Pokemon platinum casino

Pokemon platinum casino


Inside the Veilstone Game Corner


You can start betting at the Veilstone Game Corner shortly after your first visit to Veilstone City, which is accessible at any time after defeating Hearthome’s Gym Leader Fantina.

But you’ll need to take care of a few things before you can play the slots.

Finding the Coin Case

Before you’re able to pick up a single Coin, you’ll need to obtain a Coin Case. However, this is a very easy Key Item to acquire, and you can snag it as soon as you get to Veilstone City.

The NPC who provides the Coin Case lives in one of the southwestern-most houses in Veilstone City. To find him, start by heading south down the street from the Veilstone City Pokémon Center.

Moving southward from the Veilstone City Pokémon Center. / Pokémon Platinum

When you reach the corner of the paved road to the south, turn west.

Heading west at the street corner. / Pokémon Platinum

Keep a western course on the street, following the bends along the way.

Heading westward along the southern edge of town. / Pokémon Platinum

When you hit the southwest corner of Veilstone City, head up the staircase to the north and take a right turn in front of the two blue houses.

Heading north up the stairs and turning right at the domiciles. / Pokémon Platinum

Enter the eastern house.

Entering the house where the performance artists stay. / Pokémon Platinum

Inside the house are two NPCs who claim to be performance artists. Speak with the Clown NPC on the right.

Identifying the Clown NPC who owns the Coin Case. / Pokémon Platinum

The Clown will perform a coin trick for you. At the end of his trick, he will ask you which of his closed hands his coin ended up in, left or right.

The hand changes randomly each time you talk to the Clown, so pick either hand until you find the coin. Win this simple game of chance and the Clown will hand over the Coin Case.

Receiving the Coin Case as a reward for winning the coin game. / Pokémon Platinum

The Coin Case carries all the Coins you’ll need (up to 50,) to play the Game Corner’s slot machines and buy items at the Prize Exchange.

Locating the Game Corner

With the Coin Case in hand, you can now head to the Game Corner.

This is one of the most obvious buildings in town, and you’ll likely know which one it is even before reading the sign.

In true attention-grabbing casino style, the Veilstone Game Corner is the building on the south end of town bedecked with neon lights and adorned with a flashy gold crown marquee on top.

Standing in the entrance of the Veilstone Game Corner. / Pokémon Platinum

Getting Coins to Start With

Your Coin Case will be sadly empty when you receive it, so you’ll need to get some Coins before you can start playing the slots.

Luckily, there are a couple of guys inside the Game Corner whose earnings have been so high recently that they feel like spreading the wealth. They are the two men closest to the western wall.

Two men who will happily throw some Coins your way. / Pokémon Platinum

In the screenshot above:

  • The balding man in the white shirt will give you 20 Coins if you talk to him
  • The large man in the overalls will give you 50 Coins

These 70 Coins should be enough to get you well on your way to becoming a world-class slots player yourself.

But if you find yourself needing more, you can always use Poké Dollars to buy Coins directly from the cashier behind the counter. She will sell you Coins in the following amounts:

  • 50 Coins for 1,p
  • Coins for 10,p
Buying 50 Coins for 1, Poké Dollars. / Pokémon Platinum

Mastering the Slot Machines

There is a lot more to playing the Game Corner slot machines than spinning the wheels and seeing what happens. While chance factors heavily into playing the slots, you’ll have no hope of winning huge payouts if you don’t pay attention to certain in-game cues and patterns.

This section will run you through everything you need to know to take the Game Corner to the cleaners.

Phase 1: Starting a Game

To play the slots, select any machine and press A.

Your DS console’s display will change: the top screen will show the reels of your machine, while the bottom screen will show an image of a mountain summit overlooking a forest underneath a full moon. If you look closely at the moon, you’ll notice a Clefairy’s silhouette.

The dual-screen layout of the Game Corner slot machines. / Pokémon Platinum

The first thing you need to know about the Veilstone slot machines is that they are rigged.

Winning is impossible during most of your spins, and everything is randomized to the point that you couldn’t “time” stopping the reels at certain spots even if you slowed the game down using an emulator.

In fact, you will barely pay attention to the reels on the top screen at all: everything that is useful to you will be on the bottom screen, taking place against the moonlit mountain top background.

Press X to insert Coins into the machine (3 Coins per spin), then press X or Up to spin the reels.

If nothing noteworthy is happening on the bottom screen during a spin, just mash the Y, B, and A buttons randomly to stop the reels on the top screen. Your timing truly does not matter during this phase of the game.

Phase 2: Poké Ball Rounds

Occasionally, a Poké Ball will roll onto the bottom screen during a spin.

A Premier Ball showing up on the bottom screen during a spin. / Pokémon Platinum

A Poké Ball on the bottom screen means that the current round’s spin has a chance of resulting in a payout, which is normally impossible. This doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to win, just that you’re not guaranteed to lose.

Matching three Moon Stones after spinning with a Premier Ball on the bottom screen. / Pokémon Platinum

The type of Poké Ball that appears on the bottom screen decides which type of win is possible during that round, as explained below:

Slot Machine Symbols + Payouts

Matching symbols results in payouts of various sizes. The following table lists what the payout will be for each series of symbols matched:

Keep in mind that you will not hit the Coin payouts—that is, you won’t get three Sevens or three Team Galactic Symbols—during a Poké Ball Round (see Phase 3: Bonus Rounds).

Phase 3: Bonus Rounds

Once you’ve received your payout after a win, the Poké Ball on the bottom screen will usually roll out of sight and a new spin will start.

Sometimes, however, a Clefairy will pop out of the Ball instead.

A shiny Clefairy showing up on the bottom screen. / Pokémon Platinum

This is your sign that a Bonus Round is close at hand.

The goal now is to spin the reels until you receive a Coin bonus, either by lining up three Sevens or three Team Galactic symbols.

This is the only instance in which timing factors into the game, since the odds of receiving the Coin payout are slightly higher if you stop the reels to the beat of Clefairy’s clapping.

Lining up 3 Galactic symbols for the Coin bonus. / Pokémon Platinum

Once you line up either three Sevens or three Galactic symbols and receive your Coins, the following new numbers will appear on the screen.

  • The big number on the moon indicates which Bonus Round is starting
  • The bonus counter in the top-left of the screen tells how many spins are left in the round—this number always starts at 15 and counts down with every spin
  • The number at the bottom-right shows how many Coins you’ve won in the Bonus Rounds so far

These new numbers mark the beginning of a Bonus Round.

This is where you’ll really start to win Coins.

Starting the first Bonus Round. / Pokémon Platinum

Following Clefairy’s Movements

Luck doesn’t factor into Bonus Rounds as much as in previous rounds.

Instead, Bonus Rounds are all about paying attention to Clefairy’s movements and stopping the reels accordingly.

Respond to Clefairy’s movements with the following inputs to win on every spin:

  • Press the Y button when Clefairy points to the left
  • Press the B button when Clefairy points up
  • Press the A button when Clefairy points to the right
Clefairy pointing to the left, cueing the player to press the Y button. / Pokémon Platinum

The reels will land on three Replays each time you stop them in the correct order. This will earn you a payout of 15 Coins every time, or Coins for every perfect Bonus Round.

Moon Colors (Chaining Bonus Rounds)

After a Bonus Round ends, Clefairy will either stay for another round or go back inside the Poké Ball and end the streak. Either outcome is mostly random, with little you can do to improve the odds of starting another round.

The only exception is when the moon on the bottom screen changes color.

If the moon has a bright white shine during a spin, copying Clefairy’s moves exactly guarantees it will stay for another round.

Copying Clefairy’s moves during a white moon to ensure another Bonus Round. / Pokémon Platinum

However, if the moon turns red, copying Clefairy’s moves will make Clefairy tired and less likely to stay for another round.

Neither outcome is guaranteed during a red moon, but it’s recommended that you act against Clefairy’s moves during this spin.

A red moon, meaning the Bonus Round is unlikely to repeat if you copy Clefairy’s moves. / Pokémon Platinum

To reiterate:

Moon ColorAction
YellowCopy Clefairy’s moves
Bright whiteCopy Clefairy’s moves
RedDon’t copy Clefairy’s moves

Different Clefairy Types

The type of Clefairy on the screen also affects your chances of racking up lots of Bonus Rounds, influencing the game in the following ways:

  • A normal Clefairy signifies normal odds of getting consecutive Bonus Rounds
  • A shiny Clefairy (the one with the green-tipped ears) signifies high odds
  • A Clefairy that is clearly a transformed Ditto indicates low odds

Bear in mind that there is no way to affect which type of Clefairy pops out of a Poké Ball.

A Ditto Clefairy, meaning the odds of repeating Bonus Rounds are at their lowest. / Pokémon Platinum

TL;DR: How To Win Fast

To summarize all the above information:

  1. Play the slots randomly (timing is not required) until a Poké Ball rolls onto the bottom screen
  2. Spin again during a Poké Ball Round for a chance to win a slight payout
  3. If a Clefairy pops out of the Ball, stop the reels in sync with its claps to try for a Coin win
  4. A Coin win will lead to a Bonus Round—stop the reels in the order that Clefairy points to them for a guaranteed Coin payout each time
  5. Try to chain Bonus Rounds by following Clefairy’s moves during a bright moon and making incorrect moves during a red moon
  6. Play the Bonus Rounds until Clefairy leaves
  7. Repeat from Step 1

Full List of Prizes + Coin Costs

When you’ve packed your Coin Case so full it’s a wonder you can even lift it, it’s time to head next door to the Game Corner’s Prize Exchange and go on a spending spree.

Standing outside the Prize Exchange. / Pokémon Platinum

The prizes at the Prize Exchange are often highly valuable, with many of them being exclusive to the Game Corner.

The following table lists every reward you can buy from the Prize Exchange, its cost, and whether or not it can be obtained elsewhere in the game.

PrizeCoin CostGame Corner Only?
Silk Scarf
Wide Lens
Zoom Lens
TM90 Substitute
TM58 Endure
TM75 Swords Dance
TM32 Double Team
TM44 Rest
TM89 U-Turn
TM10 Hidden Power
TM27 Return
TM21 Frustration
TM35 Flamethrower
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM29 Psychic
TM74 Gyro Ball
TM68 Giga Impact

About Hidden Power

One of the more peculiar moves available for purchase at the Game Corner is TM10 Hidden Power.

The Prize Exchange listing for TM10 Hidden Power. / Pokémon Platinum

Hidden Power is an odd move because it has no set type: its type changes depending on the IVs (Individual Values) of the user. This can lead to some useful shenanigans in battle, allowing a Pokémon to have a type of move it would never have in its moveset otherwise.

The problem is that IVs are not readily available information.

Finding out a Pokémon’s exact IVs is doable, but it requires a significant amount of calculation that most people wouldn’t care to bother with.

Luckily, you can easily find out your Pokémon’s Hidden Power type without knowing the Pokémon’s IVs. Inside the Prize Exchange building is a blonde man who describes his own “Hidden Power” as being able to find out the Hidden Power type of any Pokémon.

The Hidden Power checker inside the Veilstone Prize Exchange. / Pokémon Platinum

Simply speak with him, select a Pokémon in your party, and the Hidden Power Checker will tell you that Pokémon’s Hidden Power type.

Learning that a Pokémon’s Hidden Power would be Flying type. / Pokémon Platinum

This can help you decide if Hidden Power is or isn’t worth purchasing for your Pokémon without you having to waste the time and Coins trying it out.

Getting TM64 Explosion

There is one TM that you can win from the Game Corner that you don’t pay for with Coins, and that’s TM64 Explosion.

Instead of paying for it at the Game Corner’s Prize Exchange, TM64 is awarded to you for achieving something few people manage to do: Play 10 Bonus Rounds in a row.

This is one of the most potentially difficult TMs to acquire in the whole game. Racking up Bonus Rounds depends largely on luck (although there are steps you can take to manipulate the odds—see the Bonus Rounds section above), so playing through 10 rounds can happen in just a few minutes, or it can drag on for several hours of restarts.

Remember that your current round is shown on the moon when the round begins.

Starting the eleventh Bonus Round. / Pokémon Platinum

Once you have played 10 Bonus Rounds, do not press Start to quit playing. You will not receive TM64 Explosion if you quit.

Instead, you must keep playing the Bonus Rounds until Clefairy decides to leave.

The Bonus Round totals after Clefairy leaves. / Pokémon Platinum

After the last Bonus Round is over and you see the totals screen, only then is it safe to press Start and quit. Head immediately up to the clerk at the counter, and she will congratulate you on your hot streak.

The Game Corner clerk congratulating you on your Bonus Round achievement. / Pokémon Platinum

As a reward for mastering the slot machines, the clerk will give you TM64 Explosion, which is like an even stronger version of Self-Destruct.

Note: This is the only copy of TM64 Explosion in the game; repeating the Bonus Round process will not result in another one.

The clerk giving you TM64 as a memento of your streak. / Pokémon Platinum
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Chris Haygood


Chris is an American freelance writer and lifelong gamer. RPGs have been his genre of choice ever since he got Pokémon Blue in , but if he finds a good rhythm game, he will prioritize playing it over both eating and breathing.

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