Poker star casino

Poker star casino


Star Poker at The Star Sydney

Each Poker game has different rules but the approach is always the same – to end up with the best possible five-card hand and WIN.


This is achieved by either obtaining the highest-ranking hand or by making the other players think (bluffing) you have the highest-ranking hand and thereby forcing them to withdraw (fold).


Each Poker game at The Star also has a minimum buy-in amount, which you will find displayed along with the table limits applicable to each particular game.


The Star will provide a dealer, the necessary equipment and offer a variety of games in a secure and exciting environment. In return for these services, The Star will take a small fee or commission. This commission may be either a percentage of the pot, a fee per hand, or a time charge on each player participating in the game and will be displayed on a sign in the Poker area.



The Star management has established a Poker Code of Conduct to establish and maintain a pleasant environment for our guests and employees. The management reserves the right to refuse any person from participating in any game and may ask any player to leave a game, if their conduct is considered to be unacceptable. The etiquette tips on this page are offered to assist you to feel comfortable at the table among the other players. A more comprehensive Poker Code of Conduct is located in the Poker area and you should familiarise yourself with its contents before you commence play.


Poker Etiquette

All Poker players should endeavour to play to these standards.


Play at a reasonable speed

Once in a while, a decision may take significant thought, however consistently taking time to make decisions frustrates other players. It is also reasonable to expect players to follow the game, know when it is their turn and what the action is.


Players must protect their own hand

When handling your cards, every attempt must be made to conceal them. If you show your cards to another player, you have a duty to show your cards to the rest of the table. If a dealer mucks a player’s hand in error, the player will have no recourse, as it is the player’s responsibility to protect their own hand. The dealer may enforce this.


The removal of chips

An active player shall not add to or reduce their table stake during any round of play. A player not in a hand may add to their stake as per the table limits, but shall not remove chips from the table; except for the purchase of goods and services from a casino employee, (food and drinks). Chips shall remain in full view at all times in neat stacks of each denomination, with the largest denomination at the front.


If you're not in the hand, keep quiet

Unruly and continual chatter can cause those players in the hand to lose concentration. Never make comments about the hand in progress. While the hand is in progress, avoid body language or gestures that may signal your intentions.


Player integrity

Any player who sees an error made or about to be made has an obligation to point out the error to the dealer. Colluding with other players or cheating will not be tolerated. English only must be spoken whilst a game is in play. Obscene or profane language will not be tolerated.


Announce your intentions

If raising, you should announce, “raise.” If going all-in you should announce, “all-in.” All bets and raises, unless verbally declared, should be placed in one hand motion. Placing bets and raises in a delayed motion is known as string betting or string ​raising and is deemed to be unacceptable conduct.




ANTE: a pre-determined contribution to the pot placed by all players prior to the first card being dealt in a round of play;

BET: placing the required wager and includes a call and/or raise if permitted, to remain in the round of play or going all-in if remaining chips are less than the size of the required wager;

BETTING ROUND: a period of play during which each active player, in order, has the option to check, bet or fold until all wagers have been matched or reached the maximum number of raises;

BLIND: a pre-determined contribution to the pot placed by a selected player or players before the first card is dealt. The blind is a live wager, which can win the pot if no further contributions to the pot are made;

CALL: a wager made in an amount equal to the immediately preceding wager;

CHECK: to abstain from wagering but continue to stay in contention for the pot;

COMMUNITY CARD(S): card(s) dealt to the center of the table, which may be used by all players to complete their best possible hand;

FOLD: a decision by a player to no longer continue with their hand for that particular round of play;

HOLE CARDS: a player’s concealed cards;

POT: the sum of the antes, blinds and bets wagered;

RAISE:  to make a bet greater than the amount of a previous wager made during a betting round;

ROUND OF PLAY: the period of play at a table commencing with the dealing of the first card by the dealer and concluding when the dealer announces a result and passes the pot to the winning player​


