Pay per head casino

Pay per head casino


Pay Per Head Software for Bookies

With over 20 years in the PPH sports betting business and located in Costa Rica, our bookmaking software service is the leading choice for local pph bookies, professional credit bookmakers and sports betting agents worldwide.

Realbookies is considered one of the best in the per head business. We have been featured in CNN, Forbes, Gambling911, Sky Sports, Therx and other leading web sites.

RealBookies was also rated number 1 on the Techtimes 5 best pay per head sites for 2020 and also on best pay per head list for 2024.
We don’t have to lower our price to attract new customers like the competition, our five-star software and unrivaled customer service do that for us.

Our superior PPH sportsbook software makes bookmaking easy and will put you on par or surpass the leading online betting sites as your players will be able to bet online or by phone via a toll-free number.

Your clients will enjoy 24 hours a day, 365 days a year gambling, on a price per head basis. Even if you have a smaller group of players, our price per head agent package offers you the complete solution for your bookmaking needs.

Real Bookie Pay Per Head Sportsbook software takes calls, record necessary information and grades the results. We offer 24/7 internet access to your players’ reports where you will see their winnings, losses and much more.

Your players will benefit from an unlimited amount of wagering options and activities which include but not limited to sports betting, casino both live and computerized and horse racing in our pph sportsbook.

You will also make all decisions and set guidelines, limits and/or restrictions for each bettor. Your players accounts will be fully integrated: Once logged in your clients will use the same account balance whether they are wagering on a sporting event, betting on horse races or playing a casino game.

Best of all, if your players don’t make a wager, you are not charged. Sign up now and take advantage of our 4 free week trial offer and also a free demo of our software.
