Casino in luxembourg

Casino in luxembourg


Casino Display

With: Noé Duboutay, Sophia Lökenhoff, Darja Linder, Hannah Mevis

Double exhibition:
02 – at Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken
– at Cercle Cité

In a wish to foster intercultural cooperation between Luxembourg and Saarland, and in order to give Luxembourg and German visual artists and curators the opportunity to initiate joint projects, the cities of Luxembourg and Saarbrücken have joined forces to relaunch cross-border project ARTMIX as a biannual edition. 

Casino Display is joining forces with Cercle Cité, neimënster, the City of Luxembourg and the City of Saarbrücken, and will set up a networking programme, enabling emerging artists to make contact with professionals in the arts sector.

The expert jury chose the artists Noé Duboutay (in collaboration with Sophia Lökenhoff) and Darja Linder (in collaboration with Hannah Mevis). Together, they will be taking part in artist residencies in neimënster and at the Stadtgalerie in Saarbrücken. A joint exhibition will be held at the Cercle Cité Ratskeller and the Saarbrücken Stadtgalerie in summer

GOSSIP. matters hard to grasp

Until the 14th century, “I’m going out with my gossip” was a common declaration used by predominantly assigned females at birth and femme identifying individuals to describe that they were meeting up with trusted others. In the context of that time, “gossip” described not only friends, but generally people who shared wisdom(s). The gossips were also responsible for passing on stories orally and thus made an important contribution to the well-being of the community.

With the rise of capitalism and the associated degradation of womxn’s knowledge, the meaning of the word changed towards informal chatter. Today, the term still embodies the negative connotation and the embedded devaluation of “femme” knowledge systems and labor.

In the spirit of the original meaning, the four artmix-artists are developing a twin-exhibition centered on the interweaving of memories and the political act of exchanging knowledge:

„We are artists, friends, and trusted gossips who engage with personal backgrounds, experiences, physicalities, and curiosities. We do this to counter the greed of toxic power structures with values that lie beyond the patriarchy. In the communal refusal to solidify, we offer multiple counter-positions that let us move towards the wisdom of forgotten stories.
We invite you to witness our gathering(s) to immerse yourself in worlds of matters that are hard to grasp."
