Spahotel casino

Spahotel casino


Spahotel Casino is situated on an island in the heart of the town.

Address: Kylpylaitoksentie 7, 57130 Savonlinna

Where ever you are, check directions to our hotel – here.

By car:

  • There’s a roundabout next to the bridge of Kyrönsalmi. The exit to Spahotel Casino says “Savonlinnasali, Kasinosaaret”.
  • When arriving from east (Imatra, Parikkala, Punkaharju, Kerimäki), take the first exit from the roundabout after driving over Kyrönsalmi bridge
  • When arriving from west (Helsinki, Lahti, Mikkeli, Juva, Kuopio, Varkaus), take the last exit from the roundabout
  • When arriving through Savonlinna city center, take the second exit from the roundabout
  • Parking is free.
  • During winter you can borrow keys to the car engine heating poles. You can get the keys from reception.

By train:

  • Get off at Savonlinna station, the stop is on the other side of the walking bridge leading to Spahotel Casino. There is only a 200 meter walk to the hotel.
  • You’ll see the hotel when exiting the train.
  • You can buy train tickets here:
  • When coming from Helsinki or Joensuu, you’ll switch from the bigger train to a smaller one in Parikkala. The smaller train from Parikkala stops at Punkaharju, Lusto, Retretti, Kerimäki, Pääskylahti and Savonlinna.  You’ll exit the train at the final stop: Savonlinna.

By bus:

  • Savonlinna bus station is situated 1 kilometer (by foot/bike) and 2,5 kilometers (by car). Bus station address: Tulliportinkatu 1-5, 57100 Savonlinna. Some buses stop a
  • Taxis leave from the bus station. Savonlinna taxi’s number is +358 200 01510
  • Local buses leave across the street from bus station (from the side where traffic is going towards a roundabout and city center). Local buses are numbered: 1, 2, 3 or 4. All these buses stop at Kauppatori (market place), from where it’s a 250 meter walk to our hotel. Ask directions from the driver when entering the bus.

By airplane:

  • Savonlinna airport is situated approximately 15 kilometres from the hotel outside the city centre.



