Pros and cons of working at a casino

Pros and cons of working at a casino


33 Key Pros & Cons Of Being A Casino Dealer

advantages and disadvantages of being a casino dealer

You think about becoming a casino dealer but want to get additional information about salaries, job prospects, future outlook, educational requirements, working hours, job satisfaction and much more before making your final decision in this regard?

Great! This article is exactly for you since I will show you the pros and cons of being a croupier in the following chapters.

Casino Dealer Job Profile

Job DescriptionCasino dealers conduct games in casinos and other gambling locations. They make sure that everything goes according to the rules so players can be sure to be treated in a fair manner.
Salary$72, per year on average, most casino dealers make between $52, and $89, per year.
Job SecurityCasino dealers have pretty poor job security since they are relatively easy to replace and may lose their jobs from one day to the other.
Job SatisfactionMany casino dealers are not really happy with their jobs since they often have to work rather exotic hours and also don’t make really good money.
Work-Life BalanceSince casino dealers have to work on weekends, holidays and also at nighttime quite often, they have pretty poor work-life balance.
Physically / Mentally Demanding?Working as a dealer can be mentally demanding.
Future OutlookWhile really good dealers will always be needed, some tasks may be outsourced to intelligent machines and future outlook for casino dealers may therefore be rather questionable.
RequirementsYou don’t need a fancy degree for becoming a casino dealer. Instead, a high school diploma is usually enough to start your casino dealer career.

Advantages of Being a Casino Dealer

  1. Casino dealers don’t have to work in a hard physical manner
  2. Croupiers can work indoors
  3. You don’t need a fancy degree for becoming a casino dealer
  4. Student loan debt will not become an issue
  5. You can become independent from your parents rather quickly
  6. You can make decent money as a casino dealer
  7. Tips may increase your salary even further
  8. Casino dealers can work in an exciting environment
  9. You can meet many interesting people as a casino dealer
  10. Casino dealers work in a rather safe environment
  11. Croupiers can work all over the world
  12. Working as a casino dealer can be fun
  13. You learn a lot about casino games
  14. You can avoid working in a classical office job

Casino dealers don’t have to work in a hard physical manner

One advantage of being a casino dealer is that you don’t have to work in a hard physical manner.

In fact, while roofers and many other craftsmen ruin their spine during their careers, you will just sit in a chair for almost your entire workday and don’t have to stress your body in the same hard physical manner.

Croupiers can work indoors

Casino dealers also have the luxury of working indoors while foresters and many other people out there have to work outdoors on regular basis, even during times of heavy rain or snow and you will therefore have a much more convenient time at work as a croupier.

You don’t need a fancy degree for becoming a casino dealer

Becoming a casino dealer can also make quite a lot of sense for you in case you don’t want to spend many years in college since you will not need a fancy degree to start a casino dealer career and a high school diploma will usually be enough to start working in this field.

Student loan debt will not become an issue

Since you don’t have to spend many years in college and therefore don’t have to spend lots of money on tuition and other expenses related to college education, you also don’t have to worry about student loan debt while dentists and many other people often have to pay back huge amounts of money in the long run.

You can become independent from your parents rather quickly

Since you can start making money at a rather young age and don’t have to make a big financial commitment since you don’t have to go to college, you can also become independent of your parents rather quickly and may have your own life much sooner than most of your friends who aspire to fancy jobs and urgently need college education.

You can make decent money as a casino dealer

While casino dealers don’t make a fortune, you can still make decent money and you will most likely make more than tilers or many other people who work in classical craftsmen jobs.

Tips may increase your salary even further

If you are friendly and competent, you will not only get a solid base salary but can increase your income even further since you will get significant money through tips and this can further boost your revenue from your job significantly while most other people in the corporate world don’t get tips at all.

Casino dealers can work in an exciting environment

Another upside to working as a casino dealer is that you will also spend your workday in a pretty exciting environment.

In fact, there is always something going on in casinos and working in a casino is therefore more interesting than working in most office jobs where you will often just work in a rather boring and standardized environment.

You can meet many interesting people as a casino dealer

Since you will get in touch with many different gamblers, you will also have conversations with many interesting people. In fact, some of your guests will be quite entertaining and this can just make your workday much better and much more interesting.

Casino dealers work in a rather safe environment

Since you don’t have to operate heavy machines and also work indoors, your risk of suffering from serious accidents at work will be pretty low as a casino dealer compared to fallers or other people who work in rather risky environments.

Croupiers can work all over the world

As a casino dealer, you will also be able to work in many different countries. Hence, if you plan to move abroad sooner or later, becoming a croupier can make quite a lot of sense for you since you can work in this profession all over the world.

Working as a casino dealer can be fun

Since you will be able to meet many interesting people and can have many interesting conversations, you may also really enjoy your workday as a casino dealer.

In fact, it may not feel like work to you at all and you can just have a great time with your guests.

You learn a lot about casino games

Since you will conduct casino games all day long, you will also learn quite a lot about different games and you may therefore also become really good at some casino games where it might actually be possible to be on the winning side.

For instance, if you become really good at poker, you may be able to start a professional poker player career sooner or later.

You can avoid working in a classical office job

Another benefit of becoming a casino dealer is that you can also avoid working in a classical office environment where you often have a boss looking over your shoulder on a regular basis.

As you can see, there are many reasons for becoming a casino dealer.

Yet, there are also some drawbacks of a casino dealer career that I want to address for you in the following so you will be better able to decide whether you still want to become a casino dealer or rather want to go for other jobs instead.

Disadvantages of Working as a Croupier

  1. Casino dealers have rather poor job security
  2. Questionable future outlook for casino dealers
  3. Most casino dealers don’t make really good money
  4. Casino dealers don’t get lots of exercise at work
  5. Working as a casino dealer can be stressful
  6. Casino dealers have to work rather exotic hours
  7. You often have to work on weekends and holidays
  8. Pretty poor work-life balance for casino dealers
  9. Casino dealers may suffer from sleeping problems
  10. You may be at significant risk of burnout
  11. You don’t learn many valuable hard skills as a casino dealer
  12. Casino dealers have pretty poor exit options
  13. Casino dealers may have a rather hard time in the dating market
  14. Working as a croupier is not great if you want to have a family
  15. You will not do an important job for society as a casino dealer
  16. Hard to see tangible results from your casino dealer career
  17. You may have to deal with difficult gamblers
  18. Almost impossible to start your own business as a casino dealer
  19. Working remotely is not possible as a croupier

Casino dealers have rather poor job security

One problem with being a casino dealer is that you will have rather poor job security.

In fact, barriers to entry to work in this field are rather low since you don’t need a fancy degree and if someone comes along who is better than you or demands a lower wage, you may get fired pretty soon.

Questionable future outlook for casino dealers

Due to technological progress, some tasks casino dealers currently do may also be replaced by intelligent machines sooner or later and casino dealers therefore have a rather questionable future outlook while childcare workers and other people in social professions often don’t have to worry much in this regard.

Most casino dealers don’t make really good money

While casino dealers can make a solid income from what they are doing, they still make far less compared to people working in private equity or demanding jobs in the corporate and becoming a casino dealer therefore doesn’t make sense if you want to get rich in the long run.

Casino dealers don’t get lots of exercise at work

Since casino dealers just sit in their chairs for almost their entire workday, they also don’t get enough exercise quite often and have a hard time staying fit at work.

Consequently, you may have to go to the gym after work if you don’t want to get out of shape sooner or later.

Working as a casino dealer can be stressful

Another downside to working as a casino dealer is that it can also be a pretty stressful job.

In fact, many casino games are pretty complicated and you always need to stay focused so you don’t make crucial mistakes and this can really stress your brain, especially at the beginning of your career when you might not have a certain routine yet.

Casino dealers have to work rather exotic hours

You should also know that you will have to work pretty exotic hours and also have to be quite flexible as a casino dealer.

In fact, your shifts will change quite often and if you are not a spontaneous person, you may be better off becoming a secretary or working in another classical 9 to 5 job.

You often have to work on weekends and holidays

As a casino dealer, you also often have to work on holidays, weekends and other days when most other people are able to enjoy their leisure and you may therefore not have enough time meeting up with your favorite people and may lose some of your social connections sooner or later.

Pretty poor work-life balance for casino dealers

Due to rather exotic working hours and since you often have to work on weekends, you will also often not have enough time for your family and your work-life balance will be pretty poor in general.

Casino dealers may suffer from sleeping problems

Since you often have to work at nighttime, you may also destroy your natural sleeping pattern as a casino dealer and this may lead to all sorts of sleeping problems. In turn, you may not have as much energy as people who get healthy sleep and this may adversely affect your overall quality of life in the long run.

You may be at significant risk of burnout

Due to exotic working hours and high levels of stress you may have to deal with as a croupier, you will also be at much higher risk of burnout compared to carpenters or other people who are able to work in a rather relaxed manner in classical 9 to 5 environments.

You don’t learn many valuable hard skills as a casino dealer

Another disadvantage of a casino dealer career is that you will also not learn many valuable hard skills on the job and while your friends may work on demanding projects, you may not have many great stories to tell and may secretly envy your friends in this regard.

Casino dealers have pretty poor exit options

Since you will not learn many valuable hard skills as a casino dealer, you may also have pretty poor exit options in case you don’t want to work as a croupier for the rest of your life since you will not be able to provide lots of value to the corporate world and may therefore get stuck in the casino industry.

Casino dealers may have a rather hard time in the dating market

Since you will have to work rather exotic hours and don’t have great job security, you may also have a rather hard time in the dating market when it comes to finding a partner for a long-term relationship since you will just not be considered a good provider.

Working as a croupier is not great if you want to have a family

Due to rather exotic working hours and poor work-life balance, becoming a dealer will also not be great for you in case you want to have a family since you would not be able to see your kids grow up as often as you might wish due to your job.

You will not do an important job for society as a casino dealer

As a casino dealer, you will also not do a really important job for society.

In fact, while you will just animate people for gambling, teachers and many other people can have a much bigger positive impact in this regard.

Hard to see tangible results from your casino dealer career

Since you will not produce any material goods, you may also not see tangible results of your labor and may therefore lose motivation for what you are doing in the long run.

You may have to deal with difficult gamblers

While most gamblers are friendly and entertaining, some of them can also be really difficult and you may therefore also have to solve conflicts on a regular basis which can be pretty stressful and annoying.

Almost impossible to start your own business as a casino dealer

Becoming a casino dealer is also not a great opportunity for you in case you want to start your own business sooner or later since this would be quite hard in the gambling industry.

Hence, if you want to have your own business one day, you should rather become a digital marketer or start a career in another field where it is much easier to work self-employed.

Working remotely is not possible as a croupier

You should also know that you will not be able to work remotely as a digital marketer.

Instead, you have to be present at your workplace in person and will not have the same flexibility as many other people in classical office jobs who are able to work from home on a regular basis.

Top 10 Being a Casino Dealer Pros & Cons – Summary List

Being a Casino Dealer ProsBeing a Casino Dealer Cons
Casino dealers can make decent moneyCroupiers have rather poor job security
Croupiers can work indoorsHard to get rich as a casino dealer
You don’t have to work in a hard physical mannerYou don’t learn many valuable hard skills
You can meet many interesting peopleHard to switch fields for casino dealers
Tips may increase your casino dealer salaryYou don’t do an important job for society
You don’t have to get a fancy degreeQuestionable future outlook for casino dealers
You can avoid student loan debtWorking as a casino dealer can be stressful
Casino dealers can work in an exciting atmosphereYou may have to deal with difficult gamblers
Croupiers can work all over the worldCasino dealers have to work rather exotic hours
You work in a rather safe environmentPretty poor work-life balance for casino dealers

Should You Become A Casino Dealer?

While becoming a casino dealer can be great for you since you can make decent money and can also work in a pretty exciting environment while you will not be at great risk at work, you should also know that casino dealers have rather poor job security and you will also not get rich as a croupier.

In the end, it is on you to have a look at all the advantages and disadvantages of being a casino dealer carefully so you will be better able to decide whether you still want to aspire to a croupier career or rather want to work in a different field instead.

If you don’t want to become a casino dealer anymore, you may also want to have a look at the following articles:

Advantages and disadvantages of being an underwriter

Advantages and disadvantages of working for a hedge fund

Advantages and disadvantages of being a bartender


Own research and interviews.

About the author

My name is Andreas and my mission is to educate people about the different career paths that are possible in our current state of the world.

In my opinion, people often make the mistake to choose their profession solely based on how much money they can earn from it instead of doing what makes them really happy.

This is quite sad and I just want to give people a more objective picture of what a fulfilling career could look like.

I did the same when I started working in consulting after finishing my Master’s degree in Economics.

However, I’ve quit pretty soon after that since I haven’t found true meaning in my job.

Now I can do what I really love to do and I want to enable as many other people as well to go this exciting path towards happiness instead of money.

I conducted various interviews with employees to give you a good impression of what working in different fields will look like and that you can make the best possible decision regarding your future career choice.

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