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Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty Casino Roulette: How to Win Every Bet

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If you&#;ve delved into the immersive world of Cyberpunk &#;s Phantom Liberty expansion, you&#;ve probably found yourself at the Black Sapphire Hotel and Casino, facing off against the enigmatic Cassel twins in a high-stakes game of roulette. This Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty casino roulette mini-game and quest is the perfect segue to the game&#;s spy-thriller storyline.

This mission is not just about the thrill of gambling; it&#;s a critical point in gathering essential information. The question on every player&#;s mind is, can you win every round of roulette in Phantom Liberty and rake in the eddies? Well, the answer is a bit like the game itself: a mix of chance and strategy. And you would want to win because , Credits is nothing to scoff at in this game. Think of all the chrome you could buy.

The Phantom Liberty Roulette Challenge: Is it Randomized?

CP casino

First things first: is the outcome of the roulette game entirely random? The short answer is yes and no.

The good news is that it is indeed possible to win every round of roulette in Phantom Liberty. You could potentially bet on the right color every time, walking away with a fortune in Eurodollars.

But here comes the twist—the bad news. The segment is somewhat randomized, much like real-world roulette.

Thankfully, the game is somewhat generous since you&#;re only allowed to bet on either Black or Red.

This means your chance of winning or losing will always be around 50 percent, as there is a chance for a 0 or 00 to come up.

Patterns to Try With the Phantom Liberty Casino Roulette

Songbird in a party

Fret not, intrepid gamblers! After a bit of trial and error, we&#;ve discovered a pattern that increases your chances of winning. However, keep in mind that it&#;s not a guaranteed strategy, as the roulette in Phantom Liberty retains an element of unpredictability.

Here&#;s a pattern that&#;s worked for some:

  • Round 1: Bet on Black
  • Round 2: Bet on Red
  • Round 3: Bet on Black
  • Round 4: Bet on Black
  • Round 5: Bet on Red
  • Round 6: Bet on Black
  • Round 7: Bet on Red
  • Round 8: Bet on Red
  • Round 9: Bet on Black

Remember, this isn&#;t a surefire way to win every round, but it can certainly improve your odds.

Getting the Scans: A Guided Approach

Aurore Cassel

If you&#;re more interested in getting the scans and prefer not to take too many risks, there&#;s another way to navigate this mission. To reach percent completion, you&#;ll need a total of $k in chips beforehand, providing a safety net to clear the challenge.

It won&#;t help you in your chances of winning the Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty casino roulette, but it will take your mind off other worries so you can focus on the gambling part.

Here are responses that can help you get the scans for the volatile twins:

  • Join game / Feelin’ lucky about black.
  • [Aurore] Order drinks / What’s your poison?
  • [Staff] Whiskey.
  • Bet on black.
  • [Aurore] Conscience ain’t spotless, that’s sure.
  • [Aurore] Bet on red / Seems I interrupted something just now.
  • [Aurore] Bet on black / You’re unique, stick out from the crowd.
  • [Glass] Drink.
  • Bet on black.
  • [Aurore] Psychoanalysis – hobby of yours?
  • [Aurore] Can’t say I know him all that well.
  • Bet on red.
  • [Aymeric] Charmin’ little show.
  • Bet on black.
  • [Aymeric] Owning Dogtown’s one helluva bargaining tool.
  • [Aymeric] Bet on red / Can tell you got somethin’ on the tip of your tongue.
  • [Aurore] Have a taste for risk?
  • [Aurore] All or nothin’ – whaddaya say?
  • [Aymeric] V, merc from the Afterlife.
  • Bet on Black.

The All or Nothing Round

Hearts Club in Dogtown

At the end of your roulette match, you&#;ll find yourself in an &#;All or Nothing&#; round, where you and the twin netrunners go all in. This part doesn&#;t seem to be randomized, as choosing black seems to provide the highest chance of success.

Keep in mind that if you only care about your money and the winnings, this is the only round that matters, or at least the round that matters the most if you want maximum earnings for this quest.

If you fail, then you&#;ll be pleased to know that you can reload a save file just before joining the Phantom Liberty casino roulette and just skip the conversation or follow our conversation guide for the twins. This way, you can also perform your trial-and-error to bag , Credits.

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