Gran casino

Gran casino



After the mysterious disappearance of an oil well owner, one of his workers, Gerardo assumes the business management. Soon, the owner's sister arrives from Argentina, and, believing that Gerardo killed her brother to keep the wells for himself, she starts working as a singer under a false name in the same casino her brother disappeared, in order to find out what exactly happened.




Original WriterOriginal Writer



Assistant DirectorAsst. Director

Camera OperatorCamera Operator

Production DesignProduction Design

Set DecorationSet Decoration








Alternative Titles

En el viejo Tampico, Le Grand Casino, 大赌场, グラン・カジノ


12 Jun 1947

  • Flag for MexicoMexico
Flag for MexicoMexico

Popular reviews

  • Dr. Ethan Lyon

    19th Luis Buñuel

    Great Director Misfires- 20/27

    As you can tell, Buñuel is one of my favourite directors, though I haven't seen one of his films in quite a while. His work in Mexico in particular always appealed to my sensibilities, being an excellent fusion of his surrealistic tendencies with a clear linear narrative. But Buñuel didn't have it all his own way. At the beginning of his Mexico career, he'd spent nearly a decade out of the director's chair and needed to make some cash quick. This was the result, and truthfully it's the weakest of any Buñuel's I've seen. A corny melodramatic plot about the death of a woman's brother and some shenanigans around an oil field are…

  • ScreeningNotes

    I Think Luis Buñuel Is My New Favorite Director?
    Let's Complete His Filmography and Find Out! [3/15]

    "Another naive man who believed that the weak can fight the strong."

    More enjoyable than its reputation led to me expect, even if it's still not quite major Buñuel

    The National oil company needs workers, but working there is forbidden. It's not illegal, it's just that anyone who works there gets harassed by the wealthy oil barons who run the town. So along comes our hero, famous Mexican singer Jorge Negrete, a recently escaped prisoner looking for work and also the only man brave enough—or desperate enough—to stand up to the evil oil cartel.

    So we've got the basic coordinates for our class…

  • teamgal

    It’s a toss-up between his cowboy version of WUTHERING HEIGHTS and this ham-fisted musical for strangest film Luis Buñuel made during his Mexican period. Here we’ve got jailbreaks, racketeering, intimidation, gambling, swindles, mistaken identity, abduction, and murder, occasionally interrupted by musical numbers. Struggling under the weight of all this plotting are a half dozen lovely tunes — all tangoes and rancheras.

  • PUNQ

    Luis Buñuel finally gets to direct a movie on his own again, his first since his infamous debut making L'âge d'or (1930). Now 17 years later and relocated to Mexico, his style is more conventional. Gran Casino (1947) first felt like a complete musical fluff-work, with me really not getting behind the first half of the film. It does however shift focus and becomes more of a story driven affair with some moments of danger, ending up a fine potboiler with Libertad Lamarque & Jorge Negrete carrying the show.

  • Christof

    Diving deeper into Buñuel's Mexican films taught me that they are an entirely different beast to his French and Spanish films. There is more (often over-the-top) emotion in them, often going into melodrama. It's not what I love Buñuel for, but it's certainly worth checking out in his own right, as well.

    Luis Buñuel films ranked

  • t🦃r🦃u🦃e🦃k🦃i🦃n🦃o🦃6🦃9🦃4🦃2🦃0

    this wasn't great or mindblowing in any way but it was pretty charming and fun. Still doesn't really feel like a bunuel movie but it was certainly a lot better than guard alert. 6/10

  • Fer

    Cringe sih! Tapi suka sama nyanyiannya, suaranya pada bagus pas nyanyi dan ada satu adegan tarian yang gue suka banget, pas tokoh Camelia yang mengingatkan ku pada Rita Hayworth di Gilda dan menurut ku yang ini versi lebih seksinya, sayang bukan di yang jadi pemeran utama dan tampil nya juga dikit.

  • DavidRG14

    Como Buñuel entro a México, olvidándose de la dirección

    El problema con la película no es que no tenga la clásica dirección surrealista de Buñuel, sino que se queda corta en los temas que trata y casi no los desarrolla

    Tanto los personajes como el mundo no fueron bien desarrollados y envés de intentar darle importancia o profundidad a esos temas dieron espacio a momentos musicales algo molestos

  • Avirup

    14 years in the wilderness. Buñuel finally got to Mexico where he rebuilt his career and was hired to direct this musical melodrama.

    Story is standard but weirdly it isn't too far off the themes Buñuel usually explored. Even there are two Buñuelian moments. But end of the day it's a musical just with couple of murders. And musical numbers were alright but timings of those weren't good. Performances were decent. So while this wasn't anything special, it was definitely worth watching and fairly entertaining too.

  • Max Gutierrez

    Buñuel's musical. Prime guilty pleasure. Is this guy capable of making a bad movie?

  • Richard Squires

    Bunuel got his foot in the door of the Mexican film industry with this commercial, musical melodrama (you heard me), after fifteen years in the wilderness (mainly producing and editing commercial and propaganda films in Spain, France and the U.S.). As such, there are very few of Bunuel's obsessions and motifs in Gran Casino. It's a straight forward star vehicle for Jorge Negrete and Libertad Lamarque, which deals with corruption in the Mexican oil fields and it features a lovely trio of singing cowboys that appear from nowhere and join Negrete whenever he breaks into song (which he does, on several occasions).

    Whilst the plot might be rather soapy, this is also where Bunuel really learns the ropes of directing…

  • F. Yescas 👓

    Leyendo un artículo escrito por Amparo Martínez, para Artigrama, sobre la realización de Gran Casino me queda claro que la carta de presentación de Buñuel, cómo acertadamente expresa Amparo, a la industria cinematográfica mexicana pretendía ser algo totalmente diferente a lo que terminó siendo.

    Buñuel sí pretendía hacer una película comercial al puro estilo mexicano para poder encajar en la industria y ganarse la simpatía del país, además de ganar una buena pasta. Su intención era hacer una adaptación de la novela Le begulant du paradis de Michel Veber, un amigo suyo, pero con un toque y una narrativa que el pueblo mexicano pudiera identificar, para ello su productor Oscar Dancigers contrato a Mauricio Magdaleno, un respetado colaborador en las…
