocturnal fish mainly active during the night.” “Usually found lurking behind things, but if the lure is reeled in using a zigzag pattern, the eel will aggressively take bait.” “The best eels can be caught in clean and clear waters.” Value = § King Salmon Preferred Pattern – Straight movement “A large kind of salmon.” “Rarely caught in the upper or lower parts of a river.” “Mainly active during the day or at night.” “It is a cautious fish and difficult to land one. Only interested in a straight-moving lure.” “Large salmon gather in clean rivers since they are necessary for their spawning.” Value = Unknown Pike Preferred Pattern – Quick movement “Found in gentle currents.” “Often caught in mountain lakes in gentle currents.” “During the day is the best time to catch this fish.” “It is a strong fish that will attack fast-moving lures.” “It is said that huge pikes sometimes attack humans and can be found in places where the abundance of nature attract many animals.” Value = § Rainbow Trout Preferred Pattern – Straight movement “Found in cold, fast-flowing bodies of water.” “Often caught in low-temperature waters, in the upper streams of a river.” “Not very active in the mornings or evenings.” “A fierce fish that is aggressively attracted to straight movements.” “The best rainbow trout can be found in fertile rivers with lots of waterweed.” Value = § Sweetfish Preferred Pattern – Straight movement “Very territorial fish.” “Often caught under a bridge.” “Not so active from evening to night.” “A clean river is important to the sweetfish and will attract more of their kind.” “Moving the lure in a straight line will make the fish believe that another fish has entered its territory, and the sweetfish will go in for the attack.” Value = § Sometimes while fishing, you’ll catch some useless junk that was floating around in the water. This junk can be sold to Olivia. It’s also possible to catch furniture. Anchor Value = §25 Crayfish Value = §5 Plug Value = §5 While fishing, you may have caught a fish with something inside of it. Bring the fish to Joseph and he’ll remove the item and give it to you. Pearl Value = § Yellow Frog Value = § Yellow Green Frog Value = § Gold Frog Value = § Orange Frog Value = § Red Frog Value = § Blue Frog Value = § Purple Frog Value = § Green Frog Value = § Book Value = §50 Hand-made Surfboard Value = § [8] Lei-Making [] Lei-Making At Ashley’s shop, Ashley will at some point want to sell hand-made leis. The game will seem simple, but it requires practice, focus, and speed to do well. You will have a lei template set up before you, with four cards set up below on the table. You must drag the card to the flower of its same shape and color as quickly as possible. Once the flower has been placed, the following flower template will come forward. Using the pink shuffle button below the cards will bring forward a new set, just in case the card you need is not there. You are penalized and have points deducted if you put the wrong flower on the wrong template. Completing it quickly and efficiently is the way to get a high score. There are three levels of play, only unlocked by scoring a medal on the previous. Easy mode is the simplest mode, using only 1 type of flower in the colors red, purple, and yellow. points will get you a Bronze Medal, will get you a Silver Medal, and will get you a Gold Medal. Completing the lei in under 30 seconds will automatically get you points, the 50 is earned by making no mistake on the lei. A mistake deducts 20 points. You will receive a “Small lei” once it’s complete. At Olivia’s store, a small lei is worth § This can also be given to the tourists before conversing with them; however, the size of the lei makes a difference on how happy it makes them. Normal mode is unlocked once a medal is scored on Easy. Normal mode presents a new type of flower in the colors pink and yellow. This mode is slightly more difficult than the previous. A Bronze Medal is earned with points, a Silver Medal is earned with points, and a Gold Medal is earned with points. The penalty for a wrong card is 30 points deducted. Completing the lei in under 40 seconds is points. After completion, you are given a “Regular lei”. This lei is worth about § Lastly, is Hard mode. Hard mode has 3 types of flowers, in the colors yellow, pink, purple, blue, and red. points is a Bronze Medal, is a Silver Medal, and is a Gold Medal. A wrong card is points deducted from your final score. Completing the lei in under 1 minute is automatically points, with a point bonus for no mistakes. You will be rewarded with a “Large lei” which is worth § [9] Air Activities [] Paragliding Paragliding is an air sport that involves using a hang-glider to stay in the air and avoid obstacles. This activity can be played in the Highlands with Marie and in the Mountains with Tracy. The object of the game is to stay in the air, whilst collecting jewels and avoiding obstacles like birds or wind currents which will knock you out of the air. You can move forward, backward, up, and down, and blowing into the microphone on the lower left corner of the DS will provide a gust of wind for a speed boost. This game is on the difficult side, but with practice, it’s easy. points is a Bronze Medal, about points is a Silver Medal, and a Gold Medal is about points. The price to paraglide is §50 for both Marie and Tracy. [] Skydiving Skydiving is an air sport hosted by Martin. The price to skydive is § The object is to dive down as quickly as possible, while collecting jewels. You can move left and right and pressing the A button while moving performs in-air acrobatics, useful for getting to one spot to another quickly. The arrow on the bottom screen lets you know where the next jewel will appear. If three jewels of the same color are collected in a row, this counts as a combo and is a huge amount of points. Each jewel is about points, which makes this a difficult game. The main obstacle are clouds, which slow your fall. I’m not too sure how many points are needed for each medal, but I’m working on it. [10] Design [] Furniture Designing furniture is an option that becomes available to you after interacting with Sophie for a bit. Talking to Sophie will allow you to either “Create a design” or “Make furniture”. Making furniture involves the building of custom furniture for your home. There are six slots available for custom furniture, which can include a bed, a closet, a sofa, a chair, a table, or a chest. The following are the costs for the furniture template; Bed Cost = § Chest Cost = § Closet Cost = § Sofa Cost = § Chair Cost = § Table Cost = § You can choose a readymade design for the fabric on any of those items, or create your own custom fabric. Designing a fabric is the other option available to you. When you select this, you’ll have four save slots for your designs. Select an empty slot and you’ll be brought to a screen that’s similar to Microsoft’s Paint program. You can use the pencil tool for a thin line, the paintbrush for a thick line, the line tool to make a straight line, the eraser tool to erase something, and the stamp tool to stamp something onto the fabric. You can also change the size of the line from small to medium to large. There is also an undo and redo button in case you make a mistake. At the bottom is a set of basic colors, but pressing the tab above the set will open up a more advanced set of colors. When you’re done with your design, select the check in the lower right corner and save your design. [] Clothing Designing clothing works the same way as designing furniture. You have the option of “Make a design” or “Make clothes”. The clothing designing works the same way as fabric designing, except there are five boxes which can be colored in. The boxes are color-coded as such; Blue = Front White = Back Green = Left Sleeve Yellow = Right Sleeve Pink = Palms The same functions from the fabric design are used here. There are four save slots to save your design in. To make the clothing, select one of your designs and Tyler will tailor the outfit for you. If you’ve already got four custom outfits made, you can choose to have it re-tailored for § [] Highlands/Mountains Once both Foster and Marie have arrived as rangers to their respective areas, you’ll have to decorate said areas. Using items such as trees, shrubbery, statues, fountains, and other objects, you’ll get to decorate the Highlands/Forest. First, search for a yellow-ish patch on the ground. The diamond will appear of your Sim, allowing you to interact with it. You’ll have the option of choosing what you place there. However, there are only 5 slots available to direct, until the counter at the top reaches zero. You’re free to remove objects and change up the area at your leisure. [] Essences Unlike the game’s Wii and PC counterparts, this version only has 4 essences which are specific to certain things in the game. These essences can be used as furniture designs. These essences are obtained separately as follows; Essence of the Ball The Essence of the Ball has a continuous pattern of a red racquet and a yellow Racquetball placed on a green background. This essence is obtained once a Gold Medal is won in a Racquetball Rally game. Essence of the Flower The Essence of the Flower has a pattern of red, yellow, and purple flowers placed on a yellow background. This essence is obtained after receiving a Gold Medal on Hard mode of Lei-making. Essence of the Forest The Essence of the Forest has a pattern of three different trees on a green background. This essence is obtained once Sophie is happy with the forest’s condition. Essence of the Sea The Essence of the Sea has sailing ships, anchors, and ocean waves in a pattern placed on a blue background. This essence is obtained after scuba-diving a lot for Nicki. The Whale Watch event will become an option, in which you earn the Essence of the Sea. [11] The Casino [] Dodge the Thief Dodge the Thief is casino game hosted by Hawk. The object of the game is to isolate the thief card. You’re given a 7 card hand, with 6 cards on the table. You must carefully select cards, while trying to avoid the thief card, leaving it the only one left. The flashing number on the table indicates that if that number card is chosen, the number you have bet will be doubled. However, if you lose the game, you lose the doubled amount. This game is pretty difficult as it’s randomly generated and there’s no way around it, just luck. The following are amount of money on the bet being raised in correspondence to the correct cards being drawn; 2 Cards Correct = 2X Bet 3 Cards Correct = 3X Bet 4 Cards Correct = 10X Bet 5 Cards Correct = 30X Bet 6 Cards Correct = 50X Bet [] Tic-Tac Trump Tic-Tac Trump is a casino game hosted by Emma. The object of this game is to get a single number in a row. 9 cards will be laid out 3 by 3. This game is difficult, as it is completely luck-based. The 2nd card turned, you have the option of doubling the bet at your own risk. You get Bingos for getting three in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, which gives double of your bet. There’s also a possibility of Extra Bingos, which gives you your bet doubled plus two extra bingos. The amount you can bet will continuously increase until you reach 50 coins, your highest bet in a single game. This is only available to you if you play at the casino every day. [] Slot Machines Slot Machines are located throughout the casino. All of them are the same game, “Exactly 21”. The object of the game is to flip cards that add up to a total of The more cards used increases your amount of money. You lose if the number you have adds up to a number higher than If the number is 21 exactly, you get a Blackjack Bonus, which doubles your winnings. The highest number is 6 to bet as a starter, but continuous play each day will increase the betting number from 10 to 30 to 50 in a single game. This game is considerably the easiest in the casino, as there is a strategy, unlike the others. There are 6 cards, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, making this game similar to Blackjack, in terms of wanting to get to the number 21 without going over. Exactly 21 will earn you a bonus of coins. If your total is under 15, hit and get another card. If your total is 16, you’re at risk of going over 21, though there is a 1/6 chance of doing so. The odds increase to 1/3 at a total of 17, 1/2 at 18, 2/3 at 19, and 5/6 at The game is in your favor if you manage to maintain below 17 and get another card. Here are the earnings for the slot machines; 5 Cards under 21 = 1X Bet 6 Cards under 21 = 2X Bet 7 Cards under 21 = 5X Bet 8 Cards under 21 = 10X Bet 9 Cards under 21 = 20X Bet 10 Cards under 21 = 50X Bet The game has a limit of a 50 coin bet, meaning you can really rake in some cash from the slot machines. [12] Scuba-diving [] Scuba-diving Scuba-diving is an activity hosted by Nicki. The price to scuba-dive is § The object is to take pictures of fish while diving. The clearer and closer the photo is, the better your score. The L button will hold the camera, while the R button snaps the photo. You can face a new direction by moving up, down, left, and right. You have 9 shots in the camera, but you can choose your best 3 out of the 9 to be judged. A dot will appear on the screen that changes color, which signals that a new wave of fish will take place of the old wave that’s swam away. Rarer animals, like dolphins or sharks can easily get you 80 points higher than any of the smaller fish. A close-up shot of the animal will bring in even more points. For the easy level, aim to get a photo of a blue dolphin, which is seen past the half-way. This will reward you with a huge amount of points if you get a good photo. For the normal level, aim to take photos of the orange manta-rays. However, your biggest amount of points will come from the sea turtle which appears near the end of the tour. The hard level only allows you to take three shots. The first should be a dolphin seen at the beginning during the descent. The ravine towards the middle of the tour, your second shot should be of the manta. Your third shot should be the turtle, which appears shortly after, heading to the left. The turtle is the highest amount of points, but another good opportunity is a group of fish near a cave on your way back to the surface. The points earned are not tallied out of anything, but they are judged and determine your final score and whether you earn a medal or not. [13] Dowsing [] Dowsing Dowsing is an activity hosted by Tracy that’s exclusive to the Mountain area. The point of dowsing is to dig up as many ores as possible in 3 minutes. Before you dig, you must rent a shovel from Tracy, which has a fee for renting it. A small shovel can be rented for §50, while the later obtainable big shovel can be rented for § A small shovel takes more digs to bring up something, while a big shovel digs up more ground in a single go. Using the stylus, tap the screen and there will be a radar that helps detect ores. Blue with a low beeping frequency means there’s no ores nearby. Yellow with a slightly faster beeping frequency means an ore is close. Red with a fast beeping frequency means an ore is in your vicinity. When a ! appears, that means the ore is right beneath you and can be dug up. Press the A button multiple times until you reach the depth of the object. The depth can range from 2 to 8. There are four different colored ores with different values. Blue ores are the least valuable, red ores have average value, and green ores have the most value. There is also a rare light blue ore which has double the green ores’ value. It’s also possible to dig up any sum of Simoleons, but also a clock, which gives you 30 more seconds. When you’ve finished dowsing or time has run out, Tracy will give you some points for redeemable prizes, in exchange for the ores, which have no value to you. [14] Elizabeth’s Fashion Reviews [] Elizabeth’s Fashion Reviews Elizabeth, a wealthy Sim in the area, will eventually decide to have weekly fashion reviews (that last from morning to evening) and critique the various Sims in the area. This is probably one of the most frustrating things to do in the game, as Elizabeth is very picky about what you’re wearing. If you go to the Entertainment Area, near where the pink building is, you can find a sign that will tell you where Elizabeth will be holding her next fashion review. It’s very important to wear the right outfit for the review, and to also keep track of the days. Below are the outfits you should wear to which areas; *Note that males can wear a White Suit and get a good review from Elizabeth. [] Distrust in the Dog Boy Before you begin, you’ll be brought to the Sim Creator. Here you can pick your Sim’s gender, skin color, eye shape, eye color, hairstyle, and clothing. When you’re finished, select the check button to get started. When you start a new game, you will be brought to a short cutscene of you talking to another person on a black screen. The person will ask you what town you will be going to. Pick a name for this town, and select the check. When you explain that you’ll be moving there, you set off on the ferry. Shortly, you’ll arrive at the docks of the town. As you step off, you’ll see a strange boy wearing a dog suit. As you approach him, he’ll become startled and run off. Another cutscene shows you chasing the dog boy into the town. Growing tired, you let him get away and realize you’ve stopped at the Town Hall. You walk in and see an elderly woman. Walk up to her and press the A button to speak to her. She will tell you what is distressing her. Her grandson Tim has gone somewhere and she needs somebody to find him. She hints that he may be at the Town’s Racquetball court. Knowing this, head out to the Town’s Racquetball court at the northwest area of the Town. When you reach the court, you’ll see that dog boy again. Go and speak to him, and he’ll introduce himself as “Tim”, the grandson of the mayor. He doesn’t trust you and refuses to leave the court. At this point, you’re going to have to convince him by making him happy. By conversing and listening to him, his happy meter will increase. Listening has the better effect. He’ll realize he can trust you and decides he’ll go back to the Town Hall to see his grandmother. You have now befriended Tim. Head back to the Town Hall to see the mayor. [] Your Name Please? When you return to the Town Hall, you’ll see that Tim and his grandmother have been reunited. Talk to her. She’ll thank you for bringing Tim back and realizes that you’re the new Sim that moved in. She introduces herself as Helen, the Town mayor. She’ll ask you for your name. You will be brought to another screen where you can type in your name. You can use any name you’d like. After you’ve finished, Helen will ask you if that’s correct. Select the check. When you’re all done, she’ll warmly welcome you to the Town and explains that there aren’t many people here, but she hopes you enjoy anyway. Helen will also mention that the known residents at the Town are Tyler, the local tailor, and Ewan, the policeman. She’d like you to go and meet them. Exit the Town Hall. [] The Tailor and the Policeman The first thing you’ll notice after you exit the Town Hall is that the Time of Day on the top screen will change to the afternoon. Head to the north of the Town Hall and you’ll find a house. Enter the house to find a man that’s obviously angry. Speak with him, to which he’ll ask who you are, allowing you to introduce yourself. He explains that his name is Ewan and he is here to serve and protect the people of the Town. The obvious drop in tourists distresses him and he has barely anyone to protect. He’ll get angry once more, signaling that it’s time to make Ewan happy. Using cry and converse, the happy meter will fill. Crying, I find, has the best effect on angry Sims, until they’ve relaxed, in which Converse will work. After you’ve calmed him down, Ewan will recruit you to help protect the town. Now, walk down to the southwest sector of the Town to find a store. Inside is a sad-looking man. When you approach, he’ll be surprised to see you, but then reverts back to being sad, as he feel it’s pointless to make new clothing since there’s no one to buy it. Time to make him happy! Using encourage, converse, and listen will fill his happiness meter. Encourage and Listen are most effective on discouraged Sims. Once he’s okay, he’ll introduce himself as Tyler, the Town’s tailor. He’s happy to have you here and hopes you enjoy your stay. When you’re finished, walk back to the Town Hall to speak to Helen. [] Flowers Blooming Helen is delighted to see that you’ve befriended Tyler and Ewan, and expresses her desire to pull the Town back into shape. The voice of another Sim startles both of you. A Sim with fiery red hair and pink clothing bursts into the Town Hall. She’ll introduce herself as Ashley, the pretty damsel that loves flowers. She’ll tell you that she saw a help-wanted ad in the newspaper and wanted to come to the Town, despite that it took her a month to find it. Helen is glad that Ashley is willing to run the flower shop. Ashley then leaves to the store, leaving you to talk to Helen again. She’ll explain that she’s worried about Ashley and asks if you’ll go check on her, even though she’s only been here for a minute or so. Though, seeing as she got lost finding the place, she may need help. Exit the Town Hall and walk to the right to find the Florist. Talk to Ashley, who is outside the shop. She’s happy to see you, but goes into a fit after seeing that the Town is flowerless. She’ll give you a set of flowers to place in various flowerbeds in the four sectors of the Town. Walk along the sidewalks in the Town until you come across brick flowerbeds. There should be four total, one in front of the Town Hall, one near the Florist, one near Tyler’s store, and one near the Town fountain. A diamond will appear above your Sim as you approach a flowerbed, signaling that you can interact with it. An option will say “Plant”. Select it and it will bring you to your inventory. Select one of the tulips and it will be planted in the bed. Three tulips can fit in a flowerbed. If you run out of flowers, return to Ashley for more. Once you’ve finished, go back to Ashley and speak with her. She’s pleased by your work and dismisses you. After, you’ll be notified that you’ve reached Star Level 1 and that the Town will look a little different tomorrow. However, you’ll need a place to stay. Talk to Helen in the Town Hall. Helen is happy with your work and says that you must be exhausted. She’ll tell you that your house is towards the east of the Town. The time will change to night as you go back outside. Walk to the southeast corner of the Town, where you’ll find a small path. Keep going to the right and you’ll find a lone house. This is your home, even if it’s isolated from the rest of the Town. Upon entering, you must place your furniture, which includes a bed (for sleeping), a closet (to hold your clothes and allow you to change your hair and clothing), and a chest (home storage), into the space. You can place furniture anywhere as long as it’s not blocking an exit or intersecting with another object. Walk over to your bed to interact with it. The three options are “Nap”, “Sleep”, and “Deep Sleep” Each type will cause the time to change in increments. Napping moves time by one quarter, sleeping moves time by two quarters, and deep sleeping moves time by three quarters. Select the “Nap” option and you’ll sleep until morning. [16] Star Level 1: Shopkeepers Galore! [] Olivia, Joseph, and A New Visitor The Town is now at Star Level 1, meaning more tourists have showed up and residents are moving back in. You’re brought to the Town Hall to see Helen. She explains that Olivia, the General Goods Store owner, and Joseph, the local fisherman, have moved back into Town. Helen also says that there’s a rumor of someone living in the Forest region outside of Town. First, walk to the southeast area of the Town, near the path to your house, and you’ll see a store. Upon entering, you’ll find the store is empty. But don’t leave just yet. A voice is heard shortly. In the top right corner of the store is an armor that’s rattling, meaning someone is inside. Approach the armor and press the A button to free who’s inside. After releasing the Sim, she’ll introduce herself as Olivia, the store owner. You can now buy and sell items at the shop. Your Simoleon amount will increase and your Star Meter will fill as well. Time to go meet Joseph. Walk to the left until you come to the road, then walk to the southeast until you reach the Port Area. To the northwest is a shack on the beach. Inside the shack is an angry Sim. When you try to talk to with him, he’ll angrily tell you to back off and stay out of his way. You’re going to have to make him happy. Comfort, encourage, and listen will work. Comfort is also very effective on angry Sims. Now that he’s feeling better, he’s ready to introduce himself. His name is Joseph, the town fisherman. Your Star Meter increases after your meeting. Now that you’ve met Olivia and Joseph, it’s time to confirm the rumor about someone living in the Forest region. Head out to the road and continue northwest in the Forest. Follow the road down to the right and you’ll find a building. Inside is a girl sleeping in a chair. Talk to her. Though she’s fast asleep, you’re going to have to fill her happiness meter. Encourage, laugh, listen, and converse are most effective. She’ll awaken once her happiness meter is filled and will converse with you. Her name is Sophie and she explains that she makes furniture. She asks if you would like to buy some before she decides that she’ll have to think of more designs. She returns to her chair and falls asleep once more. Your Star Meter will have increased again. Exiting the shop, continue down the road to the right and you’ll enter the Highlands. In the southeast corner of the Highlands is a Racquetball court where you’ll find Tim. Speak to him and he’ll explain that he wears the dog suit to attract tourists, which doesn’t seem to be working too well for him and that he wants to help the Town to make it a more exciting place. This is a hint for something he’ll want you to do later, but for now, walk back to the Town by taking the road down to the southeast. You’ll notice many tourists have built up around the Town and have plenty of opinions to share. Talk with them and do anything to keep them happy. When you’ve finished with all the tourists in Town, head over to Tyler’s shop. Tyler is happy to say that more people have come and he’s ready to sell new clothing, which means you can buy new clothes for your Sim. The Star Meter will fill some more. The next person you’ll need to speak to is Ashley. However, if it’s already evening or night time, her store will be closed for the day. If so, you’ll have to go home and sleep until tomorrow. If not, go and speak to Ashley. [] Strolling On Through Enter Ashley’s store and talk to her. She’s officially open for business and is selling flowers and bouquets. You can now buy flowers to plant around and bouquets to give to tourists. The Star Meter should be filled to the halfway point, by now. Exit the shop and make your way to the Port Area to see Joseph again. You’ll find that Joseph is once again in a bad mood, though this time, he appears sad. Cheer him up by using encourage and converse. Now that Joseph is situated, head through the Forest until you get to the Highlands. Walk to the Racquetball court in the Highlands and talk to Tim. He’ll ask you if you want to play Racquetball, his idea being that a good Racquetball player might keep tourists coming. He’ll give you a racquet to practice with. Walk onto the court and select the check to play Racquetball. Play a game of Racquetball, then go back and talk to Tim. He promises to let you keep the racquet if you help him with his plan. Your Star Meter will have increased. Moving on, head back to Joseph’s shack and go talk to him. He’ll ask a favor of you involving his dream of seeing every fish in the world. He entrusts you with the duty of seeking out all fishes in the area, giving you a fishing rod and a Fish Book to handle the job. Go ahead and give fishing a try! Approach the nearest body of water and press the R button when the fish and rod symbol appears in the top right corner. After you’ve fished for a bit, hopefully you’ll have caught something. Return to Joseph with the fish. Give it to him and he’ll record it in the Fish Book. He’ll also reward you with some cash! At this point, it’s probably gotten pretty late. If you walk to the lower right corner of the Port Area, there’s a dock with some shacks. If you don’t feel like walking all the way home, the shack on the right has a bed you can sleep in. Do so until tomorrow. [] Early in the Morn After you’ve woken up, make your way to the Forest region and switch to the map screen using the Y button. You’ll see Sophie’s symbol, but also Ewan’s. Go talk to him. He’ll tell you that he likes your attitude and would like you to help with the town’s protection. Don’t worry. You’re not going to have to fight criminals or anything. All Ewan’s going to have you do is take a picture with the camera he’ll give you. He wants you to get a picture of the Symbol Tree, which is at the center of the Forest. Once given the camera, go to the middle of the Forest and snap a good photo of the tree. Save the photo and return to Ewan. He’ll ask if you took the photo, in which you select the check, and show him the photo which is in one of your save slots. Pleased, he’ll let you keep the camera. Now, you can take pictures! He rewards you with some cash and your Star Meter goes up. There’s only a little ways to go. If it’s already begun to get late, you should rest up somewhere until the next day. You’re going to have to see Ashley, however, if it’s her day off, you’re going to have to sleep through another day. Anyways, return to Ashley’s shop when she’s available and speak to her. She’s glad to see you and says she’s starting a service by making leis to give to tourists. She admits that she’s awful at making them, and would like you to help. Give the lei-making game a shot and you’ll be rewarded with a lei once you’re done. The Star Meter is filled! Now, onward to Star Level 2! The town will look a little different tomorrow! [17] Star Level 2: Tourists Return! [] Cakes and Trolleys Today is the start of a new beginning! Make sure you talk to PLENTY of tourists and make them happy so that the interest in your town will increase. Also, buy items from the various shops to keep shopkeepers happy. Buying up at least five items at each shop will encourage the shopkeeper to restock with some new items the next day. I’ll warn you now that this is probably the most annoying Star Level to achieve, as you will have to busy yourself when various shopkeepers are on their day off. Helen is proud to say that the tourists are returning to the area. She’ll also tell us that the trolley service has reopened for only a small fare of §10 to ride. The bakery has reopened as well, with Charlie as the baker. However, if Charlie happens to have the day-off, you’ll have to meet him later. If not, go ahead and talk to him. Instead, make your way to the Highlands and go to the back of the area where the cabin is. Inside is a Sim with spiky red hair. Talk to her. She will seem pretty rude at first, but she just needs to be made happy. Once she’s calmed down, she’ll tell you that her name is Marie and mention that she’s the new Highlands ranger. Before you get used to her gentle side, she’ll hastily volunteer you to help clean up the Highlands a bit. Perfect. In order to enhance the Highlands, we’ll need to decorate. Once decorated, return to Marie. She’ll ask if you’re finished, in which you select the check. Marie will say, regardless of what you do, that she thought people were beginning to come to the area, but she thinks it’s a waste of time. You should now know that Marie doesn’t take her job seriously and is very lazy about her chores, hence why she asks you. She’ll thank you, I guess, and then send you off. At least with reward money! Now, we have to wait until tomorrow to speak to Charlie. You can do whatever you’d like for the remainder for the day or you can just sleep through the day. Charlie’s shop is to the left of the Town fountain. Enter and talk to him. He’ll talk about his plans for cakes in the Town and he’ll begin selling “Shortcake” and “Cheesecake”. After talking to him, the Star Meter will increase quite a bit. [] Paragliding and Sophie’s Store When you have a moment, talk to Marie in the Highlands. She’ll tell you that she was trying to find some sports equipment when she stumbled across an old hang glider. She mentions that it seems broken, but isn’t sure. So, guess what she wants you to do? Yup, test it. Unfortunately, you have no choice and must accept. Test out the glider until you finish or lose. Your Star Meter fills more, meaning we’re close to Star Level 3. For more hints on what to do next, go speak with Helen. But, if you’re reading through this guide, you won’t need Helen. However, Helen will bring up Sophie’s store and that it needs to be registered as a business. Talk to Sophie in the Forest. If it’s her day off, you must wait until the next day to speak to her. If not, enter her store. Don’t try talking to her, she won’t do anything. But, try walking around her store a bit, she’ll begin to mumble in her sleep. Now you can talk to her. A screen will be brought up that allows you to make up a name for her store. Come up with a name and return to Helen so she can register the store. The Star Meter will increase very close to the end. Lastly, you’re going to have to play some Racquetball for Tim. Practice until you get a high score in the s, and then talk to him. He’ll tell you that you must be tired of using the same racquet, so he’ll give you a brand new racquet. Your Star Meter will fill completely and another star will be added. You are now at Star Level 3! [18] Star Level 3: Movin’ On Up! [] Enter Nicki and the Entertainment Area Star Level 3 is when you really get to explore. Helen will begin by informing you of the latest happenings. All the shops are open for business, more tourists, have arrived, a new Sim has applied to be the Forest ranger, and finally a new ferry service that traverses between the Town and the Entertainment Area. Head to the Port Area and approach the docks. You’ll see the same pushy Sim who brought you here. Talk with her and she’ll tell you that her name is Nicki and she has a service of transportation between the Port Area and the Entertainment Area. Your Star Meter will go up a bit. Now, walk to the Forest to check out the new ranger. He should be inside the cabin in the back of the Forest region. Talk to him and he’ll seem startled. Cheer him up, so he’ll earn your trust. He’ll tell you his name is Foster. He’s a very shy Sim, so he isn’t one to be around people, which is why he came to the desolate area. He loves animals and would love some help with the Forest’s environment. Accept his request and complete enhancing the Forest just as you did with the Highlands. When you’re finished, return to Foster and let him know you’re done. Your Star Meter will have increased and you’ll be rewarded with money. Take the trolley or walk to Town to go buy some cakes from Charlie. Buying cakes from Charlie will make him happy and he’ll be willing to share some gossip about the townsfolk. He’ll mention that Tyler seems upset. Make your way to Tyler’s shop and find out what’s bothering the saddened Tyler. When you talk to him, the situation is that tourists don’t like Tyler’s old-fashioned clothing, whereas he finds them to be classic. He feels he’s a failure, which is your time to cheer him up again. Feeling better, Tyler will ask if you’re willing to design clothes for his store. Select the check and you’ll be brought to the clothing design screen. Make any design you’d like and save it. Tyler will reward you with some cash and your Star Meter will fill more. [] Errands, Errands, and More Errands You have a few options with this part. You can go to the various stores and buy some items or go on ahead and visit a Racquetball court for some further progression. Buying things from the stores will convince the shopkeeper to stock up on some new items, in turn bettering their business. The latter will keep the story going. At a Racquetball court, select the Target 1 event and aim for a high score. Tim will be delighted to see you’ve improved and reward you with a new racquet. Though only slightly, your Star Meter will have increased. [] Night Out Now would be a good time to check out the Entertainment Area. Head to the Port Area docks and talk to Nicki. She charges §50 to board. Do so and you’ll arrive at the Entertainment Area. Walk to your left and you’ll see a blonde girl wearing pink. She appears to be sad. Talk to her and she’ll introduce herself as Elizabeth. She wishes to state her problem, but doesn’t want to go to the trouble of doing so. Make her happy! Afterward, she will proceed to explain that she has a house for her pet nearby, but it’s too small for her pet. She’s bought a whole new island for her pet and will have a grander house built there. She’ll ask if you’d like the smaller house. Accept and she’ll tell you she bought the house for §,,, but she’ll lower the price to §10,, a day’s worth of pet food (by her wealthy standards). Buying the house is up to you. It doesn’t change the story at all and the house is really just a mansion with three rooms. It might be nice to have if you want more space and an added place to sleep when home is too far. However, it’s up to you. After speaking with Elizabeth, the Star Meter will increase regardless of you buying the house or not. You’re free to explore the area, if you’d like. There’s a pink building up ahead with clothing inside, which hints some new outfits coming soon to Tyler’s store. There’s also the mansion in the top left corner. On the right is the Casino (only open at night), the Disco (not really worth your time), and the Airfield (not important at the moment). Return to the Port Area via ferry and make your way to the Forest. You’ll notice that there are now animals roaming the area. Foster will explain that he can make special animal feed by giving him simple ingredients, one fish and one flower. A fish is easily gotten through fishing, while a flower can be bought through Ashley. By giving both to Foster, he’ll make animal feed, good for only one use however. It can be a bit more of trouble than it’s worth. In the Highlands, Marie will have new decorations for the area, and in switching out some decorations, your Star Meter will increase. Now, this next part is very busy and it’s sometimes very easy to miss a step. First, playing more Racquetball will unlock the Target 2 event and in turn increase your Star Meter. If you talked to Sophie previously to get her to restock, do the same with Olivia. She’ll be gone the next day in order to stock up on new items. Knowing this, the Star Meter will fill. Speak with Sophie and she’ll tell you she’s running out of ideas for furniture. She asks if you’d care to design furniture for her. Accept and make your own design as you did with clothing. Save it when you’re done. She’ll be really happy and you’ll be gifted with the Essence of the Forest furniture design. You will also be rewarded with money and a large amount of the Star Meter filled. Lastly, make your way to Ashley’s shop and work on more leis for her. You should unlock the Normal mode at some point, which is the final step to the end of Star Level 3. The Star Meter will have filled completely! If not, you’ve missed a step! On to Star Level 4! [19] Star Level 4: Town Anew! [] On the Mountain Range Now that you’re on Star Level 4, you’ll find that everything is open and available. Except for the Mountains. Helen will tell you that the owner of the Mountains has donated it to the Town and even included a ranger. Go ahead and check it out! The Mountain is located in the top right corner of the Forest, at the end of a path. Follow that path to the Mountains. [] Tracy, the Money-Driven Enter the cabin at the east side of the Mountains. A blue-haired Sim will be angrily looking over a laptop. Speak to her. First, she’ll shout at you about the poor condition of the Mountains and demand you explain it. She’ll also proceed to yell about her contract with Elizabeth, meaning that’s who she thinks you are. Calm her down and make her happy and she’ll realize that you aren’t Elizabeth and apologizes for her mistake. She introduces herself as Tracy, but she’ll begin to yell again because she got scammed by Elizabeth and hasn’t earned a buck. She gives you a shovel and expects you to get digging! Oh, and she’s charging you to RENT the shovel. Play the dowsing game until you find some ores to give her. Your Star Meter will increase a bit after assisting Tracy. Leave the Mountains and return to the Forest to see Foster. He tells you that he has stocked up on new decorations for the Forest and wishes for more assistance in enhancing it again. Go ahead and help him out for a boost up for your Star Meter. [] The Statue Though it can be done at any time, it’s a good idea to talk to Olivia. If it’s her day off, wait until she returns the next day. Enter her store to find it empty. Or so it seems again. Look to the desk at the right to find her stuck under there. Help her out and she’ll reward you with some money. Afterward, go back to the Mountains for some dowsing. When you have plenty of points from dowsing, talk to Tracy to redeem them. With those points, buy a head and a body for the statue. This statue is going on the statue base by the Town’s fountain. Speak with Helen for more details on the statue. She’ll ask if you’d mind getting the parts, if you haven’t already done so. Select the check if you have the parts and Helen and Tracy will put up the statue. The Star Meter should’ve increased by half. [] Paragliding and More Tourists Try to please some more tourists as we go along. One tourist, at random, will ask for something in your inventory. Give whatever it is to them! This is a hint and will increase your Star Meter by plenty! Once you’ve done that, go up to the Mountains and talk to Tracy. It seems as though she’s up to something. She’ll tell you that she needed another plan to make big money, so she decided to have a Paragliding service better than the Highlands. That and she can just borrow equipment from Marie. But, because you want the best for the tourists, guess what you’re going to have to do? You guessed it. You have to test the glider. Play the Paragliding game, just as you did in the Highlands. When you’re done, you’ll be brought back to Tracy who is pleased that it runs smoothly. Your Star Meter will increase completely and give you the final star. You’re now on Star Level 5! [20] Star Level 5: Back in Business! [] Specialist Pilot Martin Congratulations! You’ve got the Town to its best appeal, tourists are constantly coming from everywhere to see your Town and all that it has to offer. Helen is quite pleased with your work and lets you know that a pilot has landed at the Airfield in the Entertainment Area right next to the Disco. Travel to the Entertainment Area and walk down to the far right where the Airfield is. Talk to the Sim with spiky red hair. He tells you his name is Martin and he crash-landed here with high hopes of getting home to his missus. However, he doesn’t have the money for fuel, so he’ll start a skydiving business. It costs § to skydive, but it’s good to practice at the game. Give it a try! [] The End By now, you’ll have noticed that your Star Meter will stay complete. Reaching the 5th Star Level means that you cannot progress further in the story aside from trying to get Gold Stars on each person in the area. You can practice any of the mini-games, buy stuff from all the shops, earn cash, buy that house from Elizabeth if you didn’t, etc., it’s up to you. I have yet to confirm this as I haven’t gotten gold medals on the normal and hard skydiving levels, but supposedly there’s a rumor that doing so will trigger the ending. The ending is said to consist of Martin leaving the area via his plane, except that you can now take his plane to an island located behind the Highlands, which is where his home is located. You will also get to meet his wife, Bell (supposedly the Sim on the front and back cover of the game). This is only a rumor so far, as I’ve yet to hear or see reliable information as far as “Bell” or the island. The “Bell” on the box could easily be Olivia, seeing as the characters look slightly different on the box. Anyways, I will attempt to confirm this rumor of the true ending, and update when I find out anything. It’s also said that Martin decides to stay in the area, despite his wife. This seems more likely, even though logically, it’s unfair to his wife. [21] Gold Stars [] Gold Stars Gold Stars are obtained when a Sim’s friendship level with you has reached its maximum level. The Gold Stars are considerably useless, but if you have nothing left to do, it gives you something to do. Some Sims give you a Gold Star by regularly talking to them, improving their business, or completing tasks for them. Below, I’ll list how to achieve a Gold Star for each Sim; Tim’s Gold Star is achieved by talking to him, consistently playing Racquetball, and improved Racquetball skills. Helen’s Gold Star is achieved by talking to her and improving on the Town. Marie’s Gold Star is achieved by decorating the Highlands often. Foster’s Gold Star is achieved by decorating the Forest often, as well as feeding the local animals. Tracy’s Gold Star is achieved by consistently Paragliding for her. Joseph’s Gold Star is achieved by bringing him fish continuously. Emma’s Gold Star is achieved by increasing the bet in Tic-Tac Trump to 50 coins. Hawk’s Gold Star is achieved by increasing the bet in Dodge the Thief to 50 coins. Olivia’s Gold Star is achieved after her 5th restock. She’ll be hiding behind the blue surfboard in her shop. When you find her, she’ll tell you that she could always count on you and that she hid purposely. You get her Gold Star afterward. Sophie’s Gold Star is achieved by continuously purchasing furniture from her store. Ashley’s Gold Star is achieved by continuously purchasing flowers from her store. Charlie’s Gold Star is achieved by continuously purchasing cakes from his store. Ewan’s Gold Star is achieved when you’ve cheered him up. During one of his patrols, talk to him to find him depressed. You’ll have to visit him at his house to talk with him. Cheer him up and give him a gift. Wait until the night of the next day to give him another gift. Do it again a third time and you’ll be given his Gold Star. Tyler’s Gold Star is achieved by scoring good reviews from Elizabeth. Elizabeth’s Gold Star is achieved by successfully winning each of her fashion reviews. Nicki’s Gold Star is achieved by consistently Scuba-diving for her and giving her gifts when she is depressed. The presents have to be cakes from Charlie. After giving her 5 cakes in succession, she’ll give you the Gold Star. Martin’s Gold Star is achieved by consistently Skydiving. [22] Final Word [] Final Word This marks the end of my walkthrough of MySims for the DS. I hope you found it thoroughly informative and it got you to a comfortable spot in the game. It wasn’t perfect, but I’m proud of how it came together. If you have any information to add or any questions about the game you’d like to ask, feel free to e-mail me via my contact information below. Thanks again! ~SuperOtakuAlex [A] Email/Contact Information Below is my e-mail, which you can contact me at if you have any questions or something to add to the guide. *However, read through the ENTIRE guide before you send me an e-mail. If I’ve already answered something in the guide, your e-mail will be ignored.* [email protected] When you e-mail me, don’t be rude, inconsiderate, or use profanity. Also, have a subject for your e-mail so I know what it’s about. Don’t send me spam, something unrelated to the guide, technical difficulties regarding the game and/or console, or something already answered in the guide. I speak English primarily, so I won’t be able to understand an e-mail written in Spanish, Italian, French (I only know the basics of the language), German, or any other language. The e-mail should be straight-forward and to the point. I don’t want an e-mail that is off-topic. I also don’t want the e-mail to be written in horrible English. Nobody is going to understand someone that types like this, “so how you paly gaem. Am stuk. Hallp meh.” You don’t have to be formal with the e-mail, but simple, casual writing will do. If you send me an e-mail with any information to add to the guide, you will be credited in the Credits section in the guide. [B] FAQs There are no FAQs at the moment. [C] Credits This section is where credits towards this guide and any other information will go. Your name used on the site will be used to credit you on your information. Thanks goes to; Electronic Arts and Maxis, for the development of MySims Me, for making this guide [D] Copyright MySims is Copyright Maxis and Electronic Arts. All Rights Reserved. The Nintendo DS is Copyright Nintendo. All Rights Reserved. This document is the property of SuperOtakuAlex and should not be copied, used for financial gain, or stolen under any circumstance. You may use this guide for personal purposes, but for nothing else. This guide should not be found on any other sites than the ones I have verified for.
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