Mystery shopper casino

Mystery shopper casino


How mystery shoppers can improve customer service at casinos

Casinos have to be all about customer service, from the moment guests arrive at the establishment to the time they leave. The reason this is so important is because the casino needs to make guests feel special and happy, even if they go home with less money than they arrived with. It can be a difficult feat to perform, but when everything goes smoothly, guests can become repeat visitors.

One sure way to check the level of customer service at your casino is to use mystery shoppers. The feedback they can provide is highly valuable and gives you real, actionable insight into how service can be improved. Here are few areas of operations that mystery shoppers can help with:

Arriving at the casino

The casino experience begins before your guests even steps through the front doors. In fact, it really begins when they leave home with a feeling of anticipation and excitement. When they drive up to the casino, guests want that feeling to continue. Mystery shoppers can provide feedback on their first impressions of the building, the greeters, security staff and valet members.

Services inside the casino

There&#;s a wide variety of services you can test with mystery shoppers. Not only can shoppers provide feedback about the environment and equipment, they can rate the customer service level of your bartenders, wait staff, dealers and much more. If your establishment has a concert venue, shoppers can asses that as well. The dining experience is another great task for shoppers, as they can rate the food and quality of service.

Dealers in the casino need to be on the top of their game at all times. That means knowing the regulars by name, making eye contact and listening attentively. Their job is as much about dealing the cards correctly as it is interacting with the guests. Mystery shoppers can evaluate dealers on their interpersonal skills by explaining how they felt as they played a few hands.

Leaving satisfied

How guests feel as they leave the casino is just as important as how they feel upon first entering the front doors. Of course, if your guests win money, they&#;ll be very happy indeed. But you want everyone to leave with a smile, not just the big winners. BestMark&#;s mystery shopping services can help you learn how to improve this vital part of the customer service experience.
