Seven eleven casino

Seven eleven casino


As an avid gamer and craps enthusiast, few things get me more excited than seeing those two lucky numbers, 7 and 11, come up on the roll of the dice. While casual players may dismiss 7/11 as just another combination, true dice aficionados know the power and significance these numbers hold. Let‘s dive deep into the world of dice, probability, and strategic betting to uncover why 7/11 deserves so much respect.

A Brief History of Dice Games and the Rise of 7/11

Humans have been rolling dice and finding meaning in the results for thousands of years. Ancient dice made from bones and stones were used for both divination and primitive games of chance. As early dice games evolved over centuries, certain rolls like 7 and 11 consistently gained prominence.

When European dice games intermixed with English street gambling in the 1800s, simplified dice games emphasized betting on the frequent 7 and 11 rolls. This popularity traveled across the Atlantic and influenced American dice games. By the late 1800s when craps became popular in New Orleans, 7/11 was already established in gambling culture as a meaningful combination.

When casino craps was standardized in the early 1900s, the excitement of betting on 7/11 rolls was a central feature. Generations of gamblers have since tried capitalizing on 7/11, lured by the odds, payouts, and prestige of winning with dice gaming‘s most recognized duo.

Probability and Power – What the Stats Say About 7/11

The numbers 7 and 11 hold a mathematical edge over other possible dice rolls, making them irresistible to gamblers and casinos alike. Let‘s examine the stats:

  • 7 has a 16.67% chance of being rolled with two six-sided dice – significantly higher than any other number
  • 11 has a 2.78% chance – lower but still in the top 4 likely rolls along with 6, 8, and 7
  • Combined, there is a 19.45% probability of rolling either a 7 or 11 on any given roll

Compare those odds to the very unlikely chances of rolling a 2 (2.78%) or 12 (2.78%), and you‘ll understand why 7/11 quickly became viewed as powerful numbers destined to produce winners.

Here is a probability chart showing the odds of rolling each number with two six-sided dice:


With odds like these throughout centuries of dice games, it‘s no wonder 7 and 11 became enshrined as hot numbers every gambler hopes for.

The Origin of "7 Come 11" and What it Means to Craps Strategy

The phrase "7 come 11" has its roots in casino craps strategy. With 7 being the most frequently rolled number, the saying refers to the desire to roll a 7 again after establishing the less common 11 as the target point number.

"7 come 11" encapsulates craps players‘ eternal optimism in the power of 7 to bring victory, including after setting daunting points like 11 which only appear once every 36 rolls on average. Shouting "seven come eleven" indicates hope that 7 will continue blessing the shooter with its lucky 16.67% probability.

Understanding when to bet on 7/11 versus other points is key to craps strategy. As an analyst, I‘ve found that while 7/11 remains valuable on come-out rolls, diversifying bets across all likely points is prudent after the first roll. Never underestimate the power of 7, but don‘t become overconfident in 7 or 11 repeating when points change.

Payouts, Odds, and Dreaming of That Big 7/11 Win

Another source of 7/11‘s mythic appeal is the tantalizing payouts offered for rolling this dynamic duo:

  • A pass line bet pays even money 1:1 when 7 or 11 hit on the come-out
  • Proposition bets specifically on rolling 7 or 11 pay up to 15:1 to 30:1
  • The appealing potential rewards give players incentive to keep chasing the 7/11 dream

Here are some classic proposition bets and payouts for lucky 7 and 11 rolls:

Any 74:1
Any 1115:1
7 or 11 on next roll15:1
7 total in 3 rolls6:1
11 total in 3 rolls15:1

With odds like these, it‘s easy to daydream about finally hitting that monster 15:1 or 30:1 payout on the 7 or 11 long shot bet you just couldn‘t resist. Of course, proposition bets have lower win rates overall, but the potential jackpot keeps players hooked.

How Players Try Harnessing the Power of 7/11

Over the decades, gamblers have invented rituals, superstitions, and strategies aimed at controlling the power of 7/11:

  • Pointing or waving at the 7 and 11 spaces on the layout
  • Announcing the need for 7s and 11s before throwing
  • Blowing on dice before a 7/11 roll
  • Throwing soft to "not wake the 7"
  • Following numerology theories to predict 7s and 11s
  • Selling 7/11 bets back for better odds if points change

Do any of these impact 7/11 probability in the slightest? Of course not. But casinos humor the quirks because customers derive enjoyment from feeling they can influence the irrepressible 7s and 11s.

Personally, I employ a more analytical approach of maximizing 7/11 bets only during ideal circumstances defined by probability theory. Understanding when 7/11 are true earners versus sucker bets is the best way to leverage their power.

Variations Keep 7/11 in Play

While craps is the most famous dice game, many others utilize 7 and 11 as meaningful numbers:

  • Street Dice – Players win by rolling 7 or 11
  • Sweep – Rolling 7 results in a sweep and die exchange
  • 7/11 Double – Rolling 7 or 11 allows doubling the bet
  • wins/losses – Examples of additional rules triggered by 7/11 rolls

The ubiquity of 7/11 symbolism across different dice games and generations shows these numbers‘ universal appeal. People are intrinsically drawn to the lucky aura of 7/11 regardless of a game‘s structure.

When 7 Turns Vengeful – The "Seven Out" Phenomenon

While this article focuses on the power and positivity of 7/11, it‘s worth noting that 7 has a dark side in craps through the dreaded "seven out." When a shooter rolls a 7 after establishing a point number, their turn ends and they "seven out."

This introduces fear of 7 turning vengeful if points become too high. It takes true nerve to keep betting on 7 for come-out rolls after repeatedly getting "sevened out" when trying to make trickier points like 10 or 11.

In the end, the temptation of 7/11 always outweighs any frustration from 7‘s fickle nature. Everyone loves a winner, and no two numbers have brought casino-goers more joy and success over the decades than the dynamic, dependable, and lucky 7/11 duo.

So next time you grip those dice, remember the legacy behind 7 and 11. With a passion for statistics and some practiced technique, you too can master the special rhythm of these eternal crowd-pleasers.

