Casino mbti

Casino mbti


"So I gave myself a name. Sigma. The casino man. And I finally found a place to call home. My family protects me."

— Sigma's resolve to protect the Sky Casino[1]




Alive (unconscious)




Deserts, hunger, people who seek to use him[4]


Decay of the Angel member (former)
Casino Manager

Sigma (シグマ,,Shiguma?)is a former member of the Decay of the Angeland the general manager of the Sky Casino.


Sigma is a young man with long straight hair that reaches his waist. He also has portions of his hair that appear to be in loose spikes and is parted in the middle of his face. The color of his hair's left side is lilac and the right side is white. His eye color is greyish. He also wears earrings on both of his ears. He is seen wearing a long white coat with black pants. His coat has a sparkly or galactic design on the interior.


Sigma apologizes to the gambler (manga)

He appears to be kind to his customers at the Sky Casino, given the fact that he gave a customer another chance by saying that the game is invalid.

He also appears to have a strong sense of ownership. In a conversation with Teruko Okura to close the casino, Sigma refuses and even asks her who will reimburse the revenue and reputation if the casino were to be closed and claims that the casino is his life and his customers are valuable to him.[3]

Sigma panics upon having to face the Hunting Dogs (manga)

He acts confident and composed even at times of crisis in front of his staff, giving the impression that he's the perfect casino manager and a capable leader. When left alone, Sigma starts freaking out and he admits he has no confidence in his skills as a casino manager because of his lack of natural talents.[5]

Because he has no memories, no family, and no friends, Sigma's greatest wish is a reason to live. He was also described as implacable by Fyodor Dostoevsky since Sigma is a desperate man.[1]


Main article: Information Exchange Ability

His ability allows him to exchange information with anyone he touches. The exchange consists of "giving" the personal information they want to know and thus giving Sigma the information he wants to know.[6]


  • Leadership skills: As the manager of Sky Casino, he is able to delegate and order tasks properly among his subordinates including taking care of their customers.[5]
  • Memorization: Sigma can memorize the names of traits of his customers, even up to 20, 000 guests. However, it is revealed that he memorize the knowledge of the Sky Casino and his guests since he didn't want to lose his casino.[5]


Sigma's birth (manga)

Sigma himself was a person born from being written into the Book. When he first opened his eyes and became aware of his surroundings, the first thing that greeted him was not a midwife or a mother but a vast desert filled with nothingness, and his only possession were the clothes on his back and a train ticket from a station that does not exist.

Confused with his circumstances, he wandered around the desert nothingness until he was eventually captured by an armed group and held prisoner, where he eventually unlocked his Gift, causing his captors to then take advantage of his ability for their gain during his time with them. Eventually, he managed to escape from then and continued to wander the world nihilistically due to not knowing his reason for living or existing.

At one point, Sigma was approached and invited by Fyodor to join the Decay of the Angel. Upon agreeing, he was eventually given the duty of overseeing the Sky Casino, a job he came to love due to it giving him a sense of purpose.[1] Somewhere along his time together with the Decay of the Angel, he eventually obtained information on the location of the "page" of the Book after meeting and attacking Special Division for Unusual Powers director Santōka Taneda using his ability, though he claims that his attack was a mere threat and that he had no intentions of harming him.[7]


Main article: List of Battles

Sky Casino Arc



  • "I'm a member of the Decay of the Angel, a group of superhumans, but I have no fighting ability on my own. I'm just a nobody. Apart from the casino, I have nothing […] And for the sake of that casino... I'm willing to do anything."[5]
  • "Come on... Someone tell me. Is the common man not allowed to protect what he holds dear?"[1]
  • (To Teruko Okura)"You're right. Just as you see... this is all I am. Nobody emphathizes with me. Day or night, I am always alone. Me, protect my "home"? What a joke. But... I can't stop my own body."[1]
  • (To Ango Sakaguchi) "Honestly, I envy those eyes of yours. I doubt I'll ever feel anything with eyes so strong again. [...] In the end, I never did understand what I was born for."[7]


  • The name Sigma is derived from the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet, and it is usually used in mathematics to mean "sum".


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