Oryx casino

Oryx casino


By Jakub Janovsky, naalsio26Aloha,Dan, Kemal, and Alexander Black


This list only includes destroyed vehicles and equipment of which photo or videographic evidence is available. Therefore, the amount of equipment destroyed is significantly higher than recorded here. Loitering munitions, drones used as unmanned bait, civilian vehicles and derelict equipment are not included in this list. All possible effort has gone into avoiding duplicate entries and discerning the status of equipment between captured or abandoned. Many of the entries listed as 'abandoned' will likely end up captured or destroyed. Similarly, some of the captured equipment might be destroyed if it can't be recovered. When a vehicle is captured and then lost in service with its new owners, it is only added as a loss of the original operator to avoid double listings. When the origin of a piece of equipment can't be established, it's not included in the list. The Soviet flag is used when the equipment in question was produced prior to 1991. This list is constantly updated as additional footage becomes available.

Our list showing destroyed and captured Ukrainian vehicles and equipment can be found here.

(Click on the numbers to get a picture of each individual captured or destroyed vehicle)


Russia - 16031, of which: destroyed: 11486, damaged: 725, abandoned: 910, captured: 2910

Tanks (3066, of which destroyed: 2057, damaged: 155, abandoned: 337, captured: 517)

  •  2 T-54-3M: (1, destroyed) (1, damaged and abandoned)
  •  1 T-54B: (1, destroyed)
  •  3 T-55A: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (1, damaged)
  •  3 Unknown T-54/55: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (1, damaged and abandoned)
  •  2 T-62 Obr. 1967: (1, destroyed) (1, captured)
  •  2 T-62 Obr. 1972: (1, destroyed) (1, abandoned)
  •  85 T-62M: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed)(5, destroyed) (6 and 7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed)(10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed)(14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, destroyed) (18 and 19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (27, destroyed) (28, destroyed) (29, destroyed) (30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, destroyed) (33, destroyed) (34, destroyed) (35, destroyed) (36, destroyed) (37, destroyed) (1, damaged) (2, 3, 4 and 5, damaged) (6, damaged) (7, damaged) (8, damaged) (1, damaged and abandoned) (2, damaged and abandoned) (3 and 4, damaged and abandoned) (5, damaged and abandoned) (6, damaged and abandoned) (7, abandoned) (1, captured) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) (7, captured) (8, damaged and captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) (11, captured) (12, captured) (13, damaged and captured) (14, captured) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) (19, captured) (20, captured) (21, captured) (22, captured)(23, captured) (24, captured) (25, damaged and captured) (26, captured) (27, captured) (28, captured) (29, damaged and captured) (30, damaged and captured) (31, captured) (32, captured)(33, captured)
  • 10 T-62M Obr. 2022: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (1, damaged) (1, abandoned) (2, abandoned)
  •  24 T-62MV: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (1, damaged) (1, damaged and abandoned) (2, damaged and abandoned) (3, damaged and abandoned) (4, abandoned) (1, damaged and captured) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5 and 6, captured) (7, captured) (8, captured) (9, captured)
  •  9 T-62MV Obr. 2022: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (1, damaged) (1, damaged and abandoned) (2, damaged and abandoned) (3, damaged and abandoned) (4, damaged and abandoned)
  • 10 Unknown T-62: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (1, damaged and abandoned)
  •  3 T-64A: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (1, damaged)
  •  89 T-64BV: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed)(4, destroyed) (5, destroyed)(6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed)(17, destroyed)(18, destroyed)(19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed)(27, destroyed) (28, destroyed) (29, destroyed) (30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, destroyed) (33, destroyed) (34, destroyed) (35, destroyed) (36 and 37, destroyed)(38, destroyed) (39, destroyed) (40, destroyed) (41, destroyed) (42, destroyed) (43, destroyed) (44, destroyed) (45, destroyed) (46, destroyed) (47, destroyed) (48, destroyed) (49, destroyed) (50, destroyed) (51, destroyed) (52, destroyed) (53, destroyed) (54, destroyed) (55, destroyed) (56 and 57, destroyed) (58, destroyed) (59, destroyed) (60, destroyed) (61, destroyed) (62, destroyed) (63, captured and stripped) (64, destroyed) (65, destroyed) (66, destroyed) (67, destroyed) (68, destroyed) (69, destroyed) (1, damaged)(2, damaged) (3, damaged) (4, damaged) (5, damaged) (6, damaged) (7, damaged) (8, damaged) (9, damaged) (10, damaged) (1, abandoned) (2, damaged and abandoned) (3, damaged and abandoned) (4, abandoned) (5, damaged and abandoned) (6, damaged and abandoned) (7, abandoned) (1, captured) (2, damaged and captured) (3, captured)
  •  2 T-64BVK: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed)
  •  4 T-72 'Ural': (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (1, damaged and abandoned) (2, abandoned)
  •  44 T-72A: (1, destroyed)(2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed)(5, destroyed)(6, destroyed)(7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11 and 12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, destroyed) (18, destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (1, damaged) (1, abandoned) (2, damaged and abandoned) (3, damaged and abandoned) (4, damaged and abandoned) (5, damaged and abandoned) (6, damaged and abandoned) (7, damaged and abandoned) (1, captured) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured)(7, captured) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured)
  •  20 T-72AV: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed)(3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (1, damaged and abandoned) (1, damaged and captured)(2, captured)(3, captured) (4, captured)
  • 339 T-72B: (1, destroyed)(2, destroyed)(3, destroyed)(4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, captured and later destroyed)(7, destroyed)(8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12 and 13, destroyed)(14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed)(17, destroyed)(18, destroyed)(19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed)(22, destroyed)(23, destroyed)(24, destroyed)(25, destroyed)(26, destroyed)(27, destroyed)(28, destroyed)(29, destroyed)(30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, destroyed)(33, destroyed) (34, destroyed) (35, destroyed) (36, destroyed) (37, destroyed)(38, destroyed)(39, destroyed)(40, destroyed)(41, destroyed)(42, destroyed)(43, destroyed)(44, destroyed)(45, destroyed)(46, destroyed) (47, destroyed) (48, destroyed) (49, destroyed) (50, destroyed) (51, destroyed) (52 and 53, destroyed)(54, destroyed) (55, destroyed) (56, destroyed) (57, destroyed)(58, destroyed)(59, destroyed) (60, destroyed) (61, destroyed)(62, destroyed)(63, destroyed)(64, destroyed)(65, 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  •  103 T-72B Obr. 1989: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed)(4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed)(7, destroyed)(8, destroyed)(9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed)(12, destroyed)(13, destroyed)(14, destroyed)(15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, destroyed) (18, destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed)(26, destroyed)(27, destroyed)(28, destroyed)(29, destroyed) (30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, abandoned and destroyed) (33, destroyed) (34, destroyed) (35, destroyed) (36, destroyed) (37, destroyed) (38, destroyed) (39 and 40, destroyed) (41, destroyed) (42, destroyed) (43, destroyed) (44, destroyed) (45, destroyed) (46, destroyed) (47, destroyed) (48 and 49, destroyed) (50, destroyed)(51, destroyed)(52, destroyed)(53, destroyed) (54, destroyed) (55, destroyed) (56, destroyed) (57, destroyed) (58, destroyed) (59, destroyed) (60, destroyed) (61, destroyed) (62, destroyed) (63, destroyed) (64, destroyed) (65, destroyed) (66, captured and later destroyed) (67, captured and stripped) (68, destroyed) (1, damaged) (2, damaged) (3, damaged) (4, damaged) (1, damaged and abandoned) (2, abandoned) (3, abandoned) (4 and 5, damaged and abandoned) (6, damaged and abandoned)(7, damaged and abandoned) (8, damaged and abandoned) (9, damaged and abandoned) (10, damaged and abandoned) (11, damaged and abandoned) (12, abandoned) (13, abandoned) (1, damaged and captured)(2, damaged and captured)(3, damaged and captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) (7, captured) (8, captured) (9, captured)(10, captured) (11, captured) (12, captured) (13, captured)(14, captured) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured)
  • 95 T-72B Obr. 2022: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed)(3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8 and 9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, destroyed) (18, destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (27, destroyed) (28, destroyed) (29, destroyed) (30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, destroyed) (33, destroyed) (34, destroyed) (35, destroyed) (36, destroyed) (37, destroyed) (38, destroyed) (39, destroyed) (40, destroyed) (41, destroyed) (42, destroyed) (43, destroyed) (44, destroyed) (45, destroyed) (46, destroyed) (47, destroyed) (48, destroyed) (49, destroyed) (50, destroyed) (51, destroyed) (52, destroyed) (53, destroyed) (54, destroyed) (55, destroyed) (56, destroyed) (57, destroyed) (58, destroyed) (59, destroyed) (60, destroyed) (61, destroyed) (1, damaged) (2, damaged) (3, damaged) (1, damaged and abandoned) (2, damaged and abandoned)(3, damaged and abandoned) (4, damaged and abandoned) (5, damaged and abandoned) (6, damaged and abandoned) (7, damaged and abandoned) (8 and 9, damaged and abandoned) (10, damaged and abandoned) (11, damaged and abandoned) (12, damaged and abandoned) (13, damaged and abandoned) (14, damaged and abandoned) (15, abandoned) (16, damaged and abandoned) (17, abandoned) (18, abandoned) (19, abandoned) (20, abandoned) (21, damaged and abandoned) (22, damaged and abandoned) (23, damaged and abandoned) (24, damaged and abandoned) (25, abandoned) (26, damaged and abandoned) (27, damaged and abandoned) (28, abandoned) (29, damaged and abandoned) (30, damaged and abandoned) (1, captured)
  •  30 T-72BA: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed)(6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (1, damaged) (2, damaged) (1, captured) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) (7, captured) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) (11, captured) (12, captured) (13, damaged and captured) (14, captured) (15, captured)
  •  363 T-72B3: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed)(3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed)(7, destroyed)(8 and 9, destroyed)(10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed)(13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, destroyed)(18, destroyed)(19, destroyed)(20, destroyed)(21, destroyed)(22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (27, destroyed)(28, destroyed)(29, destroyed)(30, destroyed)(31, destroyed)(32, destroyed)(33, destroyed)(34, destroyed)(35, destroyed)(36, destroyed)(37, destroyed)(38, destroyed)(39, destroyed)(40, destroyed) (41, destroyed) (42, destroyed) (43, destroyed)(44, destroyed)(45, destroyed)(46, destroyed)(47, destroyed)(48, destroyed)(49, destroyed) (50, destroyed) (51, destroyed) (52, destroyed)(53, destroyed)(54, destroyed)(55, destroyed)(56, destroyed)(57, destroyed)(58, destroyed)(59, captured and destroyed)(60, destroyed)(61, destroyed) (62, destroyed) (63, destroyed) (64, 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damaged and captured)
  •  3 T-72B3 Obr. 2014: (1 and 2, destroyed) (1, captured)
  • 272 T-72B3 Obr. 2016: (1, destroyed)(2, destroyed)(3, destroyed)(4, destroyed)(5, destroyed)(6, destroyed)(7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed)(11, destroyed)(12, destroyed)(13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed)(17, destroyed) (18, destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed)(22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed)(25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (27, destroyed) (28, destroyed)(29, destroyed)(30, destroyed)(31, destroyed)(32, destroyed)(33 and 34, destroyed)(35, destroyed)(36, destroyed)(37, destroyed)(38, destroyed)(39, destroyed)(40, destroyed) (41, destroyed) (42, destroyed)(43, destroyed) (44, destroyed) (45, destroyed) (46, destroyed) (47, abandoned and later destroyed)(48, abandoned and later destroyed)(49, abandoned and later destroyed) (50, destroyed) (51, destroyed) (52, destroyed) (53, destroyed) (54, destroyed) (55, destroyed) (56, destroyed) (57, destroyed) (58, destroyed) (59, destroyed) (60, destroyed) (61, destroyed) (62, destroyed) (63, destroyed) (64, destroyed) (65, destroyed) (66, destroyed) (67, destroyed) (68, destroyed) (69 and 70, destroyed) (71, destroyed) (72, destroyed) (73, destroyed) (74, destroyed) (75, destroyed) (76, destroyed) (77, destroyed) (78, destroyed) (79, destroyed) (80, destroyed) (81, destroyed) (82, destroyed) (83 and 84, destroyed) (85 and 86, destroyed)(87, destroyed) (88, destroyed) (89, destroyed) (90, destroyed) (91, destroyed) (92, destroyed) (93, destroyed) (94, destroyed) (95, destroyed) (96, destroyed) (97, destroyed) (98, destroyed) (99, destroyed) (100, destroyed) (101, destroyed)(102, destroyed)(103, destroyed) (104, destroyed) (105, destroyed)(106, destroyed) (107, destroyed) (108, destroyed) (109, destroyed) (110, destroyed) (111, destroyed) (112, destroyed) (113, 114, 115, 116 and 117 destroyed) (118, destroyed) (119, destroyed) (120, destroyed) (121 and 122, destroyed) (123, destroyed)(124, destroyed) (125, destroyed) (126, destroyed) (127, destroyed) (128, destroyed) (129, destroyed) (130, destroyed) (131, destroyed) (132, destroyed) (133, destroyed) (134, destroyed) (135, destroyed) (136, destroyed) (137, destroyed) (138, destroyed) (139, destroyed) (140, destroyed) (141, destroyed) (142, destroyed) (143, destroyed) (144, destroyed) (145, destroyed) (146, destroyed) (147, destroyed) (148, destroyed) (149, destroyed) (150, destroyed) (151, destroyed) (152, destroyed) (153, destroyed) (1, damaged) (2, damaged)(3, damaged) (4, damaged) (5, damaged) (6, damaged) (1, abandoned) (2, abandoned)(3, damaged and abandoned) (4, damaged and abandoned) (5, damaged and abandoned) (6, damaged and abandoned) (7, abandoned) (8, abandoned) (1, captured) (2, captured) (3, damaged and captured) (4, captured) (5, damaged and captured)(6, damaged and captured)(7, damaged and captured) (8, damaged and captured) (9, damaged and captured) (10, captured)(11, captured)(12, captured)(13, captured)(14, captured)(15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured)(19, captured)(20, captured)(21, captured) (22, captured) (23, captured)(24, captured) (25, captured) (26, captured)(27, captured)(28, captured) (29, captured) (30, captured)(31, captured) (32, captured) (33, captured)(34, captured)(35, captured)(36, captured)(37, captured)(38, captured)(39, captured)(40, captured)(41, captured)(42, captured)(43, captured)(44, captured) (45 and 46, captured) (47, captured) (48, captured) (49, captured) (50, captured) (51, captured) (52, captured) (53, captured) (54, damaged and captured) (55, captured) (56, captured) (57, captured) (58 and 59, captured) (60, captured) (61, captured) (62, captured) (63, captured) (64, captured) (65, damaged and captured) (66, captured) (67, captured) (68, captured) (69, captured) (70, captured) (71, captured) (72, damaged and captured) (73, captured) (74, captured) (75, captured) (76, captured) (77, captured) (78, captured) (79, captured) (80, captured) (81, captured) (82, captured) (83, captured) (84, captured) (85, captured) (86, captured) (87, captured) (88, captured) (89, captured) (90, captured) (91, damaged and captured) (92, captured) (93, captured) (94, captured) (95, captured) (96, captured) (97, captured)(98, captured) (99, captured) (100, captured) (101, captured)(102, captured)(103, captured) (104, captured) (105, damaged and captured)
  • 50 T-72B3 Obr. 2022: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed)(4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, destroyed) (18, destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (27, destroyed) (28, destroyed) (29, destroyed) (30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, destroyed) (33, destroyed) (34, destroyed) (35, destroyed) (36, destroyed) (37, destroyed) (38, destroyed) (39, destroyed) (40, destroyed) (41, destroyed) (1, damaged) (2, damaged) (1, damaged and abandoned) (2, damaged and abandoned) (3, abandoned) (4, damaged and abandoned) (5, damaged and abandoned) (6, damaged and abandoned) (7, damaged and abandoned)
  • 144 Unknown T-72: (1 and 2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7 and 8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15 and 16, destroyed) (17, destroyed) (18, destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22 and 23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25 and 26, destroyed) (27, destroyed) (28, destroyed) (29, destroyed) (30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, destroyed) (33, 34 and 35, destroyed) (36, destroyed) (37, destroyed) (38, destroyed) (39, destroyed) (40, destroyed) (41, 42 and 43, destroyed) (44, destroyed) (45, destroyed) (46, destroyed) (47, destroyed) (48, destroyed) (49, destroyed) (50, destroyed) (51, destroyed) (52, destroyed) (53, destroyed) (54, destroyed) (55, destroyed) (56, destroyed) (57, destroyed) (58, destroyed) (59, destroyed) (60 and 61, destroyed) (62, destroyed) (63, destroyed) (64, destroyed) (65, destroyed) (66, destroyed) (67 and 68, destroyed) (69, destroyed) (70, destroyed) (71, destroyed) (72, destroyed) (73, destroyed)(74, destroyed) (75, destroyed) (76, destroyed) (77, destroyed) (78, destroyed) (79, destroyed)(80, destroyed) (81, destroyed) (82, destroyed) (83, destroyed) (84, destroyed) (85, destroyed) (86, destroyed) (87, destroyed) (88, destroyed) (89, destroyed) (90, destroyed) (91, destroyed) (92, destroyed) (93, destroyed) (94, destroyed) (95, destroyed) (96, destroyed) (97, destroyed) (98, destroyed) (99, destroyed) (100, destroyed) (101, destroyed) (102, destroyed) (103, destroyed) (104, destroyed) (105, destroyed) (106, destroyed) (107, destroyed) (108, destroyed) (109, destroyed) (110, destroyed) (111, destroyed) (112, destroyed) (1 and 2, damaged) (3, damaged) (4, damaged) (5 and 6, damaged) (7, damaged) (8, damaged) (9 and 10, damaged) (11, damaged) (12, damaged) (13, damaged) (14, damaged) (15, damaged) (16, damaged) (1, damaged and abandoned) (2, abandoned) (3, damaged and abandoned) (4, damaged and abandoned) (5, abandoned) (6, abandoned) (7, damaged and abandoned) (8, damaged and abandoned) (9, damaged and abandoned) (10, abandoned) (11, damaged and abandoned) (12, damaged and abandoned) (13, abandoned) (1 and 2, captured) (3, captured)
  •  4 T-80B: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (1, damaged and abandoned)
  • 554 T-80BV: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed)(3 and 4, destroyed)(5, destroyed)(6, destroyed)(7 and 8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed)(13, destroyed)(14, destroyed)(15, destroyed)(16 and 17, destroyed)(18, destroyed)(19, destroyed)(20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (27, destroyed) (28, destroyed) (29, destroyed) (30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, destroyed) (33, destroyed)(34, destroyed) (35, destroyed) (36, destroyed) (37, destroyed) (38, abandoned and destroyed) (39, destroyed) (40, destroyed) (41, destroyed) (42, destroyed) (43, destroyed) (44, destroyed) (45, destroyed) (46, destroyed) (47, destroyed) (48, destroyed) (49, destroyed) (50, destroyed) (51, destroyed) (52, destroyed) (53, destroyed) (54, destroyed) (55, captured and stripped) (56, destroyed) (57, destroyed) (58, destroyed) (59, destroyed) (60, destroyed) (61, destroyed) (62, destroyed) (63 and 64, 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Источник: https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html