Casino scents

Casino scents


You would have to look long and hard to find a more divisive topic than casino scents. One person&#;s &#;fragrance&#; is another person&#;s &#;stench.&#;

They say that smell is the sense that most affects our memories. We have all had the experience where the mere whiff of something transports us to another time or place. The tantalizing scent of cookies baking can take us back in time to our grandma&#;s kitchens. An ocean breeze can remind us of that Caribbean cruise we took. I used to love the smell of my dog&#;s fur (when he was dry, not wet) because my brain connected it with furry affection.

At some point in time casinos started smelling a lot less like smoke and a lot more like coconut. The first scent system was installed in the Mirage by a company named AromaSys in

A selection of clients from AromaSys, spot any familiar names?

Studies indicate that pleasant smells cause us to linger longer at the casino, thereby spending more money. Now it seems that all of the mega resorts hire companies to design fragrances for them.

The Flamingo used to have a coconut scent, now it's vanilla

Maybe some day they will turn those casino scents into perfumes, and we can douse ourselves with Eau de Wynn. They already produce room fresheners that can make your living room at home smell just like your favorite casino if that is your desire.

I have always loved the tropical scent of Mirage. I find the Venetian so &#;perfumey&#; that it almost makes me nauseous.

The Venetian scent "Seduction" was replaced by this new fragrance in

In years past, I used to find the scent of the Plaza too strong while other people described it as &#;fresh and appealing.&#; It is such a subjective thing. Sometimes I am relieved to end up in the corner of a casino that smells like nothing at all.

The absence of smell can be refreshing too.

[Images: TexTJ, Michael Movestro, Photobucket]



Bonnie, aka Blonde4ever, is the admin of one of our favorite Vegas forums: LasVegas4ever. She covers a large spectrum of topics from her personal experiences in Las Vegas.
